Resolution-PC 94-31RESALUTION N;~. PC94~, A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COti1MISSION AMENDING C[qTAIN CONQITIONu OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL IiSE PERMIl' N0. 3266 WHEREAS, ~n Aprll 9,1990 the Anahefm City Planning Commisslan approved Condfti~nal Uso Permit No. 3266 under Rosolution No. PC90-89 p~rmitting a household hazardous material collection facllity in ~onnectlon with an existing recyclin~/resource recovery transfer faciliry on property located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue ancl BIuA Gum Streat and further described as 2780 East White Star A•renue; and WHEREAS, safd Resolution No. PC90-89 includes the following conditlon of epproval: "12. That this permit shall terminate on Aprfl 9, 1993." WHEREAS, the petitloner has requestecf to arnend said conditlon of a~proval to ~ontinue providing I-I~u:ehoid Flazardous Wa~te Colloctlon services to Orange County residenta; and WHk:REAS, the City Planninp Commission dfd hold a public hearinfl at the Civic Contor In tho City of AnAheim ~~ Marcl~ 7, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., noti;,e of said public hearing havinfl been duly given as requfred by law and in accordanr,e with the provislons of the Anaheirn Municipal Cnde, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cansider evidenco for and agalnst said proposecl amandmont and to Investigato and make findings and recommendatlons In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, after due irspoction, investigation and study made by itself and fn its bohalf, and after due considerat(on of all evfdence and reports offered at sald hearing, dces find and determino tho fotlowing facts: 1. That s~id use parmft is not being exercfsed in a manner det~imental to tho particular area and surrounding lend uses, or to the publfc peace, hoalth, sofery and general welfare; 2. That dAleticn uf the time Iimitation contained in Conditfon No. 12 is necessary to pormit r~asonable operation undar the use permft as granted; and 3. 'fhat no one indicated thoir prosence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondenco was received in opposit(on to the subject petition. CALIF~RNIA ENVIRONM~NTAL UALITY ACT ~INDING: That the Anaheim Ciry Planning Comm(ssion has reviowed th~ proposal to amend Conditlon No. 12 of Resoitttion No. PC90-89 to contin~a providing Household Hazar~~us Waste Collecff~n servlcea to Orange Gounry ros{dents and does hereby find that the Mitigat~d Meg~tivo Deciaratlon prevlously approved in connection with Conditionai Use Po~mit No. 3266 is adequate ta serve as the iequlrEd environmental documertation fn connection with this request upon findinfl that the declaration ro'lects the Independent judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considereci the Negative Declaration together with any comments received dur(ng th:e public review process and turthe• iinding on the basls of the initfal sti~dy ond any cornments receNecy :hat tnere 13 n~ substantfal evidence that the proJect will have a sic~nNicant effect on the env(ronment. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOWED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commissfon does hareby delete ConditEon No. 12 oF Resolution No. PC90-89, in fts entirety. CR2034M5. WP -1- PC94-31 THE FOREGOING FlESOLUTION was ~dopted at ihe Planning Commission meeting af March 7, 1994. CH~A~N ANAHEIM CITY NNING CQMMISSION ATTEST: . CRETARY, AN EIM CfTY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jenson, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannfng Commisslon, do horeby certify that the forogoing resolutlon was pASSOCi and adoptad at a meeting of the Anafielm "ity Planning Commission heid on March 7, 1994, by the tollowing vote of the mambers thereof: AYES: CO~AMISS!ONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALQWELI., MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAI7 NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGEFt IN WITNESS Wh1ERE0F, I have horeunta sot rr~y hand this,~~l day of ~ j !~r e{ ,, 1994. ~_ .fii~c> ~ _ ~'.o~rL.._J / CRETARY, AN~bI~ITY PLANNING COMMISSION C_.,~ L .2_ PC94-31