Resolution-PC 94-25. _ ,,~~, RESOLUTION NO PG94-25 A RESOLUTIOtV OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANIvING COMMISSION AMENDING CE~TAIN CONDITIONS OF APPRI~VAL UF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3455 WHEREAS, on September 23, 1991 the Anahefm City Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Perrnit No. 3455 under fiesolutlun No. PC91-145 permitting the expanslon of a recycfing/resource recovery transfer facilft~~ torove~low parking of collectlon transfar operationa ralling stock wlth wliver of minimum yard roquiraments on property located on the north side of tho Riversida (SR 91) Freoway, approximately h00 ieet west of the conterline of the southerly terminus of White Star Avonue; and WH~REAS, said Resolution No. FG91-145 includes the f~llowing condition of approval: "15. That this aondttional use permit Is granted for a period of two (2) y~ars and shall Yermin~ito on September 23, 1993." WHEREAS, the petitfoner has requested to amend said condition of approval pertaining to the time Iimitat(on for the approved use; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammisslon did hold a publio hoaring at the Civic Conter in the City of Anaheim on February 23, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of ~aid pubiic hearing having boen duly given as requlroc; by law and in accordance with the provisions oi the Anahofm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and considor evidence for and agalnst said proposed ~mendmant end to investigate and rnake findings anr~ recommendations in oonnection thdrewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, after due inspectlon, investigs~tion and study macJe by Itself ~znd in its bs~half, and atter due aonsideiation of atl ovidenca an~ reports ~ffered at said hearin9, does find an~ determino tl~e foilowinq iacts: 1. Thr3t tho petitioner has not yet commenood the activities permitted by this use permlt; 2. That a time extensfon to comply with the conditions of approval of this use perm(t v~as grant~aa an this date by the Planniny Commission; and 3. lhat rin ~ne Indica4ed thelrpresence at sa(d public hearing In o~~position; that one person indic~tod his presence in tAVOr; and ti~~t nu correspondence was roceived (n nppositfon to the subjoct p~titlon. ~ALIP N~, I/~ ENVIPONMI~NTAL QUALITY A~,~T F IN : That the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commiasion has rov(ewed the proposal tnamond Condition No. 15 of Resolution No. PC91-145 and does hereby fincl that the Negative Ueclaration previously approved in connectfon with Gonditlonal Uso Permit Nn. 3455 is adequate to serve as the requirod enviranrnent~l •~iocumer.tation in connect(on with tii(s request upon finciing that th^ declaratinn re~er,ts Ihe indepondent judgemQnt of the lead agoncy and thai i4 has conslclered thd Nogativo D3clarat(an together with any comments recel~~ed during the public revlew pracess and fi~~rther find!nfl on the t~asls of tha Initiaf study and any comments recelved that there is no substantial evidenco that tho projc~ci will have ~ sigi~iticant offoct on tiie environment. CR2022M8.wp .t . PC94-25 NOW, THERFFORE, B~' 17 RESOLVED that 1he Anahoim City Planning Commission does hereby amend Cunciitlon No. 15 of Resolution No. PCJi-145 to reud as }ollows: 15. That this c~nditional use permft Is granted (rRtroactive (rom Soptember 23, 1993) for a perlocf of tv~u (2) years and shall termi~ate on September ?.3, 1995. THE FOREGCING RESOLUTION was adopted at tho Plannfng Comm;ssion meeting of Fehruary 23, 59~4. ~;. i /7 ./, - `'~ ' ' ~-~~~-~. CHAIRMAN, ANAH -IM CiTY'~LANNING COMh/iISSION ATTEST: AETARY, AN M CITY PUINNINCi COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFOHNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CiTY OF AN! HEIM ) I, Ja~et L. Jansen, Secrtdary of tlie Anaheim City Flanning Commis,alon, do hereby certHy that the Soregoing resdutlon was passe~! end adopted at a meetiri~ of thn Ananaim CRy Plann(ng Commission hgid on february 23. 1994, by the lolic~wing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CAt.DWELL, HEIJNINGER, MAYER, MESS~, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONEFS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT IN VYITNESS WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my ha~xf this ~~_ day o1 t ~4. RETARY, ANAH - CITY PLJINNINCi ~COMMISSiON .2.. PC~4•26