Resolution-PC 94-130~.FSOI~I'I'ION MO. PCS4-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIVN THAT PETITION FOR CONDITlONAL USE PERMIT NC~. 3659 BE GRANTED WHEFtEAS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commission did recefve a verllir~d Petition for C~nditional Use Perm~t for r,artain real property situated (n the City oi Anaheim, County ot Orange, State of Calitornfa, described as: PARCEL ': i FiE EAST 86 FEEf OF THE NORTH 200 FEFT OF I.O'f FQUR7EEN OF O~iANGEWOOQ TRAC7', IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OFiANaE, uTATE pF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAG~ A2 OF Ni1SCELiANEUUS MAPS, FiECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOFiNIA, THE NpR7H LINE OF SAID LO'T FGUR'fEEN BEING THE SOUTH LINE OF CRANG~WOOD AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP, 40 FEET !NID~. PARCEL 2: AN UNOIVIOED 1/70THS INTFREST IN AND TO THAT PORTION UF LOT FOURTEEN OF ORANGEWOOD TRACT, Au SHOWN ON A k~AP RECOFiDED IN BOOK 7. FAGE 42 OF MISCELLAN~OUS MAPS, RECOROS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCHIBtiD AS FOLLOWS: 6EGINNING AT A POINT iN SAIQ LOT, td5 F[ET ~NESTERLY AN~ 237.5 FtET SOUTH~Ri.Y FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; 7HENCE SOUTHERI.Y, PARALLEL TO'fHE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT, 60 FEET; THENCE- WESTERLY. PARALLF_L 70 TtiE NORTFi LINE OF SAID LOT, 25 FEET; 7HENCE NORTHERIY, PP.RALLEL TU SAID EAST LINE OF SAID LOT, 60 FEET; THFNCE EASTF.RLY, PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF S~11D l.0?, 25 FEET 7~ THE POIfJF OF DEGINNIPJG. WHEREAS, lhe City Ptar ning Commission did hdd a public hearing at the Civic Conter in tho City of Anaheim ~n AprH 4, 1994 at i~30 p.m., notice ci safd public hearing having been duly given as required by law snd En acc:ordance wfth the p~avisions of the Anaheim Municipal Ccx1e. Chopter 18.03, to hear and r.nnsider evicfence (or and afl~inst said proposed condition~l uso permit and to investignte and maka finclings nnd recornmondationa in connaction therowitn; and that yub~ect p~~blic hearfn~ was continued to the May 2, June 27, A~gust 8, Augu~t 22, Septemb~r 19 and actober 3, tJsJ4 Planning Cammissioi: meatfngs; and WHEREAS, said Cnmmission, r~Ra,r due Inspection, investigation and study mec'~ by itsolf and In its behalf, and aher ctue c~nr~sh~eratfon of atl wid~nco and repon~ offertw at sakl heari~y, does lirxl and detormino th~ loilc~wing facts: t. 'that tlie ~ror,osecf use is property one for whfch a condkional usQ ~em~it la authorizetl by Anaheim Municfpat Ccxfa Sectfon t82t.C50.11C to permit n church with wnNor qf the (dlowfng: A. y~~~~~ - f i tp+back I~r ins~itutl.g!l~Lil~~&~ arxJ tf3.21.48,3 (1~•~ setback lrom residuntial toc~e Guur~ary Iino requfn!cf. fncludinfl W parfcinfl in sido ya~tis; minimum ~;yQ_].;zl~gs setback to parkinfl area drhre~yay propos~cl) e. ~C.~~.~,ZJ.4Si2,.S?~.41 • !~!~-~~m.~lt'~~-tt~~h~Jghl.~la.4s~1;.1~~Wential zones. (rtwr.imum 1•0 !oot hefght pormittc+cl I~r 20•foot setback; avarage 1fQ(Qg~ rool hei~ht nxisting arxl ~t!•;oot high rrwt•mounto~! stectple with cross p-oposect) CR220dM5. WP • 1• PC41 ~ 130 2. That thore are spacial c(rc4imstances applicable to the property such as sizo, shape, topoflraphy, locatlon or surroundings, whicn do not apply tu other identically zon~d properties In the vicinity; 9. That strict appl~cation of the Zoning Code deprives the property ot privileges enjoyed by other properties under identical zoninq classification In tl~e vicinity because the existing dwellinc~ (s beiny convertud to a church; 4. That the propusc+d use is proporly ane for whfch a conditiona~ ~se perrnit is authorizdci by the Zoning Code; 5. That the proposed use w;~l not adversely 3ffect the adJninfnfl land uses and tho arowth and dev~lopmont ot the area in which it is proposed to be located; G. That the size and ~hape of the site for the proposed use is a~equate to allow the full .,evei ;:n~nt of the proposed use in a mannQr not detrimental to the particutar aroa nor to the poace, Y~ealt!