Resolution-PC 94-165RESOI.UTION N0. PC94-1fi A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N AMENDING FiESOLUTION NO. 72R-322 ADOPTEQ IN CONNEC'TIQN WITH VARIANCE NO. 2375 WHEREAS, on August 1, 1972 the Anaheim City Council approved, in part, Variance No. 2375 undor Res~lution No. 72R-322 for waivers of minlmum front yard, minirnum !ot width, and minimum lot area to establish en RS-5000(SC) "Residentfal, Single-Famlly" tract foliowing donlal by the Planninp Commfssion. Subject proporty fs locatocl on the east side of Mohler Drive approximatet;~ 470 feet south of the centerline of Ca{le Granada and further cJescribod as 180 N~rth Mohler Drfve; and developer: WHEREAS, said Rasoiution No. 72R-322 includos the tollowing stipulation made by the 'That sald varlance be granted, in part, subJect to the 4ollowing conditions and further subject to the stipulltion by the peveloper that on the 6,000 to 6,500 square foot lo4s tf~ere would be no two-story homes and theso homes woulci be I(mited to A rnaximum of 1,550 squnre (eet of Ifvinc~ spacc~ and contefn no more than threo bedrooms." WHEREAS, the petitioner requests arnen~ment to stitd term of approval to r~tain a dwelling excoeding 1,550 square feet in size, consisting of 2 stories and containin~ 5 bedr~oms; WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commission did hold a public heariny at the Givic Conter in the ~ity of Anaheim on Decemuer 12, 199~t, ~t 1,30 p.m„ notica of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and fn accordanc~ with the provislons of tho Anaheim Munlcipal Codo, Chapter t8.03, to he3r and cons(der evide~ce tor and aflainst said proposed amendment and to investigate and make iindinfls and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aiter d~to Inspection, invesr~7ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidenco and reports otiered at safd hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. 7hat Lot No. 52 of Tract No. 7730 (180 North Mohler Drive) i~ 6,000 sq, ft. in size; 2. 7hat thg dwelling at 180 Nortfi Mohler Drivo, which or(gfnally conslsted of 1-story, now consists ot 2 stories (attic space which was converted to Iiving spaco); 3. That the dweliing, which was originally t,550 sq.ft. In size, now includes a secohd stnry modif(cation {675 sq.it. Ilving space In the attfc) and an addition ('ta0 sq.it. built in 1981) for a tot~l floor area of 2,405 sq.ft.; 4. That the dwelling, whlch orig(nally cont~ined three bedrooms, now conteins five bodrooms; 5. That the exfsting development of the property, a 2,4~5 sq.ft., 2-~tory house with five bedrooms, comalies with the zoning and development standards of the underlying RS•7200 "Resident(al, Single Family" Zone although It dces not comply with stiputations orfginally mado by the developer; CR22Fi4MS.WP -1 • PC94•165 6. That the strlct application of the restrictlons imposed by Resolutlon No. 72R-322 c~aprivos tl7e suaJect property of privileges enjoyed by other propertic-s in the same zoning classificatlan outside Tract 7730, such as atlowing socond story additions, pormitting maximum lot coveraqe of 40°k, and putting no Ilmit on the total number of bedroorns; 7. That the second story converslon and t~ie adciitlon have beon Integrated into the de~~Ign of tho homA; and 8. That no one indicatod ti~elr presencu at said pubiic hearing fn opposition; that one int~rssted person spoke; and that no correspondonce was recefved in opposition to the subject petition. AL F RI~IA ENVIRONMEN7AL QUAI_I7Y AQ IND : i hat t~,, Anahalm City Plar.ming Commission has reviewed the proposal and does hereby ffnd that the Neg~..ive neclaration previc~usly approvod in connecNon with Vorianco No. 2375 is adeGuate to sorve as the roquired environm«ntal documentation in connection with thfs roquest upon finding that the declaration reflects the indepen~ient JudgPment of the lead agoncy and that it has considered the Negative Declaratlon together with any comrrienes receivod during the public review process And furthor tlnding on the basis of the initial study and an~r camment, recefvecl that there I~ no substantial evfdence that the proJect will have a sfgniffc:ant effer,t ~n tho environmont. NOW, THEREFORE, 9E IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Plannfng Commisslon does hieraby amend Resolution No. 72R-322, adopted in connect(an with Variance No. 2375, aa (ollows: A. Amc~nd tho stipulation mado by tho developer and documented on pago 8 of sald rosolution, to reac!: 'That subJect var(ance be granted, In part, subJect to the fo(lowing cond(tlons ~nd furtF~er subJect to the stipulatfon by the Developer that on the G,000 to 8,500 sq.ft. lots there would be r~o two•story homes and these hornes would be limited to A maximum uf 1,550 sq.ft. of Ii~~ing space :~.nd contain no more than thre~ bedrooms, with the except(on of 180 North Mohl~r Drive (Lot No. 52 of Tract No. 7730)." B. Add the foltowing cond(tions: 3. That the owner of Lot No. 52 of Tr~ct No. 7730 (180 N. Mqhler Drive) shall obtain ell riecessary bufiding permits needecl to legeli~e ~he att(c conversion. 4. That subject property shall be dQVeloped substantially In accordance with plans and s~secffications submitted to the Cfty ~f Anahofm by the petitloner end which plans ar~ on filo with the Planning Uepartm~nt marked Exhlbit Nos. 1 through 3. 5. That Conditlon No. 3, above-mentfoned, shall be completed withln a~erlocl of thirty (30) days from tho date of this resolution. 6. That prior to tinal building and zoning Inspections, Condltion No. 4, abovo-mentioned, slzall be complled with. 7. 7hat approvai of th(s applfcation constitutes approval of tho pmpused request only to the extant that it complies with the AnAhelm Municipal Zonfng Code and any other appl(cable City, State and Federal reflulations. Approval does not include any actlon ar ifndings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any othor appl(c~ble ord(nance, regulation or requirement. .z_ PC94-165 ~I THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptad at the Plann(ng Comm(sslon meeting of December 12, 1994. ~ -~ , ~ ~~ ~ CfiAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM CIT PWNNING CO~AMISSION ATf EST: ~ ` `~~~: ,. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C TY PIANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ STA7E OF CAUFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commission, d~ hereby aortlfy that tha foregoing resoiution was passed and ac'opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cnrtimiss(on held on December 12, 1994, by the followfr,g voto of the membors thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: BOYQSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABuEN7: CO~AMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITR~ESS WHEREOF, i ttave hereunto set my hand this `~,~ day of ~ 1995. , ~ ""`y i ~ SECRETA Y, ANAHtIM GITY PIANNING COMMISSION j ~ , i t ~ .3. PC94-165