Resolution-PC 94-132RE L ITION N0. PC~~I-1~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 3b45 WHEREAS, an September 21, 1992 the A~iaheim City Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Pormit No. 3545 undar Rosolution No. PC92-113 for a period of one yoar pormitt(ng outdoor installatlon of auto stereos and alarm systems and a batting cago in conjunction wfth an existing commorcial retail center on propany locat~d north and east of 4tie northeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Anahefm Boulevard and further described as 1440 South Anahe(m BoulQVard (Anahefm Indoor Market Place); and WHEHEAS, sald Resolution PJo. PC92-113 includes tho fallowinfl r,ondition cf approval; "1. Subject uses shall ba granted for a per(od of one year to expire on September 21, 1993; provfd~d, however, that extensions of timo may be sought in connection with public haarings." WHERFAS, on DACember 1, 1993 the Anahoim City Pl~nning Commission approved a ratrnactive oxtens(on of tirrie to expire on September 21, 199~t; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 1994 the pet(tioner submitted a letter requ~sting permissian (or the current operators of the auto stereo/alarm shop to also sell and Install tires and rims and to provide wlndow tinting servicos. f'etitioner st~ted that tho Instaliation services will take place at the same Iccation (on elther side of battinq cage) approved under subject conditional use permit. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoid a pub~ic f~earing at the Civic Center in the City oF Anahaim on Octobar 3, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notfce cif said public hearing kiaving been duly g(ven as reyuired by law and in accardance with Yhe provisions of the An~ahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hea~ and consider evldenca for and apainst said proposed amendment and to fnvestigate arid make findings and recommendeitions in connection therowith; and WHEREAS, said Commfsslon, after cluo inspeotion, invostigation and study made by (tself and in Its behalf, and a'te~ due conslderatlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hearfng, does ffnd and determine the follow+i~g facts: 1. That the p~titioner roquests amondment to Conditianal Use Permit No. 3545 (a) to amend or delete the time lirnitation for a previousiy ~Nproved bettin~ cage and auto stereo/alarm installation (aciiity, and (b) to pennit window tinting and tire service (nstallatfon in additfon to the praviously approved uses. 2. That the sub~ect perrnit has boen exercisod in a manner not detrimental to surrounding ~and uses; 3. That tho proposed additional auto relatod services are compatible with the existing auto alarm and sterea installation sQrvice; 4. That appravfng the expanded automotive uses tor a period of one year wil! provlde the opportunlty for Comm(ssion to roviow safd expansion and operation; and 5. That na one !ndicated their prosence at said public h~aring in opposition; and that no correspondence was recelved in oppositfon to ti~e subject p~tition. CR2206MS.WP -1- PC94-132 CALIFQRNIA ENVIRONMFNTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING; That ;he Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviawed the proposal to (a) amend or delete the time Ilm~tation for a previously approvad batting cage and auto storeo/alarm fnstallation facility, and (b) permit w`ndow tinting and tire service Installati~~n in addition to the prevfously approved uses and does hereby find that tho Negative Declaratlon previously approved in connectlon witt~ Conditional Use Permit No. 3545 is ade~uate to serve as the rc~auired environmental ciocumentatlon in connection witf~ this request upon flnding that the declaratfon refldcts the independent juclgement of the lead agency and that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any commonts recelved during the public review procecs and further flnding on the br:;,~s of the inftl~! stud,y and any comments received that there Is no substantlal evidenco that the proJect wiH have a significant effect an the onvironment. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVE:D tf~at the Anaheim City Planning Commissioii does heroby apprave request for winduw iinting and tire service installatlon in additfon to the previcusly ap~r~ved usos and amends Condition Na. 1 of Roaolution No. PC9?.-113 to read as follows: 1. uubJect uses shall l~o granted for a period of one year to oxplro on September 21, 1995. ~nd, further, th~t ttie PI anning Commiss(on adds the following new condition: 9. That the outdoor stor~ge of tfres shall ba prohibited ancl all used tires shall be dispos~ of properly. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Comrn(ssion meoting of October 3, '1994. ~ _.~",~~ , ~~~~ CHAIRWO AN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNING COMMISSION , A'1'~EBT: - ' ~ ~ •J f , SECRET , AN_l~ Ct~?Y PLANNING COMMISSION ` S'1'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFiANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , I, Editl~ L. Harris, Secretary uf the Anaheim City Planninq Comm~ssion, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution was passod and adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commisslon heid on October 3, 1994, by the following vote of tho members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTU~(, CALQWELL, MAl'ER, PERAZA NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MFNNINGER, MESSE, TAIT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I tiave hereunto sot my hand this ~~ day of ~~~ 1994. ~Q - ~~ "."~=° ~. ~ SECRETF,RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION •2- PC94-132