Resolution-PC 94-42~~so~.uriorv N2~c~a-a2 A RESULU710N OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PVINNING COMMISSION AMENDI~lG CCRTAIN CONL11710NS OF APPROVAL OF VARIANCE N0. 42~5 WI-IEREAS, an October 14, S 993 tho Zoning Admfnistrator approvod Varlance No, 4235 under Docislon No. ZA93-57 for waiver of minimum numbsr oi parking :~paces to est~blish a genera~ sen;fces and materlais managem~nt facllfty on property located on the east side of State College Boulevard approxirnately 195 foet north of ttre centerline of Orangewoo9 Avenue, arid further descrfbed as ~050 Snuth utat6 Coliege Boulevard; and WHEREAS, sald Decislor~ No. Z,499-57 fncludes the folio:~,ng cond(tion of approval: "1, TViat the elyht-foot high chfllnlink securfty fence surruunding the subJect property shall be entireiy intervvaven with rerJwood nr cedar slats .~,~i~t t m~~i ibu Idina to adequately visually screen any tomporary outdo~r star~ge of materials, loading and unloadinp areas from public right-of-ways and adjacent properties." WHEREAS, the potitiuner has requested to amend said conditfon of approval to interweave the exist(ng 8-foot high sacurity tence su~~roundfng thd subject p~operty wlth a pretinished off-wtdte PVC:-type slat materlal in lie~i of painted redwood or cedar sla.ts; and WHEREAS, the ~ity Plann(np Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Centor (n the Clty of Anat~eim on March 21, t994, at 1.`i0 p.m., r~otic~ of sald public hearing havin~ beon duly aiven as required by law and in accordance with the prUVisions of the Anahelm MunEclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenca far anc+ against said propoced amendment r~nd to investigate and moke findings and recommendatlons in conne~tlon t~!erewitfr and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, ~f;er due inspection, investigation and study made by itsalf and fn its beha~f, and after due consideration o~ all evidence and reports uNered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the peNtfoner requests: (a) Wafver of the following in connactlon with a prAViously-approved general sen~!cos and matorials management facility: Sections 1tl.61.Q68.030 - it nclg,~ r n screeninp r~e uire ,r~n .~. ~ 14t,f1.0~$~1 (~„~,r or r~wQQ~i •31ats requfrad; PV~j~9lyvinvl chlorldQl slats propcsed) (b) Modification or deletfon of Condition No. 1 of Decision No. Z/A~3-57 pertaining to requirod site screoning. 2. That the raquosied weiver pertaining to site enclosure and scr9oning requirements is grantr~d on the basis that there are specfal circumstanc~s applicable to the property co~isistinp of Y;s Iocation and surroundings which do r~ot apply to other identlcally zoned propertie~ in the vicinity because subJect property's location ad(acent to the Anahsim Stadium pa. King area necesskates the (nstal~atlon of a durable and permanently finished screen(ng matorial and PVC slats will ensure that the outdoor stora~o area remalns permanently screened from view for persons uiilixing the parking area; and CR2050MS.WP -1- PC94-42 3, That str(ct application of the Zoning C~de daprlvos the property of privilege~ enJoyed bY csther pr~padles uncier identical zoning classificatiun in the vicinity. 4, That no one IndlcaterJ their presonco at said public liearing in opposltian; and that no cori e~~NOndence was roceived in opposltion to tho subjor,t potition. A IFQRNIA ENVIRONf~,IENTAI. ~UALITY ACT FINqi ; Thst the Ar.aheim Ciry Planning (:ornrnissinn has reviewed the proposal for waiver of site onclosure and screoning requirements and an~endment lo Cnndicion No. 1 of Decfslon No. ZA93-57 to lnterweavo the existing 8••foot hlgh seourity fence surraundfn~ the subJect property with a prdfinished off-white PVC•typa slat materlal In Ileu of painted red~ood or cedar siats and does hereby iind that !he Negative Dociaration previously approve~~ In connecilan with Variance No. A;:35 Is adequat~ to aerve as the requirecl onvlronmenkal doaurnentation in cannectlan with this request upon tinding that the doclaratlon retiocts the independent ~tadgement of the leati agency and that It has considered the Negative ~eclaratlon tagethor with any comments recelved dur(ng tPio public revfew process and further finding on the basis of the initial .tudy anci any comments received thal there Is no substantlai evidenco that the proJect will I~ave a si{~nlffcant eNect on tho onvfronmenl, NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE tT RESC~i.VED that the Anahoim Cfty Planninp Commiss~on does horeby amend Decision No. '..~A93-57, as lollows: v ADO a second waiver to re~d: "~g~IQpg 18•Ot •p~.~30 - ,Sit~~,n~losur~ and scroenin,~ n 1 . 1.~.031 regufrements. (.~~ar r r yv~~f slats requlred; I~VC [~olyvinyl ohloride] slats proposed)" AMEl~p Conditiqn No. 1 ta raad: "1. Thet t~i~ Aight (~) foot h(gh chainlink security tence surraunding the sub~ect propsrty shell be entirely Intarwov~n wl~h PVC (polyvinyl cld~ride) slats to adequately vi.sually screen any t~ ,iporary outdc,or stor~ge of materials a~d laading and unloading aroas from public rights-of- way and adjacent prop~rties. Tho prefinished PVC slat materlal shaN be unfiormly Inste.lled and parrnanenily mafntain~d :hroughout the subject property whorever chAtnlink fencing Is u!ilized as part ol' the site screening, Any broken, missing or detoriorated PVC slats shall be Immecliately repiacod wlth similar material o,' the ,~ame color." AMF_NA Condition Na. 7 to read: "7. That subJect praporty shall be deveiopocl substantially (n accorclance with pian:t and spscifications submFtted to the Cit,y of Anaheim by the petitioner and wh(ch plans are on file with lhe Planning Dep~-rtment marked Revisian No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1 and Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3." AMENR Condition No. 0 to raad: "8. That pr!or to commancemont of the activity authorizec{ by th(s decislun or prior to final building and zoning inspectlons, which~ver occurs first, Conditfon Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, above mentio7ed sliail be complied wiilh. Extensions for further time to complete said condit(ons may be granted in ar.cordance with Section t8.03.090 of tho Anahelm Munfcipal Cc~de." AvD new Condftior No. 10 ta read: "10. That ConCitfnn N~s. 1 and 7, aboue-mentioried, shall be complet~ within a period of ninety t90) tleys from the date ~f ttOs rosolutlon." -2- PC94-42 THE FOREGOING HESOLUTION was adopted at the Planntng Cammission moeting of March 21, 1994. ~ -'t~~f~-~ , ~ ~~~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAIiFIM CITY F'IANNI G CfV OMMISSIQPI ATTEST: a ~ 1 r \ _~ ~ )~~ ~~LfC'~ (,_.!.•~/!1~1;C:1 SECRETARY, AP//~1EIM C17Y PLANNING COMMI5SION / STATE ~JF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY O~ ORANGF ) tis. C~TY qF ANAHEIM ) I, Mnrgurtta Sdorio, Secretary of tha Anahelm C,iry PlannlnQ Commtsalon, do hereby cenHy that the (orefloing ~esolution was passed and Adopted at a meeting c1 tl~e Anahelm Chy Planning Commtaslon held on I~Aarch 21, 199~t, by the idlowing vote nf the members thereol: AYES: COMMI3SIONERS: 80YDSTUN, CAIDWELL, HFNNING~R, MAYER, MESSE, PERA~A, TAIT NOES: COMMISSiQNEFS: NONE ABSENT: COMMlSSIQh~RS: NC1NE 1 .~ ~ n IN WITNESS WFI[REOF, I have hereunt~ set my harxf this ~T f~ day oi ~~f~t ~~ t'194. r~ ~' 1/ 1<'' 1 ~ •I ~ ;c''iU ~~.~ SECR~'fARY, A~I NEIM CITt PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION ~~ •3- Pf,;~l•q2