Resolution-PC 94-27P~9pLl~TION NA, PC9g;2,~ A RESULUTION QF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CnMMISSION 7HAT PETITIOIV FOR RECLASSIFICATIQN ld0. 93-94-06 BE GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY VYHER[l~S, the Anat~oim City Planninq Commissfon dId recoive a veriflo~ petltion for Roclassif(cation tor reai property sltuatQd In tlie City of Anahelm, County of Ocange, State of Calfiornia, described as follows: PARCEL 4, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OHANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SFIOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOI< 30, PAGES 48 AND 4~J nF PARCEL MAnS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH~ COUNTY RFLORDER UF SAID COUNTY. THAT PORTION OF ALLOTMENTS IN DECREE OF PAR71T{ON OF THE RANCHO CANON nE SANTA ANA RENDERED IN CASC NO. 19'18 OF THE 1 ~TH JUDICIAI.. DISTRICT COURT OF CALIFORNIA, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS R~CORp~D FFBRUARY 8, 1874 IN BOOK 28, PAGE 15H OF DEEDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CQUNTY RECORDER OF LOS APiGELES ~OUNTY, DESCRIC?EG M : FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTFIWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 4 01= PARC~L MAP RECOROED IN BOOK 30. F'AGES 48 ANd 49 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNIY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY;THENCE EASTERLY ALONG Th~E SOUTHEHLY LINE OF SAIU PARCEL 4, NORTH ~7 DEG. 25' 12" EAST 81.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71 DEG. 59' 07" EAST 446.64 FEE.T; THENCE LEAVING SAI~ SOUTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 1E3 DFG, 00' S3" EAST 30.5Q FEET; THENCE SOU7H 26 DEG, 59' 07" WES'~ 21.21 FEF:T; THENCE SOUTI~I %1 DEG. 54' 6a" WEST 60.09 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 31 DEG. 10' 37" WEST 37.f39 FE[T; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEG. 19' 10" WES7 162.50 FEEY; THENCF SOUTH 'T8 DEG. 36' 44"'NEST 179.G1 FEET; TIiF~lCE NORTH 79 DEG. 2D' 46" WEST 21.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 97 DEG. 39' 23" WEST dO.OQ FEF'f; TMEN(;E NORTH 62 DEG. 38' 05' WEST 37.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINf~lING. WHERFAS, the Clty PlannlnQ Commi;sfon did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In tlie City of Anaheim on February 23, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., noNce of sald public hear(nfl hav(ng boon duly gfven as requirerJ by law and (n accordance with the provfsEons of the An~tiefm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenco tor and against said proposed roclassif(catlon and to Inv~stigate and make tindinfls and recommendat-ons in connectlon trerowith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after duo inspection, fnv~st(gatioii and study made by ftsolf and In fts behalf, and after due considoration ot ol~ ovfdonce and reparts offered at sa!d Fiearfnfl, does find and deterrnino the followin~ tects: t. ThAt the potitioner pr~poses rec:lassiflcation o( subJoct proporty irorn the RS-A- 43,000(SC)(FP) (Residantlal/Apricultvrat-Scenic Corrtdor ~verl~y and ~lood Plairt Overlay'~ Zone to the CL{SC)(FP)(Commercial, Limited-Scenic Corridor Overlay encl Flood Piain Overfay) Zone. uses. 1'hat the Anaheim Genera! IP{an desiflnates sub~ect property tor qene-al comrnorcial land CR2o24MS.wp -1- PC9~-27 3. That the propos~d reclassificatlon o( subJect prop~rty is necessary end/or desir~blo for the orderly ~nd proper development oi tl~e community, 4. 7hat the proposed recl~zssification of ~ubjact proporty does properly relato to the ~ones and their per~nitted uses locally established in close praximity to subJect property and to the zones and thelr permitted uses generally established tfiroughout the community. 5. 7hat no one fndicated thelr presenc3 at said p~blic hearing in oppositlor• And that no correupondence was rec3lved In oppositlon to subJect patition. ~g~JEqRNIA k'NVIRONM~NTAL UQ ALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahe(m Cfty Planning Commtssion has reviewed ihe proposal to reclassity subJect property irom the RS-A-43,000(SC)(FP) (Rosidentlal/Agricultural•Scenic Corrfdor Ove~lay and Floai Plain Overlay) Zone to she CL(SC)(FP)(Commercial, Limited•Scen(c Corridor Overlay and Flood Plain Ovorlay) Zone to oxpand an existing car wash f~~cllity by adding a 1,375 sy.ft. a~to servir,o facility in the Flaod Plain Overlay Zone with walvers of structural setback and yord requlrements and roquired site screoning on an trregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting af approxfmataly 1.31 acres, t~aving a irontaye of approximately 575 feet on the south s(de of La ~'alma Avenuo, liaving e maximum depth uf approximately 140 teet, being located approximately 102U teet east of the centariine of Imperial Hfghway nnd furthor described as 5810•5940 East !~ Palma Avenue; and doos hRr6by approve the Negative Declaration upon iindinfl that the declar~tion rellocts the indepandent judgement of tlie IRad agoncy and that it has cunsidered the Nogatl~+e Deciaratlon togother witii any comments recoived during the public review ~rocess and fur~her ffnding on the basis of the Initial study and nny aomments rec~(vad that there is no substantinl evidence that the proJect wfll have a significant ettect on the environment. NOW, THFREFORF, BE IT RESOLVED th~tt the Anahofrri City Plann(ng Comn;lasion doos hereby approvo the sub~ect Fetition for Recla~sificatlon to authorize an A-nendment to the Zoning MAp of tho Anahe(m Municipal CocJe ta exclude the above~ciescrib~ci property trom the RS-A-A3,000(SC)(FP) (Resfdontial/A~ricultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay and Flood Plsfn Overlay) Zone and to Incorporate said described property into the CL(S~.)(FP)(Commerciaf, Limited•~cenic Corridor Overlay and Flood Plaln Overtay) Zone, unconditfonaliy. BE IT FURTHER RE~OI.VED that approval of this application constitut~s approval of the proposod request only to the extent that it cortipiles with the Anahelm Municipal Zoning ~ode and any other applfcable Cit1•, State and Federal regulatf~ns. Approval does not include ~rny action or iindings es to compliance or approvai o~ the request regardfng any ~ther applfcable ordlnanco, reguiatiun or requlremont. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, ihat this resolution shall not constitute a razoning ot, or a con~mftment by tho City to rezone, the subject property; any such razorting shall require an ordinance of the Cfry Counc,l which shall be a IegislatNe Act whfe;h may bo r~pproved or denied by tFio City Counc(I at its sole discretion. THE FOREGOtNG RESULUTION ~vas adopted at the Planning Commiss(~n meeting ot Fobruary ?.3, 1994. i~ ~~~ /~i~ ~ ~ ~ 'Z !~= • A A E CI'1Y i' IN COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, ATrEST: ~ CRETARY, AiVAF,I - CIl"f PLANNING COMMISSION / .2_ PC9A-27 - - ~^^-, STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) CQUtJTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, JAnet L. Jenson, Secretary oF the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission, do horeby certity that fhe forogofrg resolutlon was passed And adoptecl at a meet(ng of tho Anaheim City Plannfng Commission held on Febru~ry 23, 1994, by the (ollawing vote oi the members thareof: AYES: COMMISSIVNERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWE~.L, H~NNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, P~RAZA NC1ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A13SENT: COMMISSInNERS; TAIT IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this %t/ day of ~~ 1994. ' S E~ARY, AN,4H I PLANNING COMMISSION .g. PC94•27