Resolution-PC 94-13~SOLUTION Nn~ PC94-13 A RESOI.UTION O~ THE ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION AMENQING CERTAIN CONDI710NS OF APPROVAL OF CGNUlTIONAL USF F'ERMIT NO. 3566 WFIEREAS, Conditional Uso Permit No. 3568 to nermft the phased construr,tion o( a regional sho~pin~ center uuith indoor entertainment facilit(es, an automolNe repafr and parts installatton facllity In con~unctton with e major retail tenant, sem~-enclosed restaurants (oucdoor dining/food court), and an auditorium; commun(ry meoting room, and with watvens of (o) minimum structurai sotback abutttng an ar:erial highway, (b) landscaping of requfred yards, (c) permitted encroachment into roqutred yard arc~as, (d) roqu(recl parkin{~ lot IandscapinQ, (e) maximum sign area, (~ n~auimum number oi freestnnding signa, (g) maximum Hroa of ir8estending signa, (h) minim~m dists~nce betwoen ireestandtng and/or •oof signs, (J) maximum he(ght of tresstanding signs, Q) mFUCimum number o( roof signs, (k) maxtmum area of roof sipns, (I) maxfmum height ot roof signs, and (m) maximurr~ height oi Illuminatod root signs) was approved by tho City Council on July 27, 199~ under Rusoiution Nu. 93R-ifi~, lollawinc~ approva~ by the Planninfl Commission; and WHEREAS, said Resolutlon No. 9aR-162 includas the following conditfon ot opproval: '3. That the autnmotive services bay area shall bo oriented to the south away trom Loara Streat anct Euclid Street and nearby residential uses, and sx(d sarvicd bay area shall be screened trom publlc vlew from ali rights-of-way Inaludtng tho Santa Ana~;.~torstate 5 Freeway by a six (6) toot high block wall, landscaped bonn ar combinatlon thereof. Trees shall be planted adJacent to the autom~tive sorvic~ bay area ta ensure adequato screening and to reduce noise intrusion tnto nearby residential prouertlos." WHEREAS, the petitionar has requesteri t~ amenci said conditlon ot approval pertaining to the orientati~n of t~utomothre servics bays; end WHFRFJIS, the Chy ~lanning Commission did hold a puWic hearing at the Civfc Center in the City ot Anaheim on February 7, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notfco oi said public hearing havinp boen d~~ly 9'rvon ea requtred by law and In accordanco wNh the provistons ot tho linahaim Municf~at Code, Cha!~ter t8.03, to hear nnd consider evidence for ar~d again~~ sakl proposecl ameixlment and to irrvestigate and make tindings nnd recommondations In connc-ctfon ti:erewflh; anct WHEREAS, said Commissfun, afler di~e inspectlan, Imeattgatfon and study mado by ftsalf and In ita behalf, end a(ter due conaidoraUon e: all Jvidence end reports Mlerad at said haaring, does find and determino thu fdlowing lacts: 1. 1'hat tho proposed projoc:t rematns in compliance whh tho Anaholm Ciar~eral Plan; 2. Tl~at, besed on thA ovidonce presented, th!s propos.a) reorientati~n of thH automotiva aervica bays logether wfth tho Inntallatlon ol a t2•toot high aottnci wall will nol adversoiy impacc r-qarby and ad~acent land uses nor ba det~trt~ntal to the peace, health, safety or general waitare of the surrourxlfng community; CH2O04MS.WP •t- PC94•S3 3. That there have been no Cocio Arriendments or new City Councii policies en~cted sinr,e this use p~rmR was appraveci, which amendments would adversely aHect this use permit. 4. That no one indicatod their presenco at said public hoaring In opposition; and that no correspondence was recelved in oppusition to the subJect potition. ~IFORtJIA NVIRONMENTAL ~UAI.I'fY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim Cf~y Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to amond Condition No. 3 of Rasolutlon Mo. 93R-16~ pertafrdng to the orientatiun of automative service bays fn con~unction with a prevlously-approved maJor regiona! shopping center and do9a hereby tlnd that Ffnal ~nvironmenta~ Impact Rep~n (E~R) No. 31B prevl~usly caRified in connectton with Condftional Use Pormit No. 3566 Is adequete to sarve as the roqulred environmental documer~tatlon In connection wlth this re~uost upoR findlnd that the doclaration reAects tho inaependent ~ud~ement of the lead agoncy and th~t it has cunsldero9 th~, propasa~ together with any comments receiv~d during the public rovlew period and there Is no substtintla~ evidence that the proposed site plan revis(on will have any addftior~l algnHicpnt Impacts beyond those analyzed and mkipated under Final EIR No. 316. NOV1l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commiss~on doas haraby amend Conditlon No. 3 of Rosotution No. 9SR-162 to r9ad as ioilows: "3. The drive-through automative sorvice bay area shP!I bo acousticelly screaned by a minirtwm twelva It2) toot high suund barrfer wall to be located approximately torty-tivo (45) teet east ot the service bay e:cit and parallel with Loara Street. Tho ssrvlce bay ~rea shall be screenod irom public view from all rlflhts•of-way, ~~~cludfng ths San4u Ana Freaway (Interstate 5) by a sfx (e) foot high bluck wall, landscaped berm or combtnatlon thereof. 7rees shall be ~lanted ad~acent to the Qutomotive service bay area to ensu~e adequate scrt-ening and to (uRher reduce nolse Imrusion Into nearby residentlai proFertles. Fiubber mats shall be installed snd usad around tc~ol areas to lower nolse levols (rom droppad tools. Hours o1 automotNe sorvice operetions shall be Iimfted to 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., seven (~) daya e week. Furthermore, preciso ptans fllustrating the luil automotlve service area (fncluding the aforementioned screentng methods) shall be submitted to tho Zonirg Divislon for consideration by the Planning Commlasion as a Reports nnd Recommendfltions item. These plans shall b~ r~viRwod and approvod by the Planning Comrnisslon prior to the tssuance oi a building permit." and, turthor, that tho Ptanning Commission adds the idlowinQ now conditton: "38. Thnt a nofse study sha~l be corxiucted ninety (SO) drays after the commencoment of tho automotN~ sorvice operatlon. If aaid stu~y indicc~tes that tha ru~ise Qonerated exceeds permitted Iwals, the potitionor shall take appropriato action to mitigate nofso tmpacts to an acceptable luvel." THF FOREGOIN(a RESOLUI'IVN was adoptecf et the Planning Commission meeting of February 7, t~J4. e'1~'~ ` .t'~-~-"~---- CFIAIRMAN PRO-TEMPQ E ANAHEIM CiTY PIANNIN COMMISSION A'TTEST: ~• ~ ~~ "?.n~ t c. ~~c, u~rr.t SECR TAR , ANAHEfM CtTY f'IANNItJG COMMISSION 2. PC94•S 3 STATE QF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CIN OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~Aargarlta $olorio, Secretary of the Anaheim Clry Planning Commission, do hereby ceRify that the forogoing resolutlon was passed an~ adopted at u meeting of the Anahelm C~ty F'lanning Commission held on February 7, 199~1, b1~ tho foliowing vote of the membors therooi: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: CAI.I~WELL, F!ENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE NOES: CCIMMISSiONERS: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, PERAZA, YAIT h~~ IN WI7NES5 WIiFR~OF, I have hereunto set my hand thls ~'? 199d. day of ~~2u~, ~ r.~Q C~ S CRETA ANAHEIM ClTY F~LANNING COWIMISSION 3- PC94- t 3