Resolution-PC 94-138R L~ TI N N P 4-1 A RESGIUTICN OF TH[ ANANEIM GITY PLAiVNING COMMISSION T~-1AT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICAZION NO. 93-9A-'I t BE GRANTED, UNCONQI710NALLY WHEREAS, the Anah~im City Planning Commission did receive a verified peticlon tor Ro~lassification tor real property situated In the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ot Cali(ornla, c'ascribeci as tollows: LOTS 1, 2 AND 7 OF GHIGINAL TOWN OF ANAHEIM, IN THE CITY OF ANANEIM, sQOK a, PAG (S) b 9 AND 630, oE DS, IR~ ORDS OF OS ANGEL S COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXvEPTING FROM l01' I TI1E EAST~RLY 10 FEET THEREOF, AS GRANTED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR SIDEWALK PURPOSES, BY C~tD R~CORDED JANUARY 15, t304, IN QOOK 103, ~AGE 88, DEEDS, RECORDS OF SAID QRANGE CnUP1TY. WHEREAS. tr~P City Plannf~g Commtssion dfd hold a public hearing at tfie Civi~ Gyntsr in tho City ol Arwhefm on Jt 994 ai 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing f~aving been duly given as r2quired by law and in accordance with the provisfons of the Anaheim Municipal Ca1e. Chapter 18.G3, to hear anci con::ider evidence for and against sald proposed roclass'rfication and to investigate and make lindings and rr:commandations in connectfon :herewith: ~~d that safd public hparing was continued to tho July t 1, Aug~~st 8, Supt3mber 7 and OctoE~or 17, 1994 public meetfn~s; and WHEf{CAS, sakl Commi~slon, attor due insp~ction, investigatfon arxf atudy made by itseit and in +ts bahalf, and alter due cunsfderatian oi all evidoncr~ and reports oNered at said hearing, d:~es tincl and detormine ihQ i.;llowiny tacts: 7, 7hnt tho pelflionor pro~oses reclassification ol sub~ect propHrty irom the CG (Cemmerciel. Ganeral) and the PD•C (Parkiny Ofstrict•Commorciaq Zones to thg CL (Commercial, Limited) ZonQ. 2. That tho Anah~im Oeneral Plan desly.~ates subject propaAy tor general commercfal land usea. ~. 7hat tho proposec! reclessyicat!on oi sub~e^.t proEx-rty is necossary :+~x1/or clesirable tor the ordaMy as-c1 proper daveloP-nent of the community. q. That tho prol+osed raclassNication of subjPCt {~ropenY doeg ProP~~Y relate to the zones ancf th9ir F.ercnltted vses localty eslablibhed in r,lo3o prozimity to sub~ect propertY a--c1 to tl-e xonos and thelr permitted uses g~:nerally establlahod throuyhout the community. 5. 'f hat 2 p~o{Sle indicated ttwir preac-nce at the Ociobet 17. 199~1 P~b~~C he:~ring in opposi!ion, ai,d th:.~ corrPSpcsxfenca was recoived in oppoti~tion !o aub~ect p~~it~on• ~ pC9~1• 13Ei CR2217M5 WP CA~_IFORNIA EN IR NM NTP ~lALITY ACT fINUINC~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewod the proposai to roclassify subJect property from tho CG (C~mmorcial, General) and the PD-C (Parking Distrlct-Commorclal) Zonos to the CL (Commerc~Al, Lfmitecl) Zono to permlt a bicycle rucing track with accessory use:~ including s retail area, concession stand and ~ picnic area on a rectnngulariy-shaped parcel of land consisting ot approxlmately 1.08 ncres, located At the southwest corner Anah~im Boulevard and .~iycamora Street, having approximate irontayes of 182 feet on the west side cf Anahofm Boulevard and 2591eet on the soutti s(de of Sycamore Stre~t, and turthar described as 423 North Anaheim Boulevard; and does hereby deny the Nogative Daclaration upon iindinp that the decleratlon reflects tha independent judgement of the ;ead agency and that it has considered the Negative Doclaratlon togethor witii sny comments received durfng tho public reviow pror,oss and further tinding on the basis nl the initial study and any comments rece,ved tfiat there is substant(al ev(dence that the project will havo a significant ef}ect on the environment. NOW, THER~FCRE, BE IT RESOLVEd that the Anahe(m City Planninfl Commission doks hereby approve ths sub(ect Petition for Reclassificatfon to authorize an amendment to the Zuning Map of the Anaheim Municipal Code to exclude tho ebovo-described property irom the CG (Commercial, General) and the PD•C (Parking District-Commercial) Zones and to incorporate said described property Into the CL (Commerci~l, L.irnited) Zono, unoanditionally. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approval of this appNcailon constitutes appro~~al uf the proposed request only to the extent that it complios with tha AnahQfm Municipal Zoniny Code and any othor ap~licable City, State and Fed~ral regulations. Approval does not include any actfon or ilndings as to compliance or ppproval a( thb roquest regarding any othQr ~pplicablo ordinance, reyulation or roquirement. dE IT FURTHER RESOLVEA, that this resol~lion shalt not constitute a rezoning of, or a commitment by the City to rezon2, the subject property; any such rezoning shall require an ordinanco oi tha City Council which shall be a legfslativo act which may be npproveci nr deniod by the Clty Council at its sole dfscretfon. THE FOREGOING RESOL~JTION was adopted at thQ Planning Commis: h meuting of October t7, t994. J ~ ~ ~ ; „~ i .. ~1"L~ ~C~~1 , ~~'`' - CHAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM CITY LAfJNING COMMI~SiON ATTEST: ~i _.~ ~~-' ~_~__ ~~_~. L~.~..~-, gE(;FIETARY. ANA.HCIM CiTY PIANNiN(i C~OMMISSION STATE GF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF QRANGE ) ss. CI;Y OF ANAtiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tha An:~heim Gty r~unning Commission, do hvreby certHy tnat ~„e ioregoing resolution was ~ssed and Adoptecl at ~ meotinq ut tho Anaheim City Planning Commfssfon hetd On October 17, 19fl4, by lho Idlowfng vote ol thu members tlviroof: AYES: CO~IMISSIONERS: ^.•A~DWELL, HENNING[N, MESSE, PF.r~lJA. TAIY NOES: COMMISSIOMERS: MAYER ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BUYU•^aTUN -N WITNESS WHEH~JF, I have hereunto set my hh~xf this l'~L~day of '~!Zlk,cy~ ~~`~• ~~ . ; l:~.a.~t~~..~.~ '.i~ _..__ K~..~-•-- ;.f_CRETA~IY, ANAHEIM CITII P(~~NNING COMMIS310N 2 PC:94• t ~B