Resolution-PC 94-26. ... . .... •..W..W. .. . ..,..,....~.. ... - M. ~~ ,~, -~, atwra RE.SQ! UTION N0. PC94,Z~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N APPROVING MODIFICATION 7U CQNDITIONA~_ USE P~FtMIT NO. 3'S~J Wt I~REAS, on Decomber 3, t~0 the Planning Commission epprovad Cnnditionai Use Pormk No. 3359, In part, under Resolution No. PCJO-271 permfriing the expanslon of ~i ~ecycling/resource recoveiy transfer fac!lity wrih waiver o( minfmum number of parking s~ces, mnxfmum fence liolght, and requlrod improvement of parking areas on property loceted at 2751-2781 East White Star Avenue (Anaheim Disposalj; and WHEREAS, the petftioner requests modi(ication of sub~ect use permit t~ enclose the outdoor usos of tfie existing recycting/reseurce recovery trans(er i~cllity by the constructfon of 76,592 sq.ft. and 29,510 sq.ft. buildings with waiver minimum numbor ot parking spaces; and WHtREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoid a pubiic tiearing at the Clvla Center in the Cfry of Anaheim on Februar~ 23, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notica of seid public lie~ring having been duly given as required by law and in accoruance wfth the provisions of thd Anahoim Munlcipal Gode, Ch~pter 18.03, to hear and cons(der evidence (or and against sald proposed mafiflcatiun to Condftional Use Permit ~lo. 3359 anci to investigate and mako (incings and recommendations In connection tlierewith; end WHEP.EAS, aaid Commicslon, aNer due inspectio,~, irnrectigation and study made b; ~~s~if nnd in its b~half, er~d aRer due conskleratiun o( ell evidonce and reports affered at said hearing, does tind and determfno the faliowing facts: 1. 7hat the petftloner requests appro~~al of revlsed ptans to encto~e c~cist~nq outdonr uses oi an existing recyclin{~/resource recovery transfer laciliry by iho constniction oi two 7(f,592 sq.ft. and 29,5t0 sq.ft. buildings under nuthority o1 Code Sectfon ancf wlth Wafver'A" befng rovfsed as idlows: (A) .~ions 18.Q~.05U.Q~. - Minlmum number oj~r I~i gg. ,ZQ 06Q.48Q (~Q roquired by Code: end 18 81 O(i6.05a t 2~roquired by parkin~ study; ~,Q existinfl end proposed nn•site) 2. That the parkinp waF~er, a~ revisad, will n~t cause an increase In traHic rongoslion In the immediato vicinity nor adversely aHect any ad~olning I~nd uses because a parking stixly, indiraiing that thore will ba adoqunte parkinu for this I~cAity, was opprovcxl by !he City 7raMfc ancl Transpohation A~anagor; 3. That the grantinp ot the parki~g variancs uncior the corxlitions imposed -vill not bo detrlmental to the peaco, health, aafety or ganeral wellare ol the citizens o( tho Cfty of Anaheim; 4. Thnt tho proposed use, as rwised, is property aio for which a condki~nal uso permit is auihortzed by Ihe Zohing Code: 5. That tha proposal uacs. es revised, wfll nat adveratdy atfact tne ndjoining land uses grni lhe growth arK1 devc~{opment ot tho ercta in which i;18 propasAd to be Iocated berauae tho praposal Canalsts 01 encloafng uses which nro Currerrtly c~ccurrinp out-of4o~n arxl sa(c1 anr,tosure w11 rafuce any edverte visual impa~ct.e end/or odor and dust emissions, erxf becau~e the ncsw buAdingo will malch exlatl-~ on•site buiidings; CR2023MS.wp -t • PC94-2K B, That tho size And sh~po ot the site for tho pruposed use is adequate to ellow th~ tull developmont ol tho proposed use fn a manner not detrimontal to the particular ~rea nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare becaus9 the are~s befng enclosed are not currently usod or designpted for parking; 7. That tho traffic generated by the proposed use will not Impose an undue burde~ upon tho stroe!s and highwlys dosigned and improved to carry the trt(flc in the aroa; 8. That thc~ granting of the conditional usa pF,rmit under the conditlons, as revised, wlll not be detrimentnl to the peaco, h~alth, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of AnahRim; and 9. 