Resolution-PC 94-128RE LUTION N0. P 4-12 A RESOLUTIOn OF TF-IE ANAI-IEIM CITY PU4NNiNG COMMISSION AMtNDING CtRT41N CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONI~ITiONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3630 WHEREAS, on November 2, 1993 tl~e Anahoim City ::.ouncfl approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3630 undor Rnsolution No. 93R-2~17 following approval by tho Pianning Commission on Septembor 8, t~93 nermirNnq a publlc dance hAll with on-premise salos and consumption of alcoholic beverag~s In conJunction with an axisting restaurant with waiver of minimum numbor of parking spaces an proporty located At iho soutlieHSt cornor o( Almont Avenuc~ and State College Boulevard and further described as 1160 South State Collego Boulov~rd (EI V~quere Family Rnataurant); and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 93R-217 Includes the following conditlon of approval~ "1, That subje.t conditlanal uso permit Is hereby granted for a perial of one (1) year until November 2, t 99a. This condition may be amonded or doletec! upon roquost by tha petitioner In conjunctfon with 2 public hearing." WHEREAS, tho petitiorier has requested to f:mend said condit(on of approval to retaln tho public dance hall wiYh on-premiso sale and consumptfon of alcoholic beverages (n conJunctEon with an existfng rc~staurant. WHFREAS, the City Planning Commissicn, under authority of Code Section 18.63.093, did hoid a publfc hearinq at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on September 19, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hear~ng having beon duly given as raqufred by law and in accordanca with the provisions of the Anaheim Munic(pal Cale, Chaptor t8.03, to hear and consider evidonce for and ~gainst said proposed amendment and to investigate and make iindinc~s and r~commendations In connectlon therewith; and WI-IEREAS, sr.~d Commissiun, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itseli and in its belialf, and after duo consideration of all evidsncc~ and raports offored at 3afd he~rfng, does find and determine th9 following facts: 1. That subJect conditfonal use permft is being oxercised in a manner not dotrimental to the particular area and surroundin9 land uses, nor to the public peace, lic~alth, ~afet~ and general welfare, in accordancQ with Subsection of the Anaheim Municlpal Code; and 2. 7hat no one fndicated their presenc~ ;~t said public hearing in opposition; and that na corrospondence was receivod In opposfti~n to the subject petition. ~AI IFORNIA ENVlHONMENTAL QUALI?Y AGT FINDIN~: That the Anaheim City Planning Cummissiun has r~viuwed the proposal ~o amand Condition No. 1 af Resolut(on No. y3R-217 to retaln a p~blic dance hail with cn-premise sal~ and consumpti~n of alr.ohalic bevera~es In conjunction wltFi an exist(ng rostaurant and does hereby find that tha Negative Declaratlon prevfously approvecS in connection with Conditfonal Use F'ermit No. ~630 is adequato to serve as the roquired onvironmentai r~ocumentation in cannection with this request upon finding that the declaration reflects the independent Judgemont af the lead .:qoncy and that it has considered the N~gative Declaration together with any commenta recelvecl during the public rc~view process an~ (urther }ind(n~ c,n the besis of the init(al study and any ~omments received that there is no substantlal Qvidence ~hat the project will h~ve a significant eftect on tlio environmert. CR2198MS.WP -1 • PC94-128 NUW, YHEREFORE, BE IT H~SOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby amend Condit~on No. 1 ot Rosolution ~Jo. ~3R-217 to read as follows: "1. That sub~ect conditlonal use permit is heroby grented for a pariod of one (1) year to expira on November 2, 1995." THE FORrG01NG RESOLUTION was adapted at tho !'IAnring Commission moeting uf Septembar 19, 199~i. y ~}-- _/~ lc4/~~-,~'_GC~Q~'GCC-uJ _ ATTE81': ~ ~ ~~ht~-Q' SECRETk Y, AH~ PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CP.LIFORNIA ) CAUNI'Y' OF ORANGE ) ss. ~ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretar~r of the Anaheim City Planning Cammission, do hereby certify that tho foregoing resolution was passed and adopted et a meeting of the Anahelm City F'lanning Commission heid on September 1 J, 19.34, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDS7UN, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, TAIT NOES: COMMIS510NERS: NONk r1BSENT: COIVIMISSIONERS: CALDWELL, PERAZA ~ IN WITNESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls day of G ; ~ 1994. ' _ ~' r~ ~ So~~; . SECFiET~RY; HEI ITY PLANNING COMM!SSIAN 1i ~ i CMAIRWOM , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC94-128