Resolution-PC 94-155RESOI ~TIQN NO, PC94-153` A RESOLU710N OF '(HE APJAHEIM CITY PIANNINu COMMISSlON THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFIGATION NO. ~34-95-01 BE GRANTfD, UNCQNDITIONALLY WHEREAS the Annhefrri City f'lannln~ Gomrn(ssion dld receive a verflied petitlon for 4i~classfiicatfon for roal property sRuated fn the City oi Anaheim, County oi Oranflo, Stato of Cali(omia, described as follows: PARCEL A: 7HAT PORTION OF lOT 20 !N BLOCK K OF THE KRAEMER 7RACT. IN THE CIIY OF ANAF-IEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, S'TATE OF CRI.IFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDEn IN BOOK 12 PAGtS 87 ANV 8E! OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORpS, IN Th1E OFFICE OF THE CUUNTY NECORDER OF LOS ANGFLES CAUNTY, CALIFORNIA, D~SCRIBE~ A5 FOLtJWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TNE ~lOR7H LINE OF SAID LOT 20 SOU7H 73 DEG. 32' 00" WES7 253.00 FEET FROM 7HE SOUTHWES7 CORNEH 0-- LOT 15 IN SAID BLOCK K; THENCE NORTH 73 D~G. 32' 00' EAST 70.34 FEET; 7HEt~CE SQUTH 16 DEG. 23' OC" EAS7 20.00 ~EET; THENCE SOL3TH 89 DEG. 4b' 03" EAST 104.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60 DEG. 13' 15" ~AST 27.56 FEET TO A POINT ON A NONTANGENT CURVE COiVCAVE iVOR7h1FJ~STERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 2201.89 FEET, A RADIItL TO SAID CURVE AT SAID POINT BFARa SOUTH 75 DEG. 46' S0" WEST, THENCC SOUTHERLY 18;i.07 FEET ALONG 5A1D CURVE TO THE SOUTH LIN:: OF THE NORTFI 25;i.W FEt"7 OF SAID LO'( 20; TH[NCE SOUTIi ~3 L7ECti. 32' 00' WEST 198.09 ~EEI' ALON(i SAID 50'Jl'N LINE TO A UNE BEARIlJG SOUTH 16 D~G. 25' 30' ~AST FFiOM THE POIM OF BEGINMIN~'a; THENCE NORTH 16 DEG. 25' 30' WEST 253.00 FEEI' TO THE POINT OF 6EGIN~lINC~. EXCEPT TI1AT PUR?ION THEHEOF IN~LUDEp WItHIN TH~ NORTN 53.00 FEET OF 5Alll LO'f 20. PARCEL F3: THA7 PORTION OF LOT 201N ~LOCK K OF THE KRAEMER TRAC7, IN TliF_ COUNTY OF` ORANGE, S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA, A$ PEFi MAP RECOflDED IN BOOK 12 FAGcS 87 NN~ Flfi OF MISCELlANEOUS RECOROS, IN THE OFFlC[ JF THE COUNTY RECORDER dF SAID COUfVTY, DES~RIN~D A$ FOLLf~WS: BECiINNINC, A7 A F'OINT ON'fHE NGRTH UNE OF SAID L~T 20 SOUTH 73 DEG. 32~ pp^ WEgT 253.00 FR~M THE SOUTHWES7 CORNEA OF LOT 15 IN SAID BLOCK K; THF~lC~ M4RTH 7~ bEG. 32' 00' EAST 7H•3'- ~EET; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEG. 28' 00' EA.~'iT 20.00 FEEC; THENCE SOUTH 39 OFG. 48' G3' EAST 104.40 FE~'f: THENCE SOUTH 60 ~Et3. 13' 15' EASY 4.15 FEE'T TO 7HE SOUTH ~INE 0~ 7HE NQR'H 53.t)0 FE~T AF Sl,ID LOT 20: THENCE S4UTFi 73 DEG. 32' OU' WE57 181.2~a F~ET ALONC3 SAID SOUTH I..INE 7A A LINE BEARING SOUTH 16 DECi. 25' 30' EAST FROM THE POINT OF @EGINNING; THENCE NCIRTH 18 OEG. 25' 30' WE5T 53.a0 FEt'f TA THE POIN'P OF HEGINNIN(3. WHER~AS. ihe City ~'larminp CammissiUn did hold a public hearing at the CF~ic Center In thn City ~I An~heim on Aug•. ~t 22. 19JA nt 1:30 p.m., notlce uf stid public hearinq havin~ tMen duly gNen as rrryuirecf by Ia~N arM in accordnnco wlth if~e prwisfons ot the Anahelm Municipal Cuc~e, Cha~ter 19.03. t~ hear orxl cansfder evk/Qnce for and aqnfnst sakl proposc~ct raclasaHh;atior~ and to i~vestlgate and make 1;ncl~nq; rrsci recommencSations In connectfon tt~erewith; and thaR st~k1 pubtic heariiig N~s continued to u-o 5ep!embcr 7. Orlcfaer ~t, Nrnember 14, end Novemtler 30. ~99A: and ~ PC9A • t 55 CF7249MS.WP WHEREAS, sald Commission, aftor due InspecHon, Investigatlon and st~•+v made by itself ancl fi~ its behait, and nfter due consideration of all oviddnce and reports ofiered at s~id hearing, does ilnd anJ detormino the toll~wing f~cts: 1. That the petitloner proposes reclassificatlon of subJect property from the FiS-A-43,Q00 (R~sidential, Agrfcultural) Zone to the ML (Limited, Industrial) Zone. That the ~',n~heim General Plan designates subJect prope~ ty (or Gonerol Industrial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of sub~ect property Is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassi(Ication of sub~ect property does properly rolate to the zones and their permitted uces locally