Resolution-PC 94-17y.... FlE~ ~ TI . PC94-17 A RESOLUTIO~ OF THE ANAME{M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETI'(ION FOFl VARIANC~ N0. 4243 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, subJect petitlon was origlnally scheduled and advertised for con~idoratier~ by the Anahalm Zordng Administrator and subsequently referre;i tn the Anaheim Planning Commisslon; and WHEREAS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commission did recefve a veri(fed Petftion for Veriance for certAlii real property situatad in the City of Anaheim, ~ounty of Orange, Statd of California descrlbed as: PARC:EL 4 OF PARCEL MAP NU. 89-239, !N THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGF_, STAI'E UF CALIFORNlA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 251 PAGES 33 THROUGH 36, INCLUSIVE, Or PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF 1'I-IE COUNTY FiECORnER AF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planninfl Commisslon did hold a p~!blic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on February 7, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice oi said public hoaring h7ving been duly given as requlred by lew and in accordance with the provisions of tho Anahelm Munlcipai CodA, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenco for ttnd against safd proposed variance and to investigato and mnko iindings and recommendations in connection therewfth; and WHEREA3, said Cummission, aker due inspection, investigailon and study made by Itself and in its behaif, and ufter due r,onsideration of all evidence and reports oft~reri Rf sald haaring, does find and dotermino the tollowing tacts: t. 7hat the petitioner proN~ses waiver of the followinfl under authority of Crxie SectEon t8.06.080 to permft exry~nslan of oNice erea in an existing industrial building In conjuncdon with a publishing/distributlon tacility: SECTIONS 18 6.4L O~~.Q2?~ - Mlnimum number of oarkina s~ces. 1~. §Q50•031 ( 4~C parking spacu3 required by Code; ,'t~nd 18.~31.066.Q50 ,'~Q provided; ~ spaces required by parkfr~fl study and the Ciry's Traf(ic and 7ransportation Manager). 2. That the parking vartance wiil not cause an increase in traHic congestion in the irnmediate vicinity nor adversely affect any adJo(ning land uses; 3. That the granting of ttie parking varfance under the conditions imposed wlll no2 be ~Jetrimortal to the oeace, health, satety or genera! weliare ot the cltizens oi the City of AnaFiefm. 4. That the number oi parking spaces t~vafleble on the promises Is sutticlent to adequatety sorvQ all the uses currently occupying the promisds. 5. That no one Indicated thoir presence at sa~ p~:bifc hearing In ~pposftfon; and that no corresponden~e was recefve~d in opposftion tn sub~ect petftion. .~. PC94-17 CF12009MS.WP CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAI. QUALITY AC7 FINQING: That the Anaholm City Planning Commission has reviewed tho proposal for waNor of minimum number of parking spacos to permlt expanslon of office aroa witliin an oxistlnq industrfal bullding in conJunctfon wftr; a publiching/distribution facility on an Irroguierly-shaped parcol of land consisting of approximatoly 6.8 acres located at the southeast cornor of Cerrftos Avonue and Lewis Stroet, having approximate fronfagos ot 440 (oet on the so~~th side of Corri2us Avenue and 570 teet on the east side oF Lewis Streo:, and further descrEbed as 1590 5outfi Low(s Streot (Anaheim Businoss Center); and does horeby approve the Neflative Declaratlon upon iirdi,~g that tho daclaration reflects the indepondent Judfloment of tha lead agency and that It hAS considerecl the Negative Declarati~n together with any comm6nts receivod during the public rev(ew process and further finding on tho basis uf the Initial study and any comments received that thore is no substantiai evidence that the proJect will have a significFant effoct on the anvlronment. NOVI', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim Cfty Planninp Commisslon does liereby grant subJect Petitian for Variance, upon the followi~~g conditlans which are horeby found to be a necessary prorequisite to the proposed use ot ths subJect prnperty fn ordar to preserve the safety and c~eneral welfare of the Cltizens of the Clty cf anahaim: t, The hours of oporation shall be Iimlted to Manday thro~:gh Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. unly. 2. The total numbor of employees on any given shNt shall be Iimited to not more than twentyfive (25) persons, Including ~~art timd employees. 3. That thls use bo Iimited to a mfucimum four thousand threo hundrod (4,300) ~qu~i-~e feet of office and a minimum of three thousand four hundred (3,400) squaro teet of warehause. 4. 7hat Firo Department va.hicular access shall be provided and mairztainod to the sAtisfaction of the City Firo Department. 5. 7hati plans shall be submittod to the Cfty 7raHic end Transportation Manager for his review and approval showinfl conformance with the current versiuns of Enginoering Standard Plan Nos. 435 and FiU2 pertalning to parkfng standards and driveway location. SubJect property shall thereupon be doveloped and maintafnda in conformance with said plans. E. That trash storage areas shall be providad and maintained in a locatlon accoptable to tha Department of Malntnnance and in accordance with approvod plans on file with said dopartment. Such (nformation shall be speclfically sho~Nn on the plans submitted for buflding permits. 7. That a plan sheQt for solid waste storagc~ and co~lection, end a plan for recyclfng sfr.~ii be submitted to the Department of Malntenance for ruview and ::, ~oval. 8. That en en-site trash truck turn-aruund arQa shall be provfdai and maintain~i to the satisfaction of tho [?epartmont of Maintenance. Said turn-around area shall be spectticafly sliown on plan.s submitted ~or buildfng permfts. 9. 1'hat subJect property shall be dovolopod sub~tantially in acc4rdance wfth plans and spociiir.ations submitted to the City of Anaheim by tho ~~etftfonor and whfch ~lans ar9 on tile with the Planning Departmont markerl ~xhibit Nos. 1 and 2, 10. That a minim~~m of three hundred eight (3Q8? parking space~ shall be maintainod on the s!te. -2• P~4•17 11. That prior to Issuance of a bullding permit or withln a perlod of one (1) yaar irom the date of this decisfon, whichover occurs first, Condition Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extensions for furthor time to complete ~aid conditions may be flranted In accordance with Sectlun 18.03.090 of the Anahelm Municipal Code. 12. That prior to final bullding and zonlnp in~pections, Condftion Nos. 3, 4, 9 and 10, above-mentio~Ad, shall be complled with. 13. That approval of thls application constftutas appraval of the propased request nnly to tho extent that it complles wtth the Anaheim Municipai Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and FAdorai ragulatlons. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compllance or epproval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulatlon or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Plannin~ Commission does heroby find and determine that adoptian of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon ap~lic~nt's compllance with each and all c,f the condltions herolnabove set forth. Should any such conditiors, or any part thereof, be doclared InvaUd or ur~enfarceabie by the final Judgment of eny co~~rt oi compotent Jurisdiction, then this Resulution, and any approvals hereln contained, shall be deemed null and void. 7HE FOREGOING RE50LUTION wag adopted at th9 Planning Commissinn meeting of February 7, 1954, ~ ~ ~ ~~ , CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY NNIN COMMISSION A7TEST; .~.~~Ci,r)i ~ <o~olu~t _ SECRETAR~ , ANlaHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S'1'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCaE ) ss. CITY OF AiVAHEIM ) I, Marflarita Solaria, Secretary uf the An&hoim Clry Planning Commiss(on, da hereby certify thflt the toregofng rosolutfan was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planninfl Comm(ssion hold on February 7, 1994 by tho fallowing v~te of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL, MENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NON~ ABSENT: COMMIS~ION~RS~ BOYDSTUN 1994. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~/G{day of ~_~ --- -~~~ - ~ ~(,la? L~ta ~-~' IpIL~ SECRE7ARY ` NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CnMMISSION .3. PC84-17