Resolution-PC 94-125,R~G~LU710N NO. PC~4•1?_~ A RESOLUTION OF 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSIqN THAT PETITIOfV FOR CONDII'IONAL US~ PERMIT N0. 3714 BE GRANsED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Pianning Commissfon did receive a veriifed F'etition for Conditional Use Ptrmit for certaln real property situated in the City of Anahe(m, C~unty of Orange, State of California, described ~s: PARCELS 1 AND 2 IN TFIE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY QF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFQRNIA AS SHOVJN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 4 OF PARCFL MAPS IN 7HE OFrICE OF THE CQUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIR. WHERE~IS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a public haaring at the Civlc Center i~ the City of Anaheim on September 7, 1994 at 1:30 p,m., notice of said public hearing having boen duly givan as requlred by I~w and in accordance with the provislons of the Anahaim Municipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider evidonce for and a47alnst said proposed condltional use permit and to investigatd and make findings and recommondations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectfon, investigat(on and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aher duo consfderat(on of all evidence and reports oHered at sAid he~ring, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one (or which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anafieim Municipaf Code Sections 18.03.030.U 10 and to permit a road base processinq facility with on-site rock crushing and a[emporary oNice trailer with the follow(ng waivor: Section 18.61.068~Q - Minimu fiTi ~rice heiaht. (Required: fpnr.a helght tu o ual or exCeed 25-fQQt hlgh rock crusher; P-oposecl: 7-toot high chain-1(nk fence interwovan with wood slats) 2, That the request for a temporary office trailer was withdrawn by the petitionor following public notificatlon; 3. TIiaY there are specfal circumstancQS applicable to thA property consisting uf location ~nd surroundiny because the portabie rock cn~sher will be located on•sfte infrequently and ft wiil be screened from Brookhurst Strc~et by the building sholis remaining on-sfte, which r,ircumst~nces do not apply to otF~er (dentically xoned propertfes in the vic(nity; 4. That strict apnflcation of the Zoning Corle deprives the praperty of privileges enjoyad by other properties u~der identical zoning classificatlon in the v(cinity; 5. That the use is (ntorim tor approximately five (6) yoar~, and that landscaping improvements will benefit the aesthotir, appearance of the areA durin~ and after ltie tem~orary use; 6. That tho propos~d use is properfy one for which a conditfonal use pormit Is authorizod by the Zoning Codo and is compatiblP with the surrounding industrial ~efghborhood; 7. That the proposod use will not adversely alt~ct the adjoining land usas and the growch and developm~~t of the araa in K~hlch it is proposed to be IocatE~d; CR2190MS.WP -~' PC94~~ 25 8. That the size and shape of thP site for tho proposed uso Is adoquato to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the p~rticular area nor to tlio peaco, health, safety, and general welfare; 9. That the traffic flener~ted by the proposed use will nat fmpose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designod and improved to carry• tho traNic in tf~e area; 10. That the granting of the conditionAl uso permit under tho condit(ons fmposed will not be detrimental to tha peace, health, safety and general welCare of the citizens of the Cfty of Anaheim; and t 1. That rio ono indicated thair presence at said public hearing in opposltion; and that no corrospondence was received in opposition to the s~bjoct petitiun. CALIFORNIA.~NVIRONMENTAI. f,~,JALITY ACT FINDIN a: Thal the Anahofm City PIAr,nin~ Commission has revfewod the proposal to permit a road base processing facllity with on-site rock crushing and a temporary oHice trafler with waivor of minimum fence height on a rectangularly-shap~d parcel of land consisting of approximately 7.16 Acre~, located at tho northeast corner of l3rookhurst Street and Grarnmercy Avenue, having approximbte irontegos ~f 714 ieet on the north sido of Grammercy Avonuo and 282 feot on the east side of Brookh~~rst Street, and (urther described as 714 North Brookhurst Street; and does horeby apprave a mitigated Negative Daclaretion and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Pragram pursuant ta Sect(on 21081.6 of the Public Rasources Code an the basis that tho declaratlon reflects tho indepandent Judgement of the lead agency and that the f~lanning Commission has considered the prop~sAl with tho mitigated Nagatfve Declaratfon and Monitoring Program, together with any comments recoivc3d during the public revlew procoss and (urther finding, on the basis of th~ Initlal Study, that thero Is no substantial evidence that the projoct will have a signNicant effect on the envfronment. NOW, TMEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED that the linaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby grant suhject P9tition for Conditional Use Pormit, in part, upon the following conditions which ar~ hereby found to be a necossary prerequisita to the proposed use af the subJect proporty in order ta presorve the safoty and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: i. That no outdoor ~torage of equipment end/or products shall occur beyond that used in the dsy to day opera!lons of the facility. 