•, safety, and gonera! welfaro; 7. That thH tratfic c~enerate~l by the prop~sed use w(11 not Impose an undue burdon upon the ~~eets and hlghways designed and ~mproved to carry the traHic in the area; and 8. 7hat tl~e granting nf the cunditlonal uya pe;mit under the conditions imposed wlli not be detrimental to ihe peace, health, safety and genera! weliare ot the citizens of the City ~f Anahe(m. 9. That no one indfc:~ted their presence at safd public hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence was recoived in opposition to the subJect petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIR M.NTAJ~Q~JALITY ACT FIN~ING: Thpt the Anaheim City Plann!ng Commissfon has reviowed the proposal to permit a church with waivers o~ rninimum setback tor institutfonal uses and maximum structur~l heiflht adJ~cant to residential zones on a rectan~ularly-shaped parcel of land cons(sting of appiox(mately o.34 acro hav(ng a irontagc~ of approx!rnately 85 feet on the south side of Orangewood Avenuo, having a max(mum depth of approximately 175 feet, baing loc~ted approximately 156 taet wast nf the centerlir,o of Spinnaker Streat, and turther descrlbed as SO& East OrAngewood Avenue; and dues hereby approve the Negatiae Deciaration upon }!ndfng that the decla-atlon -etlocts the Independent judfloment of thd lead agency and that it ~ias considared the Neflativo Declaratlon together with any cornments receivecf during the public review process and funher tfnding on the basis of the (nitlal study and any comments recelved that there Is no substantfal evidence that thu proJect wfll have a signiticant eHect on the onvfronment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that tha Anaheim C;ity Planning Commf~sion does hereby grant subJect f'eUtio~~ for Con~itinnal Use Permit, upon the following cnnditions wh(ch aro hereby found to be a necoss.~iy prerequisite to the pr~posed use ot the subJect propeny in order to preserve the safety and general wellare of tho Cftizens of the City of Anaheirn: 1. That arn/ oarkfnq lot light(ng shall be down•lighterl ~nd directecf away (rom ad~acent residontial propertfes; and that such Iighting shall be t~~~iecf olt no later than one•half l~) hour followiny the conclusl~n ot ev~ning services or activities. 2. That ho~ ~f avenin9 services or acifvities shall bo 1(mited to the following: Sunday: 6:30 P.M. Monday thr~ugh Thur~dny: 9:00 P.M. Fr(day and Saturday: 9:3U P.M. -2. PC94•130 3. That tiie parkinfl lot security qetes shall b~, closod and locked; and that thore shall be no activity in tho parking lot area one-half (-~) hour following ttie conclusion of evening services or activities. 4. That there shall be no amplifi~d music or oration audfble at the property iineZ with ~ sound pressure lovel ~reater than sixty (60) dBA. 5. That landscaping sliall be prav(dod adjacent to the west wal! of the church in order to discourafle graNiti opportunities. Sa(d land~caped area shall be speciNcaily shown on the plans submitted for buiiding permits. 6. 'fhat trash storeye areas shall bo provided ard maintained in a locati~n acceptable to the DepAKment of Maintenance and in accordanco with approved plans on file ~Nith said Departmc~nt. Such intormation shall be specifically shown on fhe plans submitted for building permits. 7. That a plan sheet for soHd waste storafle and coliection ~nd a plan for recycling shall be submittod to the Department of Maintenance ior raview and approval. 