Resolution-PC 94-40R L~1TI N. P 4- Q A AESOLUTIpN OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMNiISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CUNQITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PE9MIT NO. 3514 WHEREAS, on Apri120, 1992 the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3514 under Rosoiution No, PC92•51 to pormit the on-premiso sale and consumptfon of alcoholic beverages within an exiting restaurant on propArty locatea north and west of the northw~st corner of La Palma Avenue ~nd Imperlal Highway and turthor described as 5665 East La Palma Averua; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. PC9?.-51 Includes thA iollowing condltlon of approval: "t ;, That there shall bo no pool tablos or coin-operated games maintalned upon the premises at any t(me." WHEREAS, tlie petitioner has submltted a lottor and a sketch proposing tw~ (2) e.oin•operated poot tables in tha bar/loungo area; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission c!icl hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in tho City af Annheim on February 7, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said pu~lic hearfng having been duly given as requireci by law and In accordance with the provisions oi the Anahelm fNunicipal Code, Chapter t8.03, to hear and considor ev(dence tor and against said proposed amendment and to investlgate and make tindinps and recomrnendntions In connection tnorewith; and that said public liear~ng ~vas contlnued to tt~e M~rch 21, 1994 Planntng Comm(sslon mbeting; and WHEREAS, satd Commisslon, atter due (nspection, tnvestipation and study made by itsel} and In its behalr, and aftor due consklera2ion oi ail evidence and rsports offered at sald hearing, dogs tin~i and determine th~ following (acts: t. That the condftlon~l use has not heen exerc(sed in a manner so as to be dotrimontal to tho public health ar sa(ety, or so as to constit~te a nuisance; 2. That the granting af the amondment will not bo detrimental to ttio peace, heatth, saf~ty and genera~ ~+el(are of the citizens of the City ol Anaheim; 3. That the provision of Cxo pool tables wil! not adversely atfect the ex(sting parking and cfrculation conditiona because the stzc- and shape oi tho site (or the proposed amondm~nt Is adequate to allow the full clevelapment of tho prnposod use in a manner not d~trimental t~ tho particular area nor ta tho poace, I~ealth, salety nnd garerul wa(fare; 4. 7hat Rhe treNic; ganerated by the prop4secl amondme~it w(II not Impose an undue burden on the streets and highways deslgned and improved to carry the traHic fn the aroa; 5. 1'hat the Pnllce Department submitted a memort~ndum dated December 22, 1993 fndicating no opposition to n maximum of txo pool tubles tn thA bar/lounge area only; e. That the proJect (s located in the pro~nct Alpf~a Redeveiopment Area and on February 2, 1994 the Recfevelopment f,ommission rovimvod sub~ect requsst and cietermined it to be consfstent wfth the Gity's Rodevelopment Flan; and CR204f3MS.WP -1- PC94•40 7. 7hat no one Indicztc~! thnir presence at sald publ'c hearing In opposition; and that no correspundenas was received in oppositlon to the subJect petition. CAI.IFORNIA ENVIRO~IMENTA~ ~UALI~]' A~ FINDING: Tnat tlie Analieim City Flanniny Commission has reviewed the proposal to amend Conditlon No. 11 of Resolution No. PC92-51 ta malntain two (2) coln-oporated pool tables within the bar/Iounge area of an extsiing rest~urant and doos hereby find that the Nogative Declaratlon previously approvad In cannoction wfth Cond(tlun~l Use Pormit Na. 3514 is adequate to serve as the requfrad environmental documentatlon In conneatlon witli this request upon iindin~ that tho declaration refiects tho independent judgament of the laad a~ency and that it has considered th~ Nagatfve Declar~tinn topether with any comments receivad during the public review proCess and further finding on tha basls of the Inltial study ~nd any camments recelved that thore ic no substantfal evidonce that the pro~ect will have a siynfflcant affect on tho environmont. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOIVED that tha Anahc+im Gity Planning Commission does hereby amend Condition No. 11 of Hesolution tVa. PC94-40 to read ~s f~llows: '11. That no morA than tvvo (2) coin•operated poo! tables shall be nermitted. Sald tables shall be located ;n tne bar/lounge area. No other coin operated games shall be malntalned an thr~ premises at any time." THE FOREGOINR RESOLUTlON was adopted at the Plannlrg Commfsslon meeting of March 21, 1994. ~ , /, ~/LF~I~-, .,C.~C.~,-~~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNCA IIJC CO~ulA41SSI0N A1'TEST: ~~ ~~;,~ ~ : ~ ,( ~ ~ ~~t..~~ SEC CTARY, ANAHEIM CIYY PLANNING COMMIISSION STATE OF CAI~FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAt~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahelm Cky Plann(ng Commisslon, cio hereby cortify that the f~re~7oing resulutfon was passed and adopted at a moeting of the Anahelm City Plann(ng Commission held on March ?.t, 199A, by th~ (ollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYQSTUM, CALDWEI.L. HE~NINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZ4, 7tiIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tfiis _x '~~ day of _~. ' 1 ~i4. ~. _ .. ~ I ~~ :~ - ; ~1.k..: t..__ ,~ '~.~a ~~.~._ z SECRETAHY, ANqHEIM CITY PIANI~ING COMMISSION -2• PC94-40