Resolution-PC 94-51,~SOLUTION N0. PC~i-51 A RESOLUTION OF 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PUINNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONUITIONAL USE PEHMIT NO. 3875 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim CI!y Plann~ng Commission did receive ~ verilied ('etitlon for Condlt(onal Use Permft for certain real property situated in tiie City oi Ant~holm, Counry of Orange, Stata of Calitornia, described as: PARCEL 3 IN YHE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUP~TY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFURNIa, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 93, PAGES 3 AND 4 QF PI~RCEL fuiAPS, IN THE OFFICE O~ THE COUNIY RECORDER OF SA1D COUMY. WHEREAS, the City Plann(ng Comr~iission did hGd a public het~~ing bt the CNta Center in the City of AnAhetm on May 2, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice o( said pubitc hearfng having been duly given as requirec! Uy law arxi In accordancR wNti tFie provisions of the Anaheim MuniGipal Code, Chaptar 18.03, to hear end consider evidonce (or arxi against said proposed conditlonaf use permit arxi to investigate an;i rnake lindings and recommendations in cannoction therewith; and WHEREAS, sakf Commias(on, aher due inspectlon, Investi{~atlon and sti~dy mado by itsetf nnd in Its behaif, and after due conskleration o( atl evidence and reporta oflered at sald hearing, does iind and dotermine the following facts: t. That the propased use is properly nne for which a condil(or~ai use pe-mft is eu-horizsd by Anahelm ~Aunfcipal Ccxle 5ectiono 18 '.4.050.270 aM 16.03.030.U10 to parrnlt a privato oducationai tacility (Ior ninth through twelfth grades) wnh a ca•etnker's unit arxf whh wafvar ot the tc~llawfng: SectiUns i8.08.05Q.011 . ~i~~~+~~~++ numbe~ of na-kinn s~cv_s. ~U.06.050.0212 (?,~], requirecl: 1~Q~~0.02B3 ¢'~ recommendnd by the Chy TraHir, ancl ~r-d 18.44.068.Q~4 and TranspoRation Manager; 7$ existing) 2. That the pnrking varlanco wAI not cause an (nr,roase in traNk congestian In the (mmedi~te vicinity nor advorsely aHect arry ad~dning larxf usr~. 3. That the prantin~ ol tho parkinfl vartance ~~ndcr Ihe corxlitfons imposeJ will not be detrimental to the peace, health, salety cx general wei}ar~ of t-~e citlzena of the Ciry ol Anaheim; 4. That tha propased prNate aduratfonal 1acRiry Is properly one tor which a cmvJNbnol uso permit iA aulhoritecl by the 2oning Cafe arxl Ihat the propoaecl carelakePs unit is not iisted thereln a4 Ueing a permitted uca; 5. i hs~t the ptopose~d ~ses ;rill not acfverse~y eNect the ed~olnfnq land uses an~ the qrowth ancJ davMop~:~ent W the arua in which k Ea M^a~osgd to be locatal bscauso h is locatal dlre~tty north ol an ~±xiatinp putdiC sChOd: 6. That Ihu atlu yrxi st-ape d the sile fw the propoQcxl ute~ Is Ad~quato to aKow the full dcwel~xnct~» o( tho propu~e0 us9 in n rnanner nat clet~irtxtntal to ttw per!-cul~r grat nor to tht~ peacg. heallh, sately, arxl ~~ner~l w~1(arQ: CR20t301J13 wp .1- PC41•5 t 7. That the trafiic generatdd by the proposed usu wEll not Impose an undue burdon upan the stre~ts and lilghways designed and Improved to carry tho traHic In the area; 8. That the granting of thR corsditional usu pe~mft under tho conditio~~s impose~ wlll noi t~e detrimontal tn tha peACe, health, safety and goneral welfare of tho citizons of the City of Anahe(m; and 9. Tf~at two (2) concerned people indicated th9fr presenco at sald public hearinp; And that no correspondence was recelved In oppos;tfon to the subject petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRQ 1~1~NTA (J~I ITY aC'LFiNDING: 7hat the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission has reviewod the proposat to permit a private educatlonal facflity (tor ninth through twelkh g~ados) wfth a caretaker's unR arxl with waNer ol minimum number o( parking spacea on an inegularty shaped parcel of land cnnsisting of approximatoly 1.