Resolution-PC 94-38M~F' RESOLUTIAN NQ PC94•38 A RESOLiJTION l7F THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 1'HAT PETITION FOR COPJDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3667 BE GRANTED, IN PART WNEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on did receive a verified Petftlon ior Conditionai Use Permit for certain real property situated In the City of Anah9lm, County of Orange, State of California, doscribed as: THAT PORTION OF TNE EAS7 HALF OF THE SOlll'HEAST OUARTER OF THE S~UTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION i, IN TOWNSHIP 4.~iOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, SP.N BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAS7 CORNER OF SAID SECTIQN 7 AND RUNNING THENGE SAUTH 89 DEG. 34' 20" WEST 531 FEE'T' TO THE CENTER LINE O~ I(ATHRYN DRIVE AS SHOWN ON TR~CT 163~ AS PER MAP ('ILED IN BOOK 47, FfAGE 5U OF MISCELLANEOUB MAPS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 0 DEC. 16' 10" WEST ALONG SAiD CENTER LINE 325.50 FEET TO 7HE INTERSECTION OF TI-IE CENTERLINE OF 7HE 50 FAOT STREET, SHOWN AS RANCHII'0 STf~EEf UPON TME MAP OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NOFiTH 89 DEG. 36' ~0" EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID RANCHITO STREEI' 258 FEET; TFlENC~ NORTH 78 DEG. 45' 25" ~AST 50.00 FE[T TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 44 OF SAID TRACT 1633; THENCE NORTH 78 DEG. 45' 25" EAST 81.7'9 FEET ALqNG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LQT 44 TO THE SOUTI-IWEST CORNER OF LOT 45 OF TRP,CT 1633; 7HEIVCE NORTH 89 dEG. 41' 30" tAST ?44.00 FEET ALl~NG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 45 AND THE EASTERLY EXTENSION TNEREOF TO THE EAST LINE OF 3AI0 aECTION 7; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. i8' 40" WEST AI_ONG SAID EAST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINiVING. EXCtPTING THERFFROM THE EAST 190 FEEf OF TH~ SGUTH 19Q FEET, MEASURED ALONG THE SOUI'H LINE THERF_OF. ALSO EXCEPTING THERErROM THE SOUTH 40 FE~-T THEREOF AS dEEDED TQ THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 22, 1956 IN BOOK 355H PAGE 160 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXLEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 150 FEET OF SAID IAND Au DESCRIBED IN ?HE DEED TO CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK IN THE DEEU RECORDED JANUARY 25, 1962 I~I BOOK 5987 PAGE 404 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a public hoaring s~t the Civic Center in the City of Anahefm nn Morch 7, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as roqu(red by law and in accordance with the provis(ons of the Anaheim Municipal Cude, Chapt~r 18.03, tu hear and consider evidence tor and aflafnst sald proposed conditl~nal use pormit and to lnvestiflate a~d make findEngs and recomrriendatio~s in connectlon therowith; nnd WNEREA'~, sald Commission, aRer due inspectlon, fnvestigation and study made by itself and in its behal}, and aRer due cons(d~ration of ~II evidenca and reports u4fored ~t sa(d hearing, does ffnd and determine the (ollowing !acts: CR2Q42MS.wp -1- PC94•38 e'Y.; '~l 1, That the proposed use is properly one for which a canditional uso pormit Is authorized by Anahoim Municipal Codo Sections And 18.44,050.Q85 to pormit (1) an automoblle lube/oli change taciilty (2,652 sq.ft.) on Parcel No. 1 udJacent Broakhurst Stroet and (2) a tull-service hand cAr wash with a reiated retail sales area (2,224 sq.ft.) And a self-serve automated extorior cAr wash (1,656 sq.ft.) on Porcel No. 2 adjacent Lincoln Avonud and Brookhurst Streot, with waivers of the follow(ng: (a) $ection 18.44,063,f140 - Minimum land~„c.~ ~' '~ k adlacert ta residential zone,~.. (1Q fg~t reyulred; 8 teet proposod) (b) ,~ections 18 05.093.02] - ~_111Axim~t m number nf freestandins! sian~. an 1~1,Q.44.067 (Qn_~Igr~ on Lincoln Avenue permitteci; two sians proposed) (~) ~~cf~^~s 1HQ~.~~3.0211 - Minim~m dist~nre between sians, n 1.44.Q~7 (300 feat requfreci; .~.f~.~ proposed) Permitt le~atlor of freestandinn sians, (d) ~~t~ns 1s.05.093A~ - -~ and 18.h4.Q67 (Mlnimum 76 iggt from side property Iines on Lincoin Avanue and 28 feet irom side property lfnes on Braokhurst StrAe4 required; 65 feet and 7 feet on Lincoln Avenue And 21 foet on Brookhurst Street proposed) (a) ~e~tion 1A.~4 Q64.U30 - Permftted encroachme~t~• (Maximum 36-fnch hlah scr n w II permitted in sotback Ad~acent to Ranchito Stre4t; ~;fqot high~l IUCk w~ll proposed) 2. That waiver (s) for mfn(mum landscaped setback aiong the north property Ilna abutting resldontial zoning is hereby granted, in part, allowlnq a minim S-foot landscaped setback along the ~asterly 84 feet (abuttfng ~:'~-A-43,000 zonfng developed with an offico use (ronting on Brookhurst Street) nnd allowing t-n v r 1r.~•ioot land~capod setback along the weste~ly 84.5 teot (abutting RS-7200 zoning developed with a single family home ironting on Ranchito Street) beginnfng with a minimum 8-foAt satback ~t ths easterly snd of said &t.5 teet; 3. That waivers (b), (c) and (d) are denle~ on the basis that thQy wero deleted at the public t~earin~; 4. Thnt ~vaiver (e) Is hereby approved and that the blc~c!< wail tence along Ranchito Street shall bo centered withir the propr;ed t0•foot landscaped sdtback to provide visibility of landscaptng (includin~ vlnes plantod to prevont graifiti opportunity) from Ranchito Street. 5. That there are special circumstances applicable t~ thQ property r,onsistfng of shape, location and surroundfngs, which do na! apply to othor ldentically zonecl propertles in the vicinity; 6. That strict application oi the Zoning Code deprives the property of prlvilegos enjoyed by other prcpertfes under identical zoning classif(cation in the vicinity; 7. That the proposed uses are proparly ones for which a conditiona! use permit is authorized by the Zon(ny Code; S. That tho proposed uses will not adversaly aHoct the adJoinfng land uses and the growth and development of the area i~ whlch it Is praposed to be located; _2_ PC94-3f1 ~ d:.~c' , 9, Tha! the slze and sriape of the site for tho prcposed uses Is adoquate to allaw the full devolopment of the prop~sed use ir a mannor not dotrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and qoneral welfare; 10. That the traffic genaratod by the proposed usss will not impose an undue burden upon the streets And hi~hways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area; i t. That the granting o'f the conditional use permit v~ili not be dotrimental to the peace, health, satety and gonoral wetfare of the citlxens of the City of Anahefm; and 12. That one person indicatod his presence at said public hearfng In favor; and that no correspondence was raceived In c+pposition to subject petition, CALIFQRNIA ENVIRONMENTAI. QUA~ITY q~T FIIVDIN~; That the Anaheim Clty Planning ~ommisslon has revtAwed the praposal to reclassity subject property irom the CFI (Commerciai, Heavy) Zone to the CL (Commer~.ial, Limikpd) Zone to permit an automobila lubo/oil change facility (2,652 square teet) ~n P~rcal ~1 ad~acont Brool<hurst Street and a full-service hand car wash with a related retall sales area ('2,224 squara feet) and a seif•serve autom~ted exterior car wash (5,658 square feet) on Parcel #2 adjacent Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street with walvers of minimum landscapeci setback adjacent rosldential zon~s, mar.imum number of Creostanding signs, minimum distance batwAen signs, permftted location oF ireestandin47 signs and permittod encroachmants on an Irr~gularly-sh~ped parcel of land consist(ng of aK~proxlrnately 1.6 Acres (on two parcels) located north and west of the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Srool<hurst Street witl~ Parcel ~1 having a frontage of approximately 90 feet on the west side of Brookhurst Street and Parcel #2 having a frontaga of 190 foet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and 65 foet on the west aido of Brookhurst Straet and further described as 125 North Srcokhurst Street and 2217 West Lincoln Avenua; and does hereby approve the Negativo Declaration upon findinp that the declaration rotlects the independent ~udgement of the lead agency and that it hAS constderAd the Negative Declaratlon togett~er with any commonts received during the public review process and further finding on the basi~ of tho initfal atur~y and any comments recefved that there is no substa~tial evidence that the proJect wlll have t~ siqni!icant offect on the envir~nment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESULVED that ihe Anahelm City Planning Commisglon does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permii, fn part, upon tfie following conditions which are heroby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the su~(ect property in orda; tu preserve the safety and general welfare of thd Citizens of tho City of Anaheim: 1. 7hat tiiis conditional ur,e permit is grantod subJect to adoptfon of a zoning ordinance ~~ connection wit{i Roclassificat(on No. 93-94-07, now pending. 2, That tha axisting centor drivoway on Lfncoln Avenuo And the two sou!heriy drlv~ways cm Brookhurst Street shall be removed and replacsd with curb, gutter and stdewalk In accordanca with standard plans on file (n the oHlce of tfie City Enflinoer. A Right-of-way Construction Permit sha~l be obtained irom the ~ubdlviston Sectl~n oi the Public Works Dopartment. 3. That pr(or to approval oi grading plan or prior to issuance oi a bullding permit, whichever occurs f(rst, the doveloper sha~i ~ubmft a water quality managPment plan (WOMP) spocifically identifying Best Management Practices that witl be used on sfte to control predictable pollutants from stormwater runoff. The W~MP shall be submitted to the Subdivisfon ~c~ction of the Public Works Department fur revi~,w and spproval. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided and maintafned in a location acceptabie to the Dopartmont of Maintonance snd in accordance with a~iproved plans cn (Ila with safd Dopartment. Such fnformat(on shall be specifically shown on the plans submitted for bullding permits. -3- PC94-38 , •, . ~,:.ir,A~ 5, That a pian she~:t for solid waste storAge ard calldctlon, and a plan for recycHng shall be submltted to the Department of Maintenance for review and approval. 6. That an on•sfte trash truck turn-around area shall be provided and maintained to the ^,atlsFactlon ut the Departinsr~t of Maintenance. Sai~ turn-around area shall be specffic~fiy shown on plens submltt9d for build(ng permits, 7. That tho applicant shall obtaln ell necessary permfts from the Fire Department for storage and/or use of hazardous matariAls. 0. That tne Iegai owner ot subject property shalt provido the City of Anahoim with a fNe (5) iuot wlde publfc utility easement along the west property Iine c~s requlred by tho Electrical Eng(nearfng i~ivi~lon. ~J. That the water back flow equipment and any otfier !arflo wator system equipment shall bo InstGlled to tho satisiaction of the Wetet Eng'neering Dfvfsion in either (a) w~derground vaults or (b) bohind tho buliding setback Ilne, in a manner tully sr,reened from all public streets and alleys. 10. That the logal owner of the subject property shall Irrevocably ofier to dedicate to thE~ Ciry of Anahelm an sasement twenty (20) feet in wtdth lor water sorvice mains and/nr an easemont of ten (10) feat by elghteon (18) feet ior large metars or firelines, as roquired by the Water Enginuering Dbislon. 11. That the proposed slgn adJacont to ~rookhurst StrQet shall not exceed eight (e) feot in helght. All fr~estanding signa~e shatl be subject to the revlew and approval of the City Traffic and Transportatinn Manager to determine adequate Ifnes •of•sl~ht and to ver(ty compilance with Engineor(ng Standard No. 137. • 12. That landscaping and irrigation shall be installed anci maintalned on both sides ot tho block wsll adJ~cent to Ranchito Street. 13. That Interlor siyn~ge (signage inside a b~~lding or sirnilar structure) Including "car wash menu" sic~nage shall not exceed the heiflht of the surroundina hlock wall. 14. That a fcur (4) foot high hedge shall be planted adJacent tu Brookhurst Street in additian to required trees, subJect to tho prior revlew and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manaqer for coniormance witl~ Englneering Standard No. 137 peita(nfng to line-of-sf~ht requlroments. 15. That subJact ~utomoblle lube/ofl Ghange facility dn Parcel No. 1 shall be lirrdted to lube and oil change servlces. 16. That , io banners or o:n9r advertising vlsible to ~:d~acent streets shall bo d(splayod Inside the car wash tunnels or servico bays unless a speclal events pErmit is i(rst oota(ned. 17. 1'h2t p~rkinfl spFaces to dry cars shall be provfdod in the car wash erea. 18. That the drivoways on Brookh~rst Street and lincol~ Avenus shall be reconstructed to accommodate ten (10) foot radius c~arb reit;rns fn conformance wfth Engineering Department Standard No. 137. 19. That plans s~~all be submitted to the City Traftic and Transportation Manager for his rovlew and approval showinfl conformance with the latest revislon of ~nginesring Standard Ptan No, 43E porta(ning to parking standards and driveway locat(ons. SubJect property shall thereupon be dEVeloped and maintalned I~i conformance with said ptans. .q_ PC94-38 „u~,~ , 20. That subject prcperty shal( be devetoped substantially in accordance ~vith pians end spoclticAtions submltteci to the City of Anaheim by tho peti!laner and which pians are on (iie wfth tha Planning Department markad Exhibit Nus. i through 10; provided, however, that: (al A mtnir~im eight (8) `oot landscaped setback shAll be provided a!onp thP oaster ~ eighty (our (84) feat o( the north property Iine abut!ing RS-A-A3,000 zonfng which ironts on Brookhurst Stroet; and (b) An v r ten (10) foot landscapod setback ~tiall bo pr~vided along the wostarly eighry tour and one haif (04.5) teot of the north prc~perty I(ne abutt(n~ RS-7200 zonin~ wh(ch irants on R~nchlto Street, beginning wfth a minimum oight (8) toot seth,ack at tho easterty end o! said oighty four and one half (84.5) foet. 2t. That a cevenant ahall ba recordod with the OHice of the Orange County Hecurder to guarantee that both Fercel Nos. 1 and 2 shall be managed end maintained -~ one (1) Integral parcel icr purposes of parking, vehicular circulation, sfgnage, maintenance, lan~ ..ege and architectu~t concrol; and that the covonant shail be roterenaed in all deeds translerring all or any part o( the InterASt In tho property. Prlor to recardation sald covona~t shal! be rovtewed and approved by the City Anornoy. Fdlowing recordation a copy of the cuvenant shall bo submitted to the Planning Dopertment. 22. That en acoustical sound study shall ba conducted cn subject property to demonstrats that nolse generated by ~.he propo~ad uses wiil not exr,eeci what fs permitted by the city's noise ordinance. 23. That a sign program shall bu submitted to the Planning Commission as a Reperts arxl Recommendatlona item for revi~w and approval. 24. Yl~at An unsubordlnated reciprocal access and parking agreAment, in a torm satisfactory to the Cfry Attorney, sha11 bo recorded with the Ofiice of tho Orange County Recordor. A copy of t~~o recorded agreement shall bo subrriktal to the Zoning Division. 25, That prtor to Issuance of a building permk or within n period of one (t) year from tho dato 01 this rasulution, whlchever occura lirst, Gondftion Nos. t, 4, 5, E3, H, 10, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24, above-mor~tionecf, shall be compli~~d wNh. Extensfons tor further time to complete sald :onditlon: rrwy be flranlod ir~ accordance witt~ Section 18.03.090 of the Anahoim Idunicipal Caie. Extensions for lurther tfine to com~lete said canditions rrk~y be granted in accordance wfth Soction 18.03.090 of tl~e Anahelm Munlcipal Cocfe. 26. That prtnr to commencement of tho aclivhy authoriz~cl by this rosolution, Condition Nos. 2, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18 and 20, above-ment~oned, nhalt be compllad with. 27. That approvai of Ihis Ap~tlcatlon :.onstit.~tos approval ot tho proposed reyuest only to tho oxtertt that it crnnp~les wrih the Anaheim Muntcipnl 'loning Cod~ and any other ap~licable City, 5tate and Federal regulations. Approval does not includo eny act(on or finding~ es to c~m~liance or enproval o( llv3 request reparding any othrr nppl~ca~le ardinance, rc~ulatfon a requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahaim City Planning Commisafon doos hornby fincf and doto-mina thnt adoption ot this Naoolutk+n ~s exprosaly prc+tficatad upcm applicant'a com~lla~~ce wlth ~ach end all ol the corxlitfons tieroinabove s~t lorth. 5f~ould any such conditbn, r,,r any part thereUt, be ctec~~red irrvalid or unenlorceablr by the final juclqment ol Any court oi competFnt ~urfsdict(on, Ihen this Resolution, and arry approvals her~in contair.ed, shall bo dcemed null end voki. -5• PC9+s-3Fl THE FOREGOING RESOI.UTION was adopted at th~ Planninp Cornmisslon meetin4 of March 7, 1994, M_ j'~~C ~ CHAIRMAN ANA ElNI CITY NG COMMISSIJN ATTEST: -~~~~.=-a'~--~~ - SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~IING COMMISSlUN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY ~F ORANG[ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, F_dith L. Harrts, Secrotary o( thR Anaheim City Planning Ccmmisslon, do 1~eroby certify that the forogoirg resdution was passed and adopted at a meet(ng of the Anatielm Ctry Planning Co-nmlaslon held on MnrGh 7, 1994, by the folfowing vote of the rrembors thersot: AYF.S: CAMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CNLDWELL, MAYER, M1ES5E, PERA'l.A NOES: COMMI$SIONERS: NONE ABSENI': COMMISSIONERS: FIENNINGER, TAfT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ! havo horeunto set my hancl thls t.J /,J day ot ~}~'~__, , ssa. ~ _ ~ ~. •~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM I:ITY PLA NINCi I:uMMISSION $. PC4~1-30