Resolution-PC 94-16RESOLUTION NO, PC9t!_~$ A R~StiLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM C{TY PIANNING COMMISSfON THAT PETITIaN FOR CONDITIUNAL USE PERMIT N0. 365C BE GRANTFD, IN PA/~T WHEREAS, subJect petit(on was o~igiru~lly ocheduled and advertlsed tor cnrsideratiori oy the Anaheim Zoning Administrator aixl sub3equontly referred to the Anaheim Planning Commission; and WHEFiEAS, the Artaneim City Planning Commission did recelve a verlfied P4tition for Conditfonal Use Permit tor certaln real property sftuated in the City of Anahelm, Co~~nty of Jrange, State of California, described as: THE NOR'fH 240 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST 10Ai~ FEEI' OF 7HE NOHTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TFiE N09THEAST GIUARTER OF SECTION 13, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SOU7'H, RANGE 11 WESi'. IN'fHE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, IN THE CI7Y OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11, MISCEUANEOUS iAAPS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. WNEREA.S, the Ciry Planning Conmission did tiold a public hearing at tt,a Civic Center in tho City oi Anaheim on February 7, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notfco of said publlc h~aring hevi~•q boen duly given as required by law nnd fn accordanca with the provislons of the Anaheim MunicSpal Coc:~, Chapter• 18.03, to hear and consider ev{dence for and ageinst said proposed condittonal use p~rmit end to Investigato And make tind(ngs and recommendations In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, s~id Commfssion, aftor due inspection, (mestigation and study made by itself and in its b~hal(, and alter dus consideration ot ail evtdonce end reports oHered nt ~~id heartng, doss tinc} and determine ihe tdlowfng facts: 1. That tho proposed uso Is property ono ~ur whl~h a conditional use parmit Is auth~rized by Anahelm Municipal Caie Sectfon 18.4A.050.OtC to permft on-premiso salu and consumptlon of twar and wfne in an exfsting 2,264•squgre toot restaurant with waivers nf the tollowing: (a) .5,~~:TION 18.04 (~0,05Q - Pe InQ IQt la ~pL-14. (b) ; F~ i IQiVS 18 Ofi.050.~.~ • L~l~~I!!lWlt $JlU~~L. ,~9c s~~linfl). 1~Q~.4~Q,4231. (~3 1~ ~.~~0,0235 lq,ob.o ~~~~ 2. That the above•montf~ned waivor (a1 Is hereby darlecl on the b:isfs tt~at r v,as delotecl (ollowtnfl pubNc nolllicAtlon; 3. 7hat the pa-'k~ng waivor (b) w~l not cauge an increa3c~ In traNic congeatian in thQ immediate vir,inity nor edversely aNoct eny ed~ofninfl land usoa; 4 Th~t the grantinq o1 thu parkfng walvet under the concJitlons Im~osed w~11 not 4e cfetrimontai to thu pa~co, health, aa(ety or gnneral w~l+are o1 Shu chizens u( 1he City cN AnuhQlm; 5. Tl~at the rrlquestotl parkin~ wafver t~a~ been substantEatcd by a p~arking atud~r which has ben rtwfewnaf arxl ap-xovcsd bY tho City TraNic erxf Tr~naportatian Manager, CRltt07M3.WF' •1- fC4}4• itt 6. That the requosted on•pramise sale and consumptio~ of beer and wine with(n an existfng r~staurant is an uuthorizod use in 1he CL 2ono sub~ect to the Approval of a conditional use permit; 7. 7hat the proposed use will not advorsoly aNect tlie adjaining land uses and the growth and development of the area in whlch It is propodai to ba located; 8. That the sfzo anci shape of tho site for the aroposecS use fs adequate to allow the full devolopment ~f the proposod use In e manner not detrlmental to tho particular area nor to tho pAace, health, satory, and general wolfare; fl, That the trs~Nic qeneratod by tlie proposed uso will not Impose an unduo burden upon tt~o streots and highways designud an.+ improved to carry the traffic in the area; t0. 7hat thv /lnaheim Police Department concurs with approval oi subject request; t 1. That tho granting of tho corniit(ona! uso permft under the conditions imposed w411 not be cietrimontal to the peace, health, satety And flenoral weltare of the ckizans of the Cfty of Anahelm; a^ci 12. That no on~ tndicated ttieir presence ut st-id public hearing !n opposition; and that no correspunder~re was recefveci in opposition to the subJect petition. A IF IA ENVIRO~!'.~v1EN1'AL n AIJ~AS~.~~N ~: That the Anehe(m City PlHnning Cnmmission has reviewed the pro~waal to pennft on-premise sala and consumption of beer and wine in an oxisting 2,264-aquare foot restaurant wfth wufvers o( parking lot landscaping and minimum numbor of park(ng spaces on u rectan{~ulartysh~ped parcei of land consistin~ ot ap(prona Qateon ages of123 (eeton the sauthwest comer o( Llncoln Avenue ~nd Stl~son Street, hav(ng app the south stcJe uf Uncdn Avenue c+nd 174 teet on the west sWe of Stinson Street, a:xi turt~ior descrfbed as 26fi2 West Lincdn {lvenue (Luclanu Fiestnurer~t); and does horeby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that the declaratfon reflects the Independent Judgemont ot the lead agancy and that it has considerecf the NegatNe Declaratlon topethor with any comments recoivod during the public revlew procoss and further }inding on the basls oi the initial study und any comments received that there fs no substantial evidence that the protect will h~ve a sign~ticant eNect on the environment. NOW, TNEREFOR[, BE IT RESOWED that tho Anahaim City F'~anning Cornmi~sion does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditlonal L's~ Permit. (n part, upon the tollowing conditions which are haroby found to be a necessary prer~~isite to the ~roposed use of the subJact prop~rty in order to pres~rve the safery ancl general wellare of tho Cittzans of iho Cky ol Aitiatiolm: t. That a rn!nfmum of thirty six (36) Narkinfl spaces shal! be provideci for subj4ct proporty. ?. Th~t thu hours ot op~ration be Ifmkod to: l~Aonday th~ough Friclay - t 1:30 a.m. t4 2:Q0 p.m. 5;30 p.m. to t0:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday - 5.00 p i~. to 10:00 p.m. ~. That th~ total floor area ot sub~ect resta~irar~t shall be limited to two thousand two hwklrc-d sfxt; tour (2,26a) sauare ~eet. 4. That food s~rvlc~n wfth availablo moals et~ll be availoblo until closin~ ttrne on ~ach day o( o~wration. 