Resolution-PC 94-55RESOLU710N N . P 4- ~ A RE~OLUTIGN OF THE AMAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMiWIS~ION AMENDING CER7AIN CONOITIONS l~F APPHOVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3032 WHEREAS, on Juty 8,1988 the Anaheim City Pla7ning Commission approved Conditianal Use Pormlt No. 3032 undor Resolution No. PC88-183 permkt(ng a semi-enciosod gerden church for three years w(th waivers o( required tmprovement ~f parking area, and perrr,ttted number and sizo of frctestandinq fdontification signs on propeny loca~ed on ttie south side of Santa Ana Canyon Rofld apptoximatefy 3,689 teet west af the centerline of Gypsum Canyon Road and further d~3scrfl etl as 8712 EASt Santa Ana Canyon Road (Tho Garden Church); and WHEREAS, a previous rotroflctNe time extension and a sRe plan revisfon permitting a iifth modular structuro were granted by the Planntng Commission ~n Oc!oher 7, t 99t , to expire on July 6, 1994; WHEREAS, Rasolutlon No PC91-153, amending RASOlution No. PC88-183, contalns tho following condittons ot approvat: "5. That ir~is permft shall terminate In threa (3) years on July 6, 1994. "15. Th~t sub~~ct use shall be Iimited to a timo perlod expirfng on July 6, 1994. Tho potitloner may thereupon tile for ~ new conditfonal use permit to retaln or expand subject use. "20. That sub~ect property shalt be develop~~d substantially In accordance with ptan3 and s~cNicatinns submittetl to the City ot Anahe!m by tho petitionor and which plans are on file wlth thA Planning Department marked Revislon No. t of Exhfbit Nn. 1.' WFIFAEAS, the petitluner has requested modificatior~ of Conditional Use Permk No. 3032 under autharity of Code Soctlon 1C.03.030.010 to parmR thn addition of ono (1) temporary prefabriceted modular structure to the prevlously approved church end to consider mociNi~;atlon o( a condition ot approvai portaining to tho Iimitat(on o! timd to rotafn sald church. 1rYHEREAS, tho City Plannfng Commisslon did t~old a public hearinQ at the Civic Center in the City of Anahaim on May 1(i, 19~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public liea~ir~g having been duly glven as requtred by law and In ar,cotclan~e with the provlsfons of the Anaheim Munlcipal Cocle, Chapter