2. Tl~at no material piles shall exceod the hofc~ht of the storac~e building walis. 3. That no advertEsing or siyns shall bo permltted on subJect property. 4. That no outdoor storac~e shall occur outside ttie confines o( the perimeter fencing. 5. 7hat landscaping 3hall be installed and shall Include fast growing treQ specios with high ccreenlny capacfty (such as a Pine variety) plantc~ccl on maximurn fifteen (15) foot centers outsfde the perimoter fencing along Grammercy Avenue end Veiley Stroet and on rnaximum riventy (20) foot conters aleng Drookhurst Stroet. 6. That in tho event multiple•family housing i~ constructed to tho south across Grammercy Stroet, the hours of operation shall be Iimited to botween '':00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 7. That subject conditional use permft shall expire five (5) years from the date of approval of this resolutfun, on Septembar 7, 1999. 8. That thQ approprfato wator asses~rrent fees shall bo paid to tho Water En~inenririg D(vision. -2• PC94-125 9, That a plan sheot for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for recyclinq shall be submittad to tho Department of Maintenance for review aiid approval. ~10. That an on-sitc~ trash truck turn-around area shall be provfded and maintainod to the satisfactlon of the Dopartmont of Maintenance. Said turn-around area shall be specifically shown on plans submitted far building pormlts. 11. That tho petitioner shall compiy witli all terms, condit(ons and mitigatlon measiares conteined in Mftigation Monitoring Plan No, a6 (whir,h plan is on file In the Pianning Department and Is incorporated hereln by this reference) and the permittee shall be responsible for compliance and any diroci costs associated with s~id Mitlgation Monitoring Pian No, 86 as established by the City and as required by Section 21081.6 af the Publfc Resources Code to onsure Implementatlon of the mitigation measures in said Plan. 12. 1'hat prfor ta commencement of actlvity, herein appraved, the developer shali submit a water quaiity management plan (WQMP) s~ecit(cally identlFy(rig the bost management practicas that w!II be used on-site to control predlciable pollutants from stormwater runoff. The WQMP shall be subrnftted to tha Public Works Department, Devolopment Services Divfslon, for review and approval. 13. That plans shall be subrnitted to the City Tratfic and Transportation Manager for hfs reviow and approval showing contormanco with the latest rovisions of Engineering Standard Pian Nos. 436 and 602 ~~ortaining to parking stand~rds and drivewey locations. Subjoct pro~erty 3ha11 thereupon be devol~ipod and maintained in conformance with said plans, 1a. That subJect property shall be d9veloped substAntfally in accordance with plans and specificatlons submitted to th3 City of Anaheim by the potitioner and which plans are on file with tho Plann(ng Department marked Exhibit No. 1. 15. That prior to commencement ot tho activity authorized by this resolution or within ono (1) year from approval of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 5, S, 9, 10, 12 and 13, above•m~intioned, ~hali be com~~lied with. Exionsions for furttior time to complote said conditions may be yranted in accordance with Sectlon 18.0'.',~.~0 of thA Anahelm Municipal Code. 16. That prior to commencernont oF the activity authorizet! by thfs resolution or prior tn final building and zoning Enspections, whichever occurs tirst, Condition No. ia, above-mentioned, shall be compUed wfth. 17. That approval of this ~ppllcation constitutes approval of tho proposed request only to the extent that it cumplies with the Anaheim Municipal Zonfng Code and any othor applfcable City, State and Feder~~l regulations. ApprovAl does not include any action or findinc~s as to compliance or approval ~f the request regarding any otner appi(cabte ordinance, regulation or requiretnent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon does hereby find and determ(ne that adoption of this Resolutfon fs expr•essly preci(cated upon applicant's compliance with each and all oi the condltions hereinabove set fortl~. Should any such conditfon, or any part thereof, be declaretl invalid or unenforcoable by the flnal Judgment oi any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Rdsolutfon, and any approvals herein containod, shall be deemed null and void. -3. PC94-125 THE FOREGOING RESOL~TION was adapted at the Planning Commisalon meoting of Soptember 7, 1994. ~ ~ ~ / ~ /J ~~" , ~ ~'1G~-J, •~C.LA./ ~ GW~CCL,.CJ _ c°_--f- CHAIRWOMAN A AHEIM CI PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: CF~TA~Y, ANAH~ CI'fY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CAUN'TY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY ~F ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Ser,retary of the Anahelm City planning Commisslon, da hereby certlfy that tho toregnfng resoluti~n was passed and adopt~d at a meoting of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission hold on Septomber 7, 199~J, by tho followirig voto of the members titereof: AYES: COMNISSIONERS: 80YDSTUN, CALDWEIL, HENNING~R, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMIAISSIONER3: NONE AD5ENT: CO~.iMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this y~-z day of ~~,~~,.~ 1994. L~'~RETARY~ ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION .q. PC94-12G