5. That the alcotidic beverago Ilcense shall not Iw exchangod for a'puWia premtsos' typo Ii~nnsca nor stk~ft th~ premises be opnrated as a"puL•~ic premises'. -2• PC~J•if3 6. That the sale of alcoholic beveragas for consumption aft the promi~~s is prohibfted. 7. That the quArteriy gross salas ut +alcoholic beveragos shall not exceed the gross sales of food or other commodlt(es durfng tho ~ame period. 8. That there shall be no Iive entertainmont or dancing permitted at thls business at any time. 9. That there shall bo no exiorior advortising of any kind or type, including Advertlsir,g directed to ihe axtorlor irom within the building, promoting oc indicating the availabllity of alcoholic beverages. 10. 7hat the p~rkirg lot of the premises shail be aquipped with Iiflhting of suNfcient powor to illuminate and mako easily discerniblo the appearanco arxi conduct oi all persons on or about the parking lot. t 1. Th2t ttiere shall be no tx?r or lounge area upon the Ilcens9d premises matntalned for the purposo of sale, sorvic~ or consumptiun ot alcoholfc beverages directly to patrons for cnnsumption. 12. That there shall be no pool tables or coin-opersited games molntain~d upon the premisses at any timo. t3. TFiat the portion of this Conditlonal Use F'ermit permitting the salo and consumption of beer and wine shali be void H n valid licsnse is not issued by the Oep~rtmant of Alcoholic Beverage Contro~ within one (t) year of the grantfng oi this use permit. 14. That no alcoholic bgiorages shall be consumed on any property ad~econt to the premises ~nder the control of the appl~cant. 15. That subJect use permft is grantod fnr a perfod of 1(one) year to oxpire on Fubruar~ 7, 1995; ~rovidscl, however, that time extnnsion~ may be sought In cunnectlon wfth a tuture PlAnning Commission pubtic hesring. 16. That frash storaga areas shall be providcd and malntatned i~~ a locatlon dcceptable to the Dep~rtment of Maintenance and in accordance with aQproved plans on fflo with sald Department. Such informatfon shall bo specitically shown on tho plans submiKed (or building permfts. ~ 7. Tliat a plnn sheat f~r aolid waste storoge and collaction, and a~lan (or recycling shnll be submittod to the Dopartment of Maintenanco tor re~,riow and approval. 18. That an on-sito trash truck turn•arnund area ahall be pro~~fdod and matntained to the satlsiac~tion of the popartment ol Maintenance. Safd tum•arounci aroe shall be spocilicalfy shown on plans submitted (or building permfts. t~J. That sub~oct prc~perty shail be developod substantiatly In accordar.ce with plana anc3 sp~cifications submittod tt~ tho Cfty oi Anahaim 5y the patftfaner and which plans are ~n file with the Planninp Dopartmont marked Revision No. 1 nf Exhib(t No. 1 and 2. 20. That prlor to camrnoncemont ai the activity rauthorized by thfs resduiion or wlthfn a period ot one (t) ~PAr from the d~~te of this resolution, whichevnr occ~arn tirst, Corxfitfon Nos. 1, 16. 17, 18 nnd 19, ~bove•montfoned, shrail be compliod with. Extenstor~s ror fuRher tfine to complete s~fd coMitEons may be granted In acc~rdanco wilh Section t8.U3.090 ot the Anaheim Municipal Code. 21. That approval of this applfcatlon Constitules approval M the propos~?d reques- only t~ the extent that tt compl(es wNh the Anahefm Munic~pal Zaning Coc1e a~d ony other ~p~1lcaWe City, Stato anci Fedoral re9~~tatlons. Approval dc~s not include any nc~fon or BiuJings as to complfance ur ~pprovat oi tho requsst regardinp any other applicable ordinanry, regulation or requirom~nt. ,3_ PC94-16 BE IT FUR'THER RESOWED that the Anahetm Ciry Planning Commisslon does hereby find And determine that adoption of thfs Resolution Is oxpressly predlcated upon epplicant's compliance with oach and all of tha conditions heroinabuve set forth. Should eny such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalld or unenforceable by tho final J~dgment of any court of competent Jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals horein contained, shall bo deemed null and vold. THE FOREGOINC RES4LUTION wa~ adopted at the Planninfl Commission meeting of February 7, 1~J4. ~~~ ~.~,2 CNAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANYVING COMMIS5IQN A7TEST: ~ii ~al~~nc~ SECRETARY~/ AHtIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION STA7E OF CAUFOFiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Marg2rita Solorio, Secretary of the Annhoim Ciry Flanning Commission, Jo hereby certffy that the (oregoinfl resolution was pASSed and adopt~d at a meeting of th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission hald on February 7, 1994, by the tollowfng vase oi the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSF, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sot my hand this ~" day of ~IJ/LU~.~L~,Y' __, 1994. . ---~-- ~~"~O2G~ ~~.cZn ~ - ~ SECRETARY, NAHEI CITY PLANNING COMti~ISSION ~. pl,'94-16