8. That an on-site trash truck turn•around area shall be provided and mainteined to the satisfaction ot the Departmen~ of Ma(ntenance. Said turn•around area sf~all be s~ecitically shown on plans submitted ior building pormits. 9. That thA driveway on Ora~igewood Avanue shall be con~tnicuad with ten (10) foot radlus curb roturns as raquired by tho City Engineor fn contormance with Enqineering Standards. 10. Thot a fee fur sireot tree purposes shali be pafd to the City of Anahelm based on tlie length of street frontage along Orangewood Avenue in an amount as astablished by City Council re~olutfon. 11 Tfiat a minfrt~um of fouKeen (S4) canapy-type traes sliall bs pl~nted along the east and south pruperty Iintss at mnximum intervals qf twenty (20) ieet on-r,enter, ~nd being nut less than tifteen (15) gallons in siza at tho tima o! plrntfng. t 2. Thet the existinfl b~oci< wall rlung the oast and south property lin4s shall be ropaired or reconstructecf to prov(de a~olid six (6) (~at high mdsonry wall tor site screening purposes. t3. Tliat subJect prnpflrty s~~all b~ developed subst~ntially fn accordance wit~i plans and speclficat(ons submitted to the Cfty of Anahoim by tho pdtitionor end which plans ara on tite wfth the Plenninfl Dopartmont marked Revlsion Na. t of Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4, end Exhibit No. 6. 14. Tliat the access ramp in the b'~nt satback, es show~ on the approved er.hibft, shall be elim(natecl and replaced with landscaping. 15. That the proposed ronf top cross shall not be fllur~inated. 16. That prtor to 13suance of a buifd~ng parmit or within a periocf o( ono (1~ year irom tho date ot thls resolut(on, whichovar occurs first, Condition Nos. 5, G, 7, 8 and 10, obovo-rnentioned, sh~311 be curr~lied with. Extensions tor turther timo to completo safd ccnditfons may bR granted In accordance wilh Sectfon 18.03.OJn of thcs AnahQim Municipal Cafe~. t'l. That prfor to (inul building and zoning fnspections, Canclition Wos. t, 9, it, 12, 13 and 14, aE~ove-montioneci, ahall b~ c~mpl(Qd wlth. .3. PC94•130 18. That approval oi this Appllcation constitutes appraval of the pruposed request only to the extent that it complfos with the Anaholm Municipal Zoning Code and any othor applicablo Clty, State and Fedc~ral regulations. A~~proval does nut include any action or findings as to cumpllance or approval of the request regardlnc~ any other applicabto urdinance, regulation or requiremont. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVF~ ,t7at the Anal~eim City Plannlnp Cammission does hereby iind and detormino ihat ~doption of this Re~oluti~~n is expressiy prc~ciicated upon appl(cant's compliance with each and all of the conditlons herelnatove sei f~rth. Should Any such condit!oi~, or any part theroof, be daclared invalid or unenforceable by t ie final Jud9ment of any court of competont jurisdtction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein ccn!~lr~ed, shall be doemed null and void. 7HE POREGOIhG RESOLUTION was adopted at tho F'lannin9 Commission meeting of October 3, 1;KJ4, ~ ~ t.x .(,Q~..~,i ;,~ . CHAIRWOMAN ANAHEIM I~ PLA NING CqMM1SSI0N ATTEST: _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITYvPLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secrotary of tha Anehefm City Planning Commission, do hereby cert(fy that the toregoing resolution was passed and adopteci at a meeting of the Anahelm City Plann!~g Commission he~d on October 3, 1994, by the following vote of the mernbers thereof: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN?': COMMISSIONERS: MENNINGER, MESSE, TAIT IN WITNESS WHER[OF, I tiave horetinto set my tiand ?"?s ,~~ day o( 1~,1 , ~ ssa. - , SECRE ARY, ANAHEIM CITY LANf~ING COMMISSION ~, PC94-130