~3 acres having an approxirnato irontage of 215 teet on the wost sid~ of Sequola Avenue, a maxlmum depth of approxlmately 310 feet, being lacatod approxtmately 130 feet west of tha centertine of Brookhurst Str~t and further descrtba~i as 2200 West Sequola Avenue; end cloes hereby apGrove the Negatfvo Declaratlon upon finding that the dectaration reflects the lndepei~'ent judgemRnl oi the IQad e~oncy and that ft has considered the Negative Declaratlon toyether with any commRnts recelvecl during the public review process and furtlier tlndfng on th~ basls o! the Initfal study arxi any comments received that :hsra is no substantlal evidenc~ ~~~nt the pro~dct will have a signHicant eNect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOHE, Bk` IT RESOLVED that the :nahQim City Planning Commiss(an does hereby grnnt sub~ect PetRfon for CqndRional Uso PermR, upon the tollaNfn~ concfitlons whlch are heroby (ound to ba a necessary pror~uiske to the proposed use d the subJect proparty In order to preservo ,.a satety and general wel!are ot tho Chizans ot the Ciry ot Anaheim: 1. That there shall be a maximum student enrollment o! threa hundred tifty (3S0) students, e maximum of oighteen (t8) teachers, and a maximum o~ nine liurxlred (900) square leot ot oHfce use. 2. That v~fthin a perfaf of one (1j year aher the commoncemnnt of ihe actNiry on•site, tfie oxisthig pole sfgn shall bo removed. Safd sipn may be replacal only wlth e m~nument sipn not excaedfng eight (8) IctEt in height. 3. That tho approp;fato park and rocroatfon in-Ileu fe9 lar the caretaker's residentiel unit shall be pcdd to tho City oi Anaheim in an amouni as establishecf by ~ity Ca~ncR resolution. 4. That a plan shoet for sGkt waste atorage ond cdlectfon, end u plan fa rcRCycling sheti be aubmhtod to the bopartmerrt of MalMenance tor review and ~pproval. 5. 7hat sub)ect property ahall bc dove:opod substantfally in accordance with plons and specNicattons submittecf to the CNy ot Anaheim by the pgtitioner ancf whlch ptana are on tile wfth the Planning Department marAed Exhfblt Nos. t through 7. G. Tt~t a minimvm of elghty thrbe (83) on-shQ parking apoces shall be provkled (and ahown on the pIa^s auixnitted tor k+uYdinp peni~~g); that alt employees and studanta shall park On•sfte; and that thc~ achool's admfnistraNon ahall Hm~ stutleni parkinfl INrou~h Ihe use o1 parkinp permits ao Ihat thero ia no overtlow parking or,to adiacent Fublfc stre~ts. 7. That Iho ~~-ttftfener shatl ceordinate eecurtty rrk~ttern with Iho Mahbim Urd~n Hlgh Schoal Qistrlct. B That prfor lo is~uBncQ ~f a bu~d~np permit or wkhln a porlod of one (t) year Irom thM date o( tlks r~~Guffon, whichevor cu:cuos lir~t, Conditfon Nos. 3, A$M a, etxwa•mentloned, rJ~ll lie tomplfed .,~iih. ~xt~nibna for lurther ttme to complefe aaid cwdilfons rt~ay tw qranu!c1 In aCCOrdance with $ection 18.0~.040 ot the AnaM:m Municipal Cr~d4. .2. PC44-51 9, That pr(or to tinal build(ng end zonin~ inspections, Condition Nu. 5, above•mentloned, shall be complied wfth. 10. That approval of this application const!tutas approvel of the proposed request only to the extent that it compltes with tho Anaheim Municipal 2onin~ Code ~-nd any uther applicablo City, State and Fedaral rogulations. Approva! does not include any action or findings as to cnmpl(ence or approval o( the request regarding any uther t~ppllcable ordlnance, regulati~n nr roqulromont. BE IT FUR7HER RESOLV~Q that che Anaha!m ~;Ity Planning Commisslon doos hereby tind and det~nnino that adoption of thls Resalutlon is e:cpres~ly prodica!ed upon applicant's corrpliance with each und all oi tho condittons herstnabove set forth. uhould any auch condition, or any part thereof, be declared invs~lfd or unenforceable by the i(nal ~udgmont of any aourt ot cUmp~tent ~urisdictlon, than this Resolutlon, ana any approvals herein contalnod, shall be deemod null Anc1 vold. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptod at the Plannfng Commission meetfne of Mtly 2, 1994. ____~~-~ ' CHAIRMAN ANAHEiM ITY PlA InG COMMISSf01V ATTEST: i~ ~ , 1 lG ~~~L~~~'~~-_--_ SECRETARY, AN EIM CITY PLANNIPIG COMMISSION STA7C OF CAI.IFURNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, MargarKa Solorio, Secretary oi tha Anaheim Cfty Plannf~q Commisslon, do hereby ceRfy that the foregoing resolution was pnssed nnd adopted at a meeting oi the Hnahelm City Planning Commission held on M~y 2, 1994, by the followfng vote of the membors thereof• AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALOWELL, ~1ENNING~R, MESSE, PERA7A, T.AIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS510NERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hoteunto set my ~~nd this i~ day cf ~~ ~ ~~~~~.__ 1994. ~ , t ,~~ ~~ •. - - -J 1~.~~~ ~~ ~ ~., SECR[TARY, At~i~1EIM CfTY PU4NNIN(~ COMMISSION PC94$1