Resolution-PC 94-29A~q.~lLi10N NQ, PC24•29 A RESpLUTION OF TH~ ANA!1EIM CITY 1'LANNING COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLIRIQN NO. NC94-1 ADOPTED IN GONNECTION WITH RECLASSIFICATION N0. 93•9~1-05 WHEHEAS, on Januery iQ, 1994 the Analieim Cfry Planning Commission approved Roclassification No. 93•94-05 undar Resalution No. PC94-t r~zoning sub~eci sfte trom the RM-1200 (Rosidontial, Multl Family), RM ~4UU (iiesidentfal, M~Itiplo Family), RS-7200 (Residnntlal, Sfngle•Family) and ML (Limited Industrial) Zonos to the HM-3000 (Res(darti~l, Multipio Family) and RM-2~W0 (Resldentlal, Multiple Famil~) 2ones on property consistfnfl of approximate!y 20 acrea, generelly bounded by Uncoln Avdnue an tre north, OroacJway on the south, East Street to the east and the Atchison-Topeka arM Santa Fe Railroad ~ight-of•w..y tc tho west; and WHEREAS, said Rasolutfon No. PC9d-1 includes tha follo~ving condftion oI uppruvai: Thnt an unsuborciinate~ covenant stiall be recarded wkh the Otfice of the Oranqo County Recorcie- agreeing the provide the buyer o} each dweiling unR N~th written Iniormatlan obtafned from the school district(s) perta!ning to possiblo overcrowded conditions arxl busing stetus o( the achod(s) servfng the dwull(n~ unh. A copy o( tho covenant shall be submittecl to artd approved by the City Attorney prior to recordatiwi. A copy nl tho rucorded crn+enant shati be submkted to the Zoning Dlviston.' W~f~REAS, the Anahuim RPdmelopmont Age.7cy requosts that Condiiion No. t of R~sdutfon No. PG94-t be frarsferrdd ta TentatNe Tract Me~ No. t4866. WHEREAS, the Ct~y Plonning Commlasion c11d hotd e pubilc hoaring at the Clvic Center In the City af Anaheim on March '7, t994, nt 1:3(? p.m., notica M said puWic hearing havinq been duly qiven as required by law arxlln accorcfance with the provlsbns M tho Anohetm Munlcfpel ';cx1e, Chapter 18.03, to hear :,nd Con3lder evldence (or and ogafnst oafd proposed amondment ar~d to Irnestigato onrJ maka Iindingf ar-d recommerxJati~hs ~n connectfon therewith; and WH~REAS, said Commission, aNe! due inspectbn, Irngsttgatlon arwi atuciy made by Itsol( and in its behal(, ond aftar due conskloration of a!I evidence and r~ports oHered at saW hearir~q, does find and dete~mine the fdlowing (acts: 1. 7tat no one lndicAted thelr presence at ssld public hea~ing U oppositkk~n; ond that no correspondence wes receivecf fn opposNion to the sub~ect petNion. CA',.ltOEiNIA ENVIRQJyM[NTA~gU_11rL.ACT FINDING: Thnt the Anahelm Gty Planning Commission has reviewod tha proposa~ to transter ConcfNlon No. 1 of iiesdutlon No. PC9~t-1 to Tentatfvo Tract Map No. tA866 and does I~reby ffnc~ that the Mktgated NeQa:fva Oaclarrtian prevbusly apprcvacf in ccmnection wlth Ra;lussHir,ation No. flt•4!4•05 Is ad~te to serve us the requir~ ervironmental do~umentation in conr-ectton wl-h th(s reque~t upon lind(ng thet the dedaration reAecta the IndepondQnt juclgemaM of the IQad agoncy an0 that h has consWered the NogaUve Oedaratlon toflether wRh arry comments rece`•ed during the public revlow procesa and turther flndfng cx~ Ihe basis ci tfw b~kb! sludy aM any comments recnived that ihere is no subsiarnfal evidAnss that the pro~ect wRl have a si(~nNkant eNoct on iho omrironmont. NOW, YHEREFOR[, 8E IT RESOWEO thnt 1he Anaheim Clty Manrtfng Commlasfon doot hereby emonct Rasolutlon No. PC91•t, adoptaf In connection with RQCtauH'~catfon No. 9C!•J!e-5, by de~e~fng Condilfon N4. t. tharolrom. CR~032MS.WP .1. P~4~4•29 'CHF FC)REGOING RESOLUTION wgs ac+op;ed at tha Planning Commisslon meoting ot March 'l, 1994. ~ ~ ~ ~' ` .~1~2 CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNIN(3 COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~,i~~'~.,. .. J ~ RETARY, ANA M CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N STATE AF CAUFORNlA ) COUNTY 0~ ARANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jonsen, Secretery of the Anaheim Clry Planninp Commission, do hereby cortlfy that the (oreguing rosolution was passvd and adopted at a meetbig oi thA Anaheim Cfty Plann{ng Commisslon held an March 7, 1994, by tho (dlowinq vote ot tho members thereof: AYES: COMMIS510NF.RS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYCR, MESSE, PEfiAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERg; HENNINGER iN 4VITtVESS WHEREOF, I have hernunto ~t my f~and thls~~ day of yyl_ _~ _. ~ s~a. l r . N~,,,~,,, o ,~..J C~;ETARY, A IM CITY PLANNING COMMIS310N t G .2. P~t•24J