7hat ono porson ind(catad hEs presence at safd pu~lfc hepring fn oppooitlon; a~d that corrospondonce was recoived In layor to the sub~oct petMlon. Cai I Q~NIA ENVIRONMENTAL JUALI'fY 4r'f FINDING,: That tho Anaheim City Plannfnq Comrnisalon ha3 reviewed the proposal to enciose certain exlsting canditionully permitted uses in con~oction with an existing recycling/resource recovery transfer lacflity and revisfon of WaNer (A) pertaining to minimum number of park(np spaces and does horeby tind that the Neg~tive Declaration provt~usly approved In connection with Conci(ttonal Use Permit No. 3359 Ia Adequ~te t~ serve ~s the required envlronmental documentation in connectfo~ wlth this request upon tin~ing that the declarati. reilects the independent Judgement of the le3d agency arxl that it has considered the Nogative Declaratlon toqether whh any commonts receNecl during the publfc revfew proces~ and further findEng on the basls of the tnitial ~tudy arxJ any comments roceivod that there is no substantfal eviclonco that the projoct will heve a slgni(icant eHect on tho environmcnt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOLVED that the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commtssion does heroby grant sub;ect modifkation to Conditional Usa F'ermft No. 3355, upon thu (ollawing revised (No. 1~) and additional condftions (Nos. 19 through 25) which are herel.y found to bo s necessary prereg~ilsire to the proposecl use ot tho sub(ect proporty Iti onler to presenie the safety and general welfare o} the Citixens ot the City ~t Anaheim: 15. 7hat subj~c~ proparty shalf be developcd s~bstantfalty in accordance with ~lans ond sper,ificattons submitted to the Cfry ot Anaheim by the petitiqner and whl~h plans ere on (ile with the Plannin~ Department marked Exhfbft Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The nPw Exhibft No•.. 4, 5 and 6 shr~ll supersede ~xhibh Nos. 1, 2 a~d 3 os may pHttain to iho new Buflding Nos. 1 nrxi 2, if any inconsistencies aro fdentHied. 1~J. That exterlor buildiny materiats far now B~ildinq No. 2 slk^.II maich those shown (or new Building No. 1(Exhibft No. 6). Pian;s submitted for building pen~"s shall so-frnlicato. 20. That no additidnal sig~age shaii be permittod on now 9uilding Nos. t or 2, oth~r than that as ahown on Exhibit No. 6. 9:. 7hst tha pethioner aha.i nubmit en aflroement te the Sutxlivision Section of tho Publfc Worka Departmgnt for revfuw ~ind appruval by thP Ciry Attomey, agr~e!ng that prior t~ requvating a certi(ica:e ot occup.~ncy, Either (a) P~rcal Map No. 90•236 or (b) a Lot Une Adjustment Plat (shnw(ng ttach entira buflding la wNht,~ (t~ ane parcel) ahall bn rec:ordod with the ONice of ttio Orango County Recorder. 22. That prlor to grading plsn apnroval or ~xlor to lssuance ot a buftding permtt tor nwv Bupoing Nos. t ancl/or 2, whichever occurs first, the ~ropeRy awnur slwl! submit a yVeier Ouality Menngernenc Plan (WOMP~ spacNtcally idr:ntifying bost managoment practices that will be used on-she tu contrd predicteMo pallutants Iram stormwoter runott. The WQMP shall be nubmitted to the Subdiv~sbn Sectfan ot the PuMic Works Depnrtment for review and approval. ,2. PC94•26 23. That the tonnage of ~n•sit~ retuso shpll be Iimited to four thrnasand one hundrod sixty elght (4,168) tons per day, per the st~to permit. 2a. That prior to issu~nce of e build(ng permit (or new Bullding Nos. 1 and/or 2, or witliin a period of one (1) year (rom tl~o date of this resolutlon, whichever occurs itrst, Condition Nos. if1, 21 and'2, above-mAntiondd, shAll be complied with. Extensions for further time to complete sald condltfons may be gra~ted In accordance with Soctlon 18.03.090 AF the Anaheim Municipal Code, 25. That prior to iinal bullding and zoning inspect(ons for new Duliding PJos. 1 and/or 2, Condition No. 15, above-mentloned, shall I~o compiled with. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahe(m Clty Planning Commission does hereby tind and determino that adoption ci this Resolution ls expres~ly predicatod upon appllcanYs complianco with each and all of the conditions hereinabovo set turtl~. shouid any such condition, or a~y part thareof, be declarai Invalid or unonforceable by tfie ~lnal judgme~t of any court of compotent Jurisdfctior~, then this Resolutton, and any approva~s herein contained, shall be d9emed null [~nd vi,id. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Flannfng Commission moeting of February 23, 1994. ~~ / ~~~~;, ,- ,, CHAIRMAN ANA' EIM CITY P NING COMMISSION ATTEST: /- /~ GRETARY, ANA ClTY PLANNING COMMISSION (, STA7E OF CAUFORNIA ) r,OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L J~nsen, Socrotary o( ttie Anahoim City Planning Comm(ssion, do horeby certHy that the (oregoing resotution was passed and adonted at a meeting of the Anahe(m City Planning Commtssion hsld on February 23, t994, by tho tollr~wfng vote of the mombers thereof: AYES: COMM~SSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEI.L, HENNING~R, MAYER, MESSE, PFRAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT IN WITNESS WH~FiEOF, I t~ave horew~to oet my ~-$nd thfs ,11,X-L day oi `%~~~ 1994. ~ Za 8 RETARY, ANAHE~IT~LANNING l:OMMISSION l1 .3. PC94-26