Resolution-PC 94-136RESnLL171~N NO. PC9d-136 A RESOLUTION OF T HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TF~AT PET-TION FOR CON~IITIONAL USE PER~iIT NQ. 3721 F3F GRANTED WMEREAS, the Anaho!m City Pianning Commission did recoive a verified Petitlon +or Conditional Use Permit for certain roal property situatad fn the City of Anahe(m, County of Orango, State of California, described as: PARCEL N0. 1 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 125, PAGES 1; AND 17 OF PARC~L MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF QRANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dfd holci a public hearing at tho C:ivic Center in the City of Anahelm on October 3, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai~ public hoaring having been duly given as raqulred by law and in accordAnce with the provisfons of the Anaheim Murlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hoar and consider evidence for and against said proposed condit(onal use permit and to invost(~ate and mako ffndSngs and recommendat!ons in connection thorewitfi; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, efter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and ait~r due cunsideratfon of all ovidanco and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determin~ the following facts: 1. Ttiat the proposed use is properly ane for which a conditional use permic Is authorized by Anahaim Municipa~ Code Section to permit an automotive repair and body shop with walver of the following: 3ections 18Q~9~0•0222 - Minimum number of parking spaces. 18•06,08~ (~ spaces required; ,~nd 18.61.OFF.050 2~ proposed, as recommendQd by the City's 7raffic and Transportation Manager) 2, That the petitioner's current 6,OOU sq.it. automotive rep~ir and body shop is located across tho street and has operated without detriment to the surroundinc~ ar~a; and that the proposed facility will be insicle a 12,000 sq.ft. building; 3. That the parking domand study, dated August 22, 1994 and prepared by TraHlc Safety Enc~ineers, dotermined that a minimum of 25 spaces would be adequate for this speciffc use; ~nd that the study was reviewed and approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manac~er; 4. That the parking variance will not cause an increase in traHic congestlon In the fmmediate vicinfty nor adversely aHect any adJoininfl land uses; 5. That the c~ranting of tha parkinp va; iance under th~ conditions (mpused will not be detrimental to tha peace, health, safoty or genoral welfarQ of the citizens cf the City of Anaheim; 6. That the proposed use is prope~ty one for which a cunditional use pormit is suihorizRd by the Zoning Code; 7. 7hat the proposQd usa will not adversely aHect tl~e adJoining land uses and tho growth and devolopment of the area in which it is praposad to be located; CR2210M5.W P -1- PC94-136 8. That tho size and shape of the site for the proposed use ~s adeyuate to allow the full d9velopmont nf the proposed uso in a mann~r not dotrimental to the particular area nor to the poace, health, safety, ~nd general wolfare; 9. That the traffic genora4ed by the proposed use will not imposo ari ~ndue burdon upon the streets and highways designgd and improved to carry the traffic in the araa; 10. That the grAnting of tho conditional uso permit under tha conditlons Imposed will not be detrimentai to the peace, h~alth, safety and genoral welfare of the citizens of the City of Anahelin; and 11. That one (1) person indicated his presence at said Fublic hearing in favor; and that no cc,rrespondence was received in opposition to the subject petltiori. ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRQNMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the pnaheim City Planning Commission h~as reviewed the proposal to perm! an autumotive repafr and body shop with waiver of rr~i~~irnum nurr~bor of parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.52 acre havfng a frontage of approxfmately 179 ieet on the north side oi Miralama Avenue, having a maximum dopth of approximately 122 feet, being located approximately 355 feet east of the conterUno of Tustin Avenue, and further described as 3627 East Miraloma Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negative ~eclaration upon finding that the declaration re(lects the independent )udc~ement of the lead ac~ency and that it has consldered the Negatfve Declaratfon together with any comments roceived during the public review process and fwther finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments recelved that there Is no substantlal evidence that the project wlll have a signfficant effect on the environmont. NOW, THEREFORE, DE iT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plannfng Commission does hereby grant subjoct Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the foliowing canditions which are I~ereby found to be a noressary preroqufsite to the proposod use of the sub~ect property in order to preseNS the safety and gonoral welfare of thA Citizens of ths City of Anahelm; 1. That no vehicles waiting for repa(r or customer pick-up shall be stored or parked outside the build(ng overnight. 2, That any pruposed freestanding sign on subJect property shall be a monumont-type not exceading oight =e) feet In height and ~hall be subJoct to the prlor review and approvai of the City Traffic and Tr~nsportation Manager to deterrnine adequate Iines-of-sic~ht. 3. T{iat the total number of emplo~ees sha~l be limitod to a maximum of ten (10) and that a minlmurn of twenty (25) parkin4 spaces shall be provided on sfte. 4. That plans shall be submitted to the City Tratfic and Transportatlun Mana~er for his revfew and approval showing conformance with the latest revisions of Engineerinfl Standard Plan Nos. A36 and 602 pertafning to parking standards and drivaway locations. Subject property shall theroupon be devetoped and maintained in conformance with said plans. 5. That trash storage areas shali be pruvided and maintafned In a location acceptable to the Department of Maintenance and in accordance with approved plans on file with said Department. Such information shall be specifically shown on the plans submitted for buflding permits. 6. That a ~lan sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for recycling shall be submitted to the Departm9nt of Maintenance for review and approvat. 7. That subJect property shail be devoloped substantially in accordance with plan~ and speci(icatfons submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitloner and which plan is on file with the Planning Department labeled Exhibit No. t. _2_ PC94-136 8. That na outd~~~ ~~rac~e of, dlsplay of, or work on veh!cles or vohicular parts shall be permitted and that all or.lsti~~~;~ uutdoor display and staraqe stiall be remavod and any existing outdoor worl< terminated. ~J. Ttiat prior to commoncemont ~f tho activity authorized by th~s resolution, or prior to Issuance of a buildin~ pormit, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolutlon, wh(chever occurs first, Condition Nos. 4, 5 and 6, above-mentloned, shall be complied with. Extensions far further time to comptete said conditions may be granted in aacordai~oe with Section 1a.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 10. 7hat prior to final buildEng and zoning in5poctions, Condition No. 7, above-mentloned, shall be complied with. 11. That ~pproval of this application constitutos approvai of the proposed reyuest only to the extent that it complies with the Anahefm Municipal Zoning Code ar.d any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does nat include any actian or flndinfls as to campliance or approval of the re~uest regarding any other applicable ord(nance, regulation or requirement. BE IT FURTHER R~SOLVED that the Anahe(m Gity Planning Commissfon daes hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutinn is Qxpressly predicAted upon applicant's comp~lance with each and all of the conditlons herainabove set forth. Should any such cnndition, or any part thereof, be declared invalld or unenforceable by the iinal Judgment of any court of competent Jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals heroin contair.ed, shali be deemod null and void. 1'HE FOREGOING RESOLUT'IQN wss adopted at the Planning Commiss(on meot(ng of October 3, 1894. ~ /J ~~'W a (i+G/~v''u~v'.> C AIRWO AN ANAHEiM CITY NNING COMMISSION AT*E~~ f~..~ l~.J-~'~ / SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY LANNING COMMISSION 5TA7E OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecretAry of the Anaheim City Plannfnfl Commission, do heroby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was pass~d and adopted at a meeting oi the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Qciober 3, 1994, by the foliowing vote of the members theroof: AYES: CONIMISSIONERS: BUYDSTUN, CAI_DWELL, MAYER, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGER, MESSE, TAlT IN WITNESS WH[REOF, I have hereunto set my hand tliis ~~ day of ~~'~-'°G--' 1994. ~ ~"` SECRETARY, ANAHtIM CITY P ~f ING COMMISSION .g_ PC94-138