established in close proximiry to subJect property and to the zones and their permitted usos generally estabiishod throughout the ~ommunfty 5. That one per3on indicated his pre.sence at said public hearing in favor; that a petitiar~ with fi~~e hundrec! seventy (570) signatures in favor was submitted; and that no conospondence was recefved in opposition to sub~ect p9tition. ~Al~iFnRNlA ENVI~,Q~+1f ENTl+L oIiAUTY AC7~J.N1~j~Z~ That tne Anahe!m City Planniny Curnmission has reviowed the proposal to reclassfty subJect property from the R5•A-43,000 (Residentfat, Ayricultural) Zone to the ML (LirnKed, indusirfal) Zona to permft an ai~tomotive senrice statfon with an accessory automated car wash (deletod), a canvenionce -narkat with the sale of beer and wine io~ oH- premise consumption, a drive-through restaurant with two (2) fast-food tenants and no seatfng, and w:th waivers (deletod) of minimum landscap~ requirements, permitted location of treestand(ng signs, rninimum distanco betwean treestane+infl signs, minimum numbc~r o( {wrking opaces and minirnum drive-through lane requirements on a rectangularlysh~:ped lot consisting of approximately 0.76 acrA Iecated at the southwe~t corner of La Palma Avanue and Kraomer Boulovard, having t~pproxfmtite frontages of 198 Peet on the south sicfe of ln Palma~ Avenuo ~ru1200 feet on the vactst slde of Kraemer Boulevard, and further descrtb~d as ~308~ E,~st La Palma Avenue (Texaco Servlce Stailon); anci does hereby approvo the Negativo DeciAration upon finding that the dedaratfon refiects tho fndependent judgement of the load agency and that it has consider~sd the Negative Der,laration to~ether with any comments rec~iveti during the public revlaw process and furthar tinding on the dasis of tho initisl study and eny comments received th~t there is no substantial evkfence ihat the pro~ect will hnvo a signHicant eHect on the ernlronment. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT HESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does her~by approvo the subJeet Potftion for Reclassilication to authonzo an amendment to the Zoning Map ot the .4naheim Municipa! Code to exclud~ tho above~described proporty irom the RS-A-A3,000 (Fiesfdernial, Agricultural) 7.one and to incorpc~rote sal~J ~escriboci propcirty tnio the ~AL (Limited, Industrfal) Zone, unconditfona~ly. B[ I'f FURTHER FESOLVED tfiat approval ot this applic;ati~n constitutes appr4val oi the proposecl req~iest anly to the extent that it complies v~ith tha Anahnim hlunicipal Zoning Code and any other aps~lical~le Citv, State arxi Fadora~ rRpulatfons. Approval does not tncltxio eny ectton or tlndings as to corn~liance o~ approvat oi the request rRgardinfl any o4her applicabte ordfnancu, rogulatlon or requirament. ~E IT FIIRTH~R RESOLVED, tl~at this resdutfon shall not constitute n rozo~ing of, or e comrnicner~t by tha City c~ rezone, the sub~ec! pronerty; eny such rezoning shnli req~ire an ordinance of the City CouncU which shell be a I~isl~tivo act which may be approved or denied by the City Councll at its yalo dfscretton. ,2, PC94-155 THE FOREGOING RESO~L'~TIAN was adoptod at the Planniny Commission meeting of Novomber 30, 1~J4. /i~,; / ' J ~ ~ ~ ~_~1v. ~~.-~%a/ /. -U'~ C~+~/ CHAIRWOMAN, ANAti~IM CI7Y LANNING COMMISSION ATTES7: i ~~~~r , SEC~V, AHkIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CA!.IFORNIA ) COUN'fY OF t~RANGE ) ss. CITY OP hNAHEIM ) I, Puiargarita Solorio, Secretery of the Anaheim ~ity Pianning Cornmission, do hereby certliy tliat the foreguing resoiution was p~ssed and adopted at a meeting of tho Anaheim Cfty Planning Commfssion held on November 30, t994, by thQ followin4 vote ot the members thereaf: AYES: COMMISSIOfVEH5: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELI, H~NNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, Pki.RAZA NOES: COMMIS510~1ERS: NOhE IIBSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT Ih WITNES3 WHEREOF, I havo horeunto set my hand this ~~~ day of I.~ ~'~ , 1~J94. _~ ~Z'=+==---(7~~~ f1G SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PWNNING COMMISSION .3_ P.^•94-155