Resolution-PC 94-18A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM ClTY PLANNING COMMISSION TE~MINATING A~L PROCEF_DING^u IN CONNECTION WITH CpNDITIONAL USF PERMI'f N0. 2758 AND CONDITIONAL U5E PERMlT tJO. 3425 WHEREAS, or February 3,1986 the Flanning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit PJo. 275~3 permit4ing on-premfse sales and consumption of beer and wine in conjunction with an existfn~ restAUrant wfth waiv~r of minimum numbar of parking spacos on prop~rty locatad nor~h and aast of the northeast corner ot Lr~ Palma Avenue and State College Boulevard and further described as 1088 and ~1098 North State Calloge Boulevard; and WHEREAS, on J~ly 3, 1991 the Zoning Admfnistrator opprqved Conditional Us~ Pernift No. 3A25 permitting the expansiari of an existing restaurant/nlghtclub with on-premises sales and consumption of atcotu,lic beverages and with waiv9r ~,' minimum numbor of p~rking spacos; and WHERE~S, the Zaning Admfnistrator has referred the termination request for ConditionAl Uso Pennit Na. 3425 to tho Planning Commission to bo considered cuncurrently wftfi termination of Condltfonal Use Permit No. 2758; and WHEREAS, Jitl A. Richter, reprosent(ng the property owner poris Richter, has submittecl A letter requRStinc~ tormfnatlon of Canditional Use Permlt No. 2758 and Canditlonal Use Perrnit Na. 3425 to comply with the conditlons of approval of Conditfonal Use Perrnit No. 3E'i42. NAW, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hQreby t:Arminate All proceed(ngs fn connectlon w~ith Cunditional Use Pormit No. 2758 and Conditional Use Pormit I~o. 34~5 on the basis of the foregoinfl findfngs. THE FO~tEGOiNG RESOLUTiON was adopted at the ~lanning Commission moeting of Febru2.y 7, 1994. ~ --- y CHAIR AN, AN:IHEIM CIN P NING COMMISSION ATf E ST: ~ _.__,~~~1~~ ~~,~. SECRE AR NAIiEIM CITY PLANPJINCa COMMISSION Sl'ATE OF CALIFOHNIA ) COUfVTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANA'iEIM ) I, Marqarita Solorto, 3ACretary of the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission, do hdreby cortify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adoptWcl at a•nasting of the Anei~elm Ci:y Plann(ng uommissio~i held on February 7, 19.~4, by the (ollowin~ vote oi ihe memb~:s thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TA~T NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NQNE ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my hand thfs ~~ day of - 2G[C 199A. i~,n ~zn~f~ ~~~ru.~ SECR ARY NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMlSSION CR2012MS.wp -1- PC94-18