Resolution-PC 94-150RE LU710N N(Q PC94-15 A RESOLUI'ION CSF THE A~~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CIAI~IFYINr, 7MiE PARKING RCa' ~'qtMENTS FOR LIVE PERFORMANCE THEAT~RS WHEREAS, Section 18.02.041 of the Anaheim Municipal Code specifies that if an ambiguity arisos concerniny the appropriato classftication of a particular use withln the meaning or intent uf the Zonfng Code, it shall be the duty of the Planning Comm;ssion to ascertain all ~ortinent facts and set forih its tindings and the roasons therafor, and such findings shail then be referred to tho City Council and, If ~pproved by Council, thereafter such interpretatlons shall govern; ancl WHFREAB, Code Sectlon 18.OEQ.050.02595 reads as follows: "Live Performance: Four-tenths (0.4) space pa- seat, pius efght-tenths (0.8) space per employ~~, Including performers." WHEREAS, staif requests interpretatioi7 ~t such soctlon on tlio l~asis that an appllcant Indicates he meets all of the parking roquirements bec~use it is hIs intent to have people standing rather than sitting at a Iive entUrtainmont establishment. WHEREAS, the Anahefm City Planning considorod thn atoremontionod metlor as a Reports and Racorjcnendations Item, and after du~ inspectlon, irn~astigation and study made by itself and In its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all ovidonco and reports offered does hereby find and dotormine tlie lollowing facts: 1. That somaone stsndfng at a live performance theatdr doos ,~q~ reduce the parking requirement specitiod by Code Sectfon, NOW TFiEREFURE, BE IT fiESOI.VED, that the Anahoim City Planning Commission does liereby determ~ne ihat number of parking spaces for Iive periormance theaters should be detennined by the number of seats or ;fie nurnber of patrons, whfchever Is greater. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ad~pteci at the Plannfng Commisslon mQeting of October 31, 1934. /~~~__~ 4.a~- - /~~ rJ~ i ~ ~ CHAIRWOMAN ANAHEIM CITY NNING CONI~AISSION ATTES7~ , r..~[~ L t.., ~, '- ! i~,v SECRETARY, AMHEIM CITY PI..f~NNING COMMISSION _~. PC94•150 Cfi22371~f S.wp STATF OF ~ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF ORAPlGF ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L.Harris, Socrotary of the Anahelm Gity Planning Commission, da horoby certity tfiat the foregoing resolution was passod and adopted at a mec~tiny of the Anahe(m City Planning , Corrimission held on G:tober 31, 1994, by the following vote of the me!nb9rs thereof: AYES: COMMIuSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, ~.ALDWELL, hIENNINCaER, M,AYER, iv1ESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COh1MISSIONEHS: NONE ABSEN'P: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ G' IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, I have herounto set my hand this 1~f.~G day of Vj~k~.c~.~r.,..~ , 1994. ~ ~~(.~~ ~. /~.~.,, ._' SECREI'ARY, ANAHtIM CITY P~I.A NN ING COMMISSION .2- PC~J4-15U