Resolution-PC 94-140RESQLl~71~N N ~, P 4-14 A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN GONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2667 WfiEREAS, on M~rch 18, 1985 Resolution No. PC85-73 was adopted by the Flanning Commtsslon to pormit Hxpanslon of a prlvate school for a maximum of 225 studonts (preschnol, kindergarten and first grade) an property located at the northwest corner of Chestnut Streot and Citron Street ~~nd turlher described as 121 South Citron Straet (Fairmont School - Citron Campus); and no further action was taken by the City Council; and WhI~REAS, on Sopternber 16, 1585 Resolution Nn. PC45-207 was adoptetl by tha Planning Commfssion approvinc~ revised plans; and no further actlon was takon by the City Councll; and WHEREA5, on July 25, 1994 Resolutlon No. PC94-95 was adopted by the Planning Cummission amonding provious conditions of approval to parmit a maximum enroliment of 257 studants, to revise the previously-approved plans and to waivo tiie minimum structural setback from Chestnut Stroet; and no further actlon was tak~n by the City Caurir,il; and WHEREAS, Conditlon No. t i oF Resolulfon No. PC94•95 specifies: "Ttiat an unsubordinate,~ parking agreemant ~vith the property locateti at the northeast corner of Broadway and Citron Streot, in a forrn satisfaatory to the City Attorney, shall be recorded witti th9 OHice of the Orange County Flecorder. A copy of the recorded ,~greemant shall be submitted to the Zoning Division." WHEREAS, the patitloner has requested amendment to said conditlon of approval to allow ttie oif-site parking to be provideci on any off-sit~ parking area; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission clid hr~ ~ a public hearing at the Civic Centc~r in the City of Anaheim on Octobor 17, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sa(d public hearing having been duly oiven as requfred by law and in accordanco with the provisians of the Anahefm Municipai Code, Chapter 18.U3, to hear and consider ~videnco tor ~nd agafnst sa(d proposc~ci amendment and to investigate and make tindfngs and recommendetions in connoction therowith; and WHEHEAS, safd Commissfun, after due knspection, investigation and study made by itseli and fn Its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports oHered at said tiearing, does find end determine the foltowing facts: t. That amending Gondition No. 11, as roqueste~i, wiil not impose an undue burde~i upon the streots and hfghways clesignatl and improvod to carry the traHic in the area, or adversoly aff~~ct noarby residential uses• and 2 Tl:at one concerned person Indicateci his presence at said public hearing; und that no correspondence was receivetf in opposition to tl~e subiQCt petitlon. CR2221MS.WP -t- PC94•ta0 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMEIVTA4. QUALITY ACT FINDING: 7hat the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commissfon has revlewed tho propusal to amend Conditlon Nu. 11 of Resolu2lon No. PC94•95 to allow the uff-site parking to be provided on any oH-sito parking area and dces hereby find that tho Negat(ve Oeclaration previously approved in connection with Conditional Use ~ermit No. 26Fi7 is adequate to servo as the required environrnental documentatian In connectlon with this request upon ffnding that the declaratlon reflects the indepondoni judgement of tho leld agency and that it has cans(dered ihe Negative peclaration together with any c~mments recefved durin~ the public raview process and furthor fNid' g on the basis of tho initial study and any camrrients r3aelved that tliere is no substantial evidence th~ t the project will have a siflnificant effect on the envfronment. NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahc~im City Planning Commission does hereby amend Condition No. 11 of Rasolution No. PC9~t-95 to re~td as follovrs: "11, That a minimum of twanty-two (22) parking spaces shall bo provided. If all such park(ng cannot be providod on-site ur in the adjacant easement to the northeast of subJect property, additional aff•site park(n~ shall be provided subJer,t to a recorded terminatable parking agreoment In a fcrm satistactory to the C!ty Attorney and Traffic and Transportation Manager, and shall be recorded witli the Office af the Orange County ;~ecord9r. Should any :;uch ac~reement be terminated wfthout a satlsiactory replacement, the max(mum studont enrollment shall revart to two hundred twenty five (225) studonts and ttio modular classroom shatl be removecl. A copy of the recorded agraement shall be submittQd to the Zoning Divi~ion." and, further, that tho Planning Cummission adds the follovaing new conditions: 19. That the rnodular unit sha~l be {~ermittod for a period not to exceed three (3) yoars fram the original date of approval (July 25, 1994) and shall expfro July 25, 1997. THE FOREGOIN~ RESOLUTION was adopted at the Niann(ng Corrimission meeting ot October 17, 1394. _ r~. ~~ . ~ ~.{~~"-,~.~ CHAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM C-~LANNING COMMISSION A'rTEST: ^ /' ;9.~~~, ~ .~ . . , _ SECRETARY, A~AHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) i, Edith l..'~arrfs, Secretary of Ihe Anahelm City Planning Commissfon, do heraby certity that the foregolnc~ resolution was passed and adopted at a m~etfng of the Anahalrn City Plannf~g Comrnlssion hetd on October i7, 1994, by the foliowing votR of tfie membors thereof: AYES: COMMISSIUN[RS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWtLL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: ~OM{~11SSION~RS: NO~E IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo heraunto set my hanc! this ~~ I ~. _, d2y of :~~I f~~.•.. ~ k+-~•- . 1994. . ///~~~ ~""/~, ~ / / ~ .~'/ .I/./ . J. A PC94•140 SECRETA Y, ANAHEIM CITY P MNING COMMISS!ON -2•