Resolution-PC 94-30A^ESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CiIY PLANNING CQMMISSION THA7 F'E?ITION FON CONDITIONAL l1SE PERMIT N0. 3658 BE GRANT~D WNEREAS, the Ar-Ahafm City Planning Commission dki recoEve a veriiied Potition for Ccndftionfll U~e Permit for certaln real proporty situated in the City of Arwhelm, Gounty of Orange, St~te of Calffornl~, dascribed as: PARCEL 1 iN THE CITY UF AN,4HEIM, COUNTY OF QFIANCiE, STATE OF CaLiFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN F1001< 50, PAGE 36 OF PARCEL MAPS, I~J THE OFF~CE OF THE COUNIY RL'CORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THE SOUTHEASTERI.Y PORTION OF SAID LAND HAS BEEN R~SUBDIVIDED AND IS ALSO KiVOWN AS PARCEL 1 IN TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORAN,r,E, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A M/1P FI~ED IN BOOK 1a4, PAGES 18 AND 19 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICc OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNT~'. WHEREAS, tho Ci!y Planning Commisslon did hold a publlc hearinfl at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ,lenuery 10, t994 at t:30 p.m., r.otice ol seld public hearing having been duiy given as required by law and in accordance with tho provisi~ns of tho Anpholm Munlclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cansWor ovldence for a~d epafnst $aid proposed condltlonAl use permit and to InvAStigate and make }(ndings and recommendat~ns in connectlon t1~Arowhh; and thfst said public hearing was continued to the Janu~ry 24, February 23, anrf tilarch 7, 1994 Pianning Commisslon meetings; arxl Wh1ERFJ15, said Commisslon. att~r due li~spectlon, irneatigatlon and study made by ftsel+ and fn Its behalf, end akar due considerntlon ai nll ovidence and reports oftered at sakl hearfnp, does find and determino the fo!I~viing tacts: 1. That the proposed use is prvperly one for vrhich a cond(tional us~ permit is a-~thorfzed by Anaheim Munic:pol Coc1o Soctions 18.4i.Q50.OtU. tA.44.W0.300 and 18.84.OG2.032 to permit en 8,710 s~.R. saml-encl~sod restaurant with on•premise s~z!e and consumption of olcohr.lic beveragas end roof•mountai equlpment, wfth walver of the tdlwving urxiqr the authorfty of Ccxle Sect(on 18.06.080: ,S~S~tion 8.06.05~.02t I • jyl(nimum numt~r of na~Cj~.,~~. 18.06.050.U212 (~Q,], required by C~; t8,0(iyQ,~Q~ ,~ recommended by the rmdsed parkin;; tB.Ot;.050.0221 demand forecast; ~q,~.~5p.~~ ~¢ oxistln9) 19•48.0$,Q.Q,~ ~US1~~.4~4 2. That e parking demand iorer,ESt lor the proFo~al, contalnlr~a sFecific operating inlormatic,n tor the pro~sod tonant, rva~ submftteA by the pethi~ner ~nd reviewed and epproved by the City TraH~:. ancf Trarsportation Manayer; a-xf thot it dotarminod that 608 pa-kinp s~ces are edec{uate for subJect romm~-rclal cfiner; ;i. That tha paikiny vari~nco will not cau~ an Irtcrease In traMic congoation !n the Immedi~to vlc~nNy nor adversc,ly otir.ct eny ad~~ning land usas; CR2093MS. WP '~ ' P~~~ 4. That the granting ot the parking varfai~ce under the condftions irnposed wili not be cietrimental to the peace, health, sa(ety or goneral wolfar~ of the citizens oi the Cfty of Anahelm; 5. That the propoced use is prope~ly one for which A conciitional use permit is authorized by the Zoning Cod~; G. 7hat the praposed uso wili not advorsely aHect the ad~oining land us~as and the growth and development ol the a~ea in which it is proposed to be locatod, and that certain condftlons ot approvai have been imposed based on th9 Police Department's reviow of the submitted opsrt~tfng Information; 7. Thet the size and ~hapo of the site for the propo~od use is adequate to Allow tho (ull developmen! of tha propaseci use in a manner not detrimentel to the particular aren nor to the peace, liealtfi, safety, enci yeneral welfaro; 8. 7hat the treHic goneratod by the proposad use will not impose an undue burden upon the streats ancl highways desiflned and impr.wed to carry tFie trafi(c in tho area; 9. That the granling of t?ie conditionel use pormit under the coixlhlons Imposed will not be detrimentoi to tho peaca, hoalth, satety and general welfare ot the cftizons nt tho City ol Anaheim; and 10. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppositlon; and tl~at no corresporxJence was recefved in oppos(t(on to the subje~t petftlon, ~~1LIFORf~IA ENVIRQ~IMENTAL QUAUIY ACT FIIyQING: That tha Anaholm City Plannfng Cominlssion has reviewed the pmpos~l to permk an 8,710 sq.h. seml•encloaed restaurAnt with on•premiso sal~ and cons~rnotton of alcoholir, heveragos and roof•mounted equfpment, with waNer M mfnimum number ot ~oarkinfl sE,.~ces on nn Irregularlyshaped paircel u'~ land consisting o1 approximately 10.63 acres I~cated at the sotdhwe4t corngr of Santa An~ Ganyon Road and Impertal Highway, having approxlrnato frontages of ~98 Ieet on the south sfde of Sants Ana Canyon Ro9d and 70d feet on the wost s(do of Impertal Filghway, end furthei c~oscribed ua 5620 Easl Santa Ana Canyon Ropd; ancl dc~es hereby approve the Nogative Doclaration upon flnding thnt tl~e deciaratiun retlects the Independent Judgemont of the lead aflency grxl that tt has conside~od the Negative Duclaration togother wfth any comments receNed d~~rin9 tho pubiic rovfew process cand (urthar tindinp on the basls oi ths (nRial study end any comments received that thure is no subztantlal ovidence that the pro~ect wlll ha~ie a slgnificant eftect on the onvironment. NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOWEI~ that ttie Anahoim City Planning Commfssion does her~by grant s~~b~ect F'etition lor CondNlonal Use Pormit, upon the ic~llowtng conditions whicli aro hereby tound to bo a n~coasary prerequisita t~ the praposeti Use of 4ho subjaK property In order to preeervF the satory and goneral woifar~ ot tho ~itizens of tho Clty a! Ans~heim: t. That e minimum o1 a{x hunclreci six (i,0~1 parking s{k^+ces shall be malntained at all tirries. 2. 7hat the screening of ttio propo5ocl roof•mounled equlpment shali comply whh Sectfor. t8.84.062.0a2 of the AnahAim Munfcipai Code. ThA acroQnirt~ methoda shall be clearly illustrated an tho pl~ns 3ubmftted to the Buliding DMislon. 3. That a precice ~lan iltustratli~~ Ihe type ot barrlor to be con~tructed arnund the outdoor soating erea (to rest~ict tho poaaiblu tranxport al atcohot) ahall he aubmftted ta tho Zonfng Divfsion for revfew anci approval by iho Planning Commi3sbn as e Rc~poR ~rxf AecommaMation {!em. .2. PCfl4~30 4. That the owner of subJect proporty shall submlt a letter roquesting termination af Condftlonal Use Permft Nos. 3574 (permitting a seml•enclosed restaurant wfth on•sAle beer and wlne in the former Security Paclfic Bank building, with waivers o( minimum number of parking apaces and Fermitteci roof-mounted equlpmont) and t491 (permfttln~ on•sale beer and wlne In an 9nc~oaed restaurant at 5614 East Sante Rna canyon Road) to the Zoning Divislon. 5. That tr~sh storage areas shall bo provided and matntainecl In a lacatlon aaceptabie to the Departmont of NRfnten~ance and in accordance with approvod plsans on file with said Department. Such fn(ormation shall be specfticrzlly shown on tha plans subm(ttod (or building permfts. 6. That a plen 3heet (or solfd waste storago and collectlon, and a plan for rocycling ahall be submitted to the Departmont of Malntonance tc,r review and approval. 7. 7hat an on-~fte trash truck turn•around erea shali be provided ~..d maintained to tho satisfectlon of the Dopartment of Mninten~nce. Said turn-around area shali bo a~eciiically shown on plans submitted tor build(ng permits. 8. That subject business shall continuuusly adhere to the foliowing cnndition3, as requlred by the Pollce pepartment: a. Foc~d servlce including meals shnli be ava~lable until clasing time on every dey of operatlon. b. Yhe alcohulic beverage Ilc~tnse shall nat b~ exchanged for a publTc piemises typo Iic~nse nor shall the premises be operatec! t~s a publlc premises. c. Tlie sale ot alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises shall bo prohibitod. d, The qu~rterly grous saios of atcohol(c boverages shall not excoed the grosa salos a! tocxi ~r other r.ommcxiRies durinfl tho same perlud. e. 1'hat thera shall be no Iive entennlnment or dencing pennftted on the pramises at any time. f. There shall bA no exterior adveA(s(ng of qny kind or typo, Including advertising direcled to the axterior trom Insida the buildfng, to promote or indicate the availability o} alcoholic bevorages, A. The parking lot of the premises shall be oquipped wfth Iighting ni sufficient powor tp Illuminato and malce easily discemible the oppearance and conduct ot all persons on c+r about the parking lot. h. No alcoliolic bev~rages shall be consumod on any property ad~acont to ihe premtaes under the control of the ap~licant. i. Thore shall be no pod taWes or cofn-operated flames rrk~intained on tho prertilses At eny time. j. 7hu premises shall be malntainsd as a bona'~de restaurant and shall provido a rnenu contalning an a~soKmont ot toods such ~s normally uHered In a rostaurant. k. That th~re shall be no ~dmisstcsn chargo nor minimum purchase required of the patrons et arty tim9. .3. PC94-3~ 9. Th~t the hours of operatian shAll be Ilmited to: Monday through Saturday: 11;00 a.m. tn 11:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Tha patio (the outdoor seating area) shaN bA closed at 9:00 p.m. nightly. 10. That subjuct conditlonal use pormit shall expirp on March 7, 1995. Fucure extensions ot time or deletion of subject Iimitatlon mey bo approved in conJunction with a future publlc hoaring. 11. That prior to commencement of the r~ctivfty authorizecl by this roROlutlors, or priar to Issuance of g building permit, or witl~in a pericxi of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever oocura first, Conditlon Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 nnd 7, above-mentfoned, shall be complled wlth. Extensions tor 9uKhar time to complHte said conditions may be g;anted in accorciance w~th 8action 18.03.090 oF the Anaheim Municip~l Code. 12. 7hat prior to commencement nf the actNity auttiorized by this ros^Iutlon or prior to iina! building and zoning Inspections, whichever occurs first, subJect prop~rty st+all be doveloped substantlally Irt a~cordance with plans ~nd specific~tions submitted to the City ot Anahelm by the potltlonor and which plans are on iile wEth the Planning Department marked E%chibft Noo. 1 tlirough 3. t 3. Thet apnroval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the AMant that it ct~mplles wfth th~ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and ary other eppllcable Clty, State and Fedvral reyulations. Approval doe~j not include any ar,tion or ilndings as t~ compliance or approval of the requast regardin~ any othor appllcable ordinance, regultttion or requiremont. B~ 17 FURTHFR RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Com•~iission doos haroby find and dotermine that adoptlon of this Resoluti~n is expressly pr~dicated upon applicant's compli~nce with each and efl of the conditions hereinabove aet torth. Should any such condrilon, or any part thereof, bo declared invalic! or unentorceable by the ifnal judgmRnt of any court of compet~nt ~urlsdictlon, then thl~ Fiesotutlon, end eny approvals heiein contained, shall be daemod nuil end void. THE FOREGOING RESULUTION was adoated at the Plunning Commission meeting of Merch 7, 199~3. ~~ /' ,L.~ = ~ "' :d~~ CHAIRMAN AN I~EIM i' NNIN~a COMMISSIUN ATTEST: ,% ~ ECFlETARY ..A ' IiEIi1A CI'tY PLANNING COMt+AISSION V~ ,4. PC~t•30 S'1'hTE OF CALIFORNIA ) CAlJN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janot l.. Jensen, Socrotary of the Anaheim Cfty Planning ~ommission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of tho Annheim Ciry Planning Commisston held on March 7, 1994, by the tollowin~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYpSTUN, C/-LDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGFR IN WITNESS WH~R~QF, I hav9 hereuntn set my hand this ;~ day of yy)~~_, 1994. ---~ 7---- ~,y / „/ / • ~.i ~ n- J S' REl'ARY, ANAH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION L_ -5• PCJ4~0