Resolution-PC 94-141RE L 1TION N0. PC94-141 A RFSOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNItJG C~JMMISSION AMENDING THE EXHIBf'i'S AND CEHTAIN CONUITIANS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIpNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3538 WHEREAS, on Septembor 9, 1392 the Anaheim City Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permft No. 353A undor Resolution No. PC92-110 pormitting a private educ~tional iacility (etl~ grado through 12th grade) in conJunction with an ex(sting church and prescFiool on property tocated on the south side of La Palma Avenue, approximately 665 feet oast of the ~enterlfne of Magnolia Avenue, and further described ~s 2530 West La Palma Avenue (Grace Baptist Church); and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. PC92-110 includes tho followin~ c~ndition of approval: "1. That sub;ect facility shall be Iirnited to a maximum onrollment of one hundrod (120) studants. That suhject property shall be devoloped substAntlally in accordanc9 with plans and specffications submitted to the City of Anafieim by the petitloner and wlilch plans are on file with the Planniny Departmont marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3, includinq refurbishment oi tfie Iandscapinfl." WHEf~EAS, the petitfoner requests amendment to the conditlans ot approval pertt~ining to the approved Exhibits and to the maximum permftced student enrollment (150 instead of 120) and wafver of minimum number oF parking spaces; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiss(on did ho~d a public hoaring at the Clvfc Center in 1he Cfty of Anahoim ~n October 17, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hoarfng having boen duly glven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of tho Anahefm Municlpal Cade, Chapter t8.03, to hear and conslder evidonce for And r~gainst said proposed amendment And to invostlgate and make findings and recommendations In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, safd Commission, aiter du9 inspection, Invostigation and study made by itselt and fn its behalf, and aftar due consideration of all evldence and reports ofiored at said hearing, doe~ find and determine the following facts: 1. That tlie petitioner requests (a) amendmont to the cundit(ons ~~f approval pertalning to the approved exhibits and to the maximum permitted student enrollrnent (150 instead of 120) and (b) approvai of the following waiver, fn connection with a oreviously approved private Qducatlonal facility (grados 8 throuyh 12) located at 2530 West La Palma Avenue: Section 1. 6.050.0266 - Mlnimum number of parkinq sp~ces• 18.06,g~.Q,g~7 224 rAquired; 11 proposed and rocommended 18.06,050.0268 by the Traffic and 7ransportation Mana~er) QQ6.080 ~nd 18.21~~Q4 2. That the parking walver is hereby den(ad on th~ basis that it was withdrawn fol~owin~ public notification. CR2222MS.WP -1 • PC94-141 3, That use of the parking facllities will be controlled by parking pormits that are issued tn students. 4. That the incroaso In !he num~er of students from 120 to 150 wlll not be a slgnific~nt Increaso in the overall operltiori af the church and school complex. 5. Triat the existing classrooms and play areas are located approximately 180 feet from the single-family rosidences to the south. 6, That the existinfl school with an enrollment of 117 students has not had a detrimental effecx on tho surrounding area. 7. 7hat no one indicated their presence at said public iiearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was roceivod in oppasition to the subject pntitlon. ~A;.IFORNIA ENVIR9NMENTAL QUALITY AC'T FINUIN :?h2t the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon has revlewed tha proposal to amend the condittons of approval and the exliiblts of a previously approvad pr(vato educationai ~acility and does heroby find that the Negativo Declaration previously approved in connection with Conditinnal Use Fermit No. 3538 is adequate to serv4 ~s the required environmentai documentation in connection with thls request upon finding th~t the declaration reflects the independent ~udgoment oF the leaci agency and that it has considered the Negative Declaratton together with any commants rACeived during tlie public review process and further findin~ on the basis of the init(ai study and any commants rece(ved that there is no substantiai evidence that the proJect wiil have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does her9by amend Condition Nos. 1 and 4 of Resoluilon No. PC92-110 tu read as follaw3: "1. 1'hat subJect facility shall be Iimited to a maximurn enrollment of one hundrRd fi(ty (150) students. 4. That sub(ect proporty shall be doveloped substantially in accordanco witli plans and spocificatlons submitted to the C(ty of Anaheim by tho petitioner and which plans ~re on ffle with the Planning Department marked Revislon No. 1 of Exhibit Nos. t and 2 and Er,hibit Nn. 3." and, further, that the Plannfng Commissipn adds the follo~~ing new condition: 8. That prior to the increase in student enroltment, a fee in the amount ~f four hundred thirty three dollars and thirteen cents ($433.13) shall bo paid to the City oF Anahc~im for sewer capacit~~ mitigation purposes. THE FOREGUING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plannfnfl Commission moeting of October 17, 1994. ~~ ~~~ ~ G~~~ ~ Ah ANAHtIM CI'tY PLA NING COMMISSION CMAIRWO , ATi'ES7: ' ~ / d~l ~=~-~---~-~ ~" SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CIN PLANNING COMMISSION .2_ PC94-1at STA'1'E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANF+MEIM ) I, Edith L. Marr(s, Socretary of tho Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do horeby certify that the torogoing resolutfon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anal~eirn City Planning Commissl~n field on October 17, 1994, by the follo~vinp voto of the mernbers thereof: AYFS: COMMISSIQiVENS: BOYQSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNIiVGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE ABSENT: C4MMISSIONERS: NONE r IN WI i NESS WHEREOF, I have he;ounto sot my hand th.; ,_ ,. ~, day of _ l~r~r~ ~-~ , .e.l c 1994. ______ /, . ~ / . ~D (~ -' ~ SECRETAaY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON _3_ PC94- I 41