Resolution-PC 94-158Epsni_~)TION N0._P~4-_158 A RE~OLUTIUN OF THE ANAHEIM ClTY PLANNING COMMISSION AMEN01 COND T ONALO SE PERMIT O~3329 (REA7VERTISED)N WITH WFIEREAS, on August 27, 1990 the Anbheim City Planning Commission approvod Conditional Uso Permit N~. 3329 undor R~solutfon No. PC90•214 to permit ~n automotivo re~ir sF~op ir an dxisting p operty loceted oetthe~ outh s de of Miar Ao na A e~nue approximateiy 260 foet ears~opcelnte Ine of Blue GuiT- Street and WHEFiEAS, ~ald ~esolution Nc. PC30-214 Includes the id~aw(ng canditions of approval: "6. ThaY an unsubordinated reciprocal access and parking agreement, In a torm satisiHCtory to t1~~~ City Attorney, shall be rRCOrd~xf wlth the ONlce ot the Orange Caunty ~lacorder. A copy of the ~- ~~rded a~reoment shu!I then be submitteci to tho Zoniny Division' 10. ,ubmittoil toPhe City ofaAnaheim bypte petitioneirand whch~plans a or'a afile w( hsiho`PlantMnc~ DopartmAnt marked Exhibit Nos. t and 2. WHEREAS, the petitioner has roquested approval of a revfsed floc~r plan ~Revision No. I o( ~xhibit No. 2) to exparxf 1he use by add(nq a 300 sG.N., second story, storaye mouanine, thereby incraasinfl tf~e requ(rod parkinp by one space, arxJ to deiete or amenct safd Conditfon t~o. 6 pertalninfl to ror,iprocal acces~ and a parking agreement; and WHEREAS, tl~e City Planninp Cummission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Conter ~n the City ol Anaheim on November 30, 1994. at t:3U p.m., notice o( said pub~lc hearinq having boen duly gNen as raqufred by law and In accoi~ance wiih tho ptovlslons ot the Antaheim Muntclpal Code, Ct~apter t8.03, to hear and cons'~dQr evidenco for and againsi sakl proposed amzndment and to Imestigate and mako 1~ndinfls end rer.nmmandatlons (n connec;tion therewfih; anc! WHEqFAS, sald Commission, aher due Ins~,ectlon, irnestf~lation and study made by itselt and in hs behaH. arxi after due r,onsiderntlon ot all evidence and reports oNered at safd h9arin~, doas 1(nd and determine the Idlowing lacis: 1, that suh~ect condit~onal use permit pnrt~Ina to a 0.9•acro p~rcel ot IarxJ whlc~ incluclAS two other buNdings at 2810 arxl 28t8 East Mlruloma Avenue, and ~hat the park~ng waiver wns ^~~culated lor all usv° In all buildinfla on tho ontire parcel urxler a~~thorlty of Ccxlct Sr~cifans 1~.08.050.0222, 18 06.080 end 18.fi1.Oti6A50; 2. That the gmerxfed parklnQ waNor (A~1 spaces requirec:. 31 spacea prapos~d) w0~ not cause an increase In t-aHic conpvatbn In tho Immedi~te viclnity na advursely attect nny ad~oEning land uaes; 3. That ataN F~s revlewed Ihe rucord~d parcel map nnd r~iated condN:ona, coveru~rna, ancl reslrictions and determinecf Ihat, ~Ith~uflh reCtprocal ~ ~:+ ~~~^~~ to oll threo {sroperty owners, there is no mentlun o( reciprocAl ~~jp~ arxJ. therotorA. ~inc1.~ aaid parcel map does not requfre rt+ciprocol ~~rking ancllha property own6rs haverkrxliv ~ual~ ern ~~~ ~ ubjatacondnion a u necMfi3ssaR~a ~~ has canctudal that tNe reciprocal Pe 9 Q 4. T"hat iwo (2j peop~e ir~icatoC thetr presence at aafd puWtc hea-f~ in op~ossNien; and that n4 cerresponde-~ce was receiv~ in oppositlcn~ to the sub~ect petitlon. . ~ PC94 • 15t1 CR2252MS.WP CAUF F NIA ~NVIRONMENTAI.OUALITY A~jJINDING: Thnt the Anahefm City Planning Commission has revlewed tho proposnl and does hereby firxi that the Nepative Declaratian praviously apurovod in connection witF~ Conditional Uso Pormft No. 3329 is Adequ~te to sarve as the rRquired environmontal documentation in connection with this request upon ilnding that ti~e declaration reflects the Independent Judgemont of the lead agency and that it has considered the Neqative Declaration togather with any co~nments raceived during the public reviaw process and iurthor findin~ on the basis oi tho Initial study and any cornments recefved that there is no substantial ev(denr,e that the project wlll have a significant aNect on the envtronment. NOW, THEREFOHE, 6E IT RESOWEI~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby delete Condition No. 6 ot Flosolutfon No. PC~30•214 nnd amend Conditlon No. 10 of said resolutior~ to read as folluw~: "1 U. That subject proporty shall be dovelAped substantia{ly in accordance wkh plans and specNicatio~s submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitio~~er and which ptans are on flle with the Planning ~epartment markod Exhibft No. 1 and Rovfsion Nu. 1 0( Exhibit No. 2.' ~r~d. (urthor, that the Planning Commisslon adds iho following new conditions: "14. That th(s buslness shall be Ilmited to :+ maximum oi sevon (7) omp~oyees. 15. That tha overnight outside storage of personal r~creatlonal vehicles (lncluding boats) shall be prohibited." TH[ FOREGOING HESOIUTIOy was adopted at the Planning Corr~m(aslon moeting of Movember 30, 1994. , _ _:~li~ ,G,ft~7J ~ -~G~-` ~lt-.~-' CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA` NNING GOMMISSIQN ATTCST: ) SE~R~NAH !M CITY~ NING COMMISSION C_) STATE OF CAUFORNIA ~ COUMTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, MargarRa Sdorlo, Secretary of the Ar~ahelm CN.y Planninfl Commission, do hereby certHy that tho foro~oing resd~rtfon was passed anci odoptecf at a me~tinfl of the Anahoim Ciry Plertnln~ Commiaslon held ~n Novembnr 30, 199d, by tho idlow(ng vote oi tho membars thereo(: AYES: COMMISS!ON~RS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL. HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, P~RAZl,, TAIT NOES: CONiM15S10NERS: NONE ABSEPff: COMM~ISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hureunto sot my hcfnd this ~~ day of ~QA~ . 19414. ~ ~ ~C~.r~l ~;~,rr ~.'G~rr~, SECHETAHY, HEI ~TY PIJtNNINC3 COMMISSION .2. PC34• t 5:s