Resolution-PC 94-48RESOLl1TI0N NO PC~~I-48 A RESQLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMlSSION AMENDING CERTAIN CON~I710NS OF APPROVAL OF CQNOITIONAL USC PERMIT N0. 3825 WHE~EA~, on September 21, 1993 City Council approvsd Conditional Use Permit No. :~ 25, in part, permitting automoblle sales lots with accossory automotive sorvlce/repa(r on three parcels and ~vith walver of the minimum number of parking spaces and roqulred landscaping abutting a local gtreet (wAivers of requirod number of trees, required parking lot lanciscaping, maximum numbar of freestanding and roof signs, permitted locatlon of signs and mfnimum dfstanco between signs were denled) under Resolutlon No. 93R-t Oh, following approval by the Planning t;ommission. WHEREAS, City Councll, during its public hearing, determined that approvol of the use permit shnuld not bo conditioned upon removal ~f the bfllboard, thereby necessitating deletlon of two conditlons (Nos. 7 a~d 1?.) in the Planninfl Commission ResAlut(on No. PC93-86 wh(ch roquired removal of the billboard; hawevor, the tollowinfl condition (No.12 of the Piann(ng Commission rasolutlon) was inadvortontly retained and renumbored No. 11 wlien Councit Rosolutlon No. 93R-194 was prepared: "11. That prior to issuance of s~ building permlt, thcs develoQer shall $ubmit an exocuted agreemont betweon the bfllboard IesseQ and tho underlying proporty owner agreeing to release their lease rights xo the biliboard in order to fecilitste fts removal. The agreament shall be sub~er,t to the prfor review and approval by the City Attorney's OHice. Safd bfllboard shall be removod prlor to the ~ccupancy of the automobile dsalership prapo~ed for Percel No. 1." WHEFlEAS, Following d(stribution of Resolution No. 93R-194, it was brouflht to tfie attentfon of tha City Attorn~y that, to r,arry out tho fntent of the Cib~ Gouncil, Conditlon No. 11 (previou~ly Condition No. 12 of the Flanning Commission rosolutfon) should Also have been deleted and, thereupon, a revisad Resolution No. 93R-194 was prepared And mailad daleting Condit(on No. 11 from Resnlutlon No. 93R-194; and WHFREAS, Rogoncy Outdoor Advertising, Inc., owner of the billboard, ob~ected to doletion ot Condflion No. 11 on the qrounds that sa(d cond{tion had not been expressly c~iscussod during the (:ity Council public hearfng and that another noticed public hearing should be held to consider the deletlon o( Condition No. 11. nn Decomber 20, 1J93, Regoncy (iled suit against tho City and Miller Fc~rd (n Orange County Suporior Court contesting the validity of tne deletion of Condition No. 1~1 from ResoluHon No. 93R-19z;and WHEREAS, subJect proparty owner and the Communfty Develapment Department are now requesting ofllcial deletlon of Conditfon No. 11 irom Resotution No. 93R-194. WFIEREAS, the Clty Plann(ng Cornmisslon did hold ~ public hearing at the Cfvic Center in tho City r~f Anahelm ors Aprfl t8, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notico ot safd public hea:in{~ having been duly glven as requireci by law ~nd in accordance with the provlsfuns of the Anahsfm Municipal Code, Chanter 18.03, to haar and cnnsidor evidQnce tor and egafnst saki proposed amendment and tn fnvestigAte and make findings and rocommend~tions in connection therAwitir anci WHEHEAS, ~aid Commissfon, atter duo inspection, Investigation and study made by itsolf and in fts behalf, and aRor duo consideration uf all evidence and repr,rts oNered at safd hearing, does find and dwlermino the foilowing facts: CR2071 M5.WP -~ • ~~~'~~ 1. That under Section 18.03.091 of the Anahoim Municipal Code, the Planninq Commission is authorized 2o modliy a conditlonal use permit (n canrection with a duly-noticed public hearing; and 2. 7hat no one indicated the(r presonce at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspandence was receivod in oppositiun to the subJect petition. CAUFORNIA ENVIRONM~NTA~l1ALl1'~~1CT FINDING: That tho Anahaim Ciry Planning Commission has revlewod the proposal to delote Condition No, 11 irom City Councll Resolution No. 93R-194 ~nd does hereby ilnd that the Negatlvo Doclaration previously approved in connection with Conditional Use Permit No, 3625 Is adoquate to serve as the required environmental documentation in connection wfth this roquest upon f(nding that the declaration reflects the Independent Judgement of tho lead agency and that it has considered the Negatlve Declaration together with any comments received during tfie public review process and further tfnding on tho basis of the initiai study and any comments receivod that thore is no stibstantlal evidence thst tho proJect will have a significant oHect on the Hnvlronment. NOW, 7HEREFORF., 8C IT RESOLVEQ that the Anahelm City Planni~~g Commission does horeby dolote Condition No. 11 of City Council Resolutlon iVa. 93R-194, In Its entirety. 7FIE FOREGOING RESOLUTION April 18, 1994. was adopted at the Planning Corrimission meeting oi ,-, /~ ~ ( ~ 1'~-l., ~%~i!~ k'- 7 /C"~/i1 - CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P}~f(NNI~1G COMMISSION AT7EST: 0 ~ ~~--~ ~/(2~t /,~. / i~ S CRETARY, AN~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'rY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janot L. Jensan, Secretary of the Ant~hAim Cfry Planning Commission, do hereby cortffy that tho toregoing resolution was passed And adoptod at a meeting ot the Anaheim Cfty Plannirtfl Commissiori held on April 18, 1994, by the iollowinfl vote of tho members thereaf; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BGYDSTUN, ~ALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT PJOFS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI551UNERS: NONE I~l WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ t day nf ~ 1994. -~~~' ~~ /J.2~Lf ~..G Z~ %'~ .ti.r S~~tETARY, ANAHEIM ITY PLJ+NNING COMMISSION ~/ _2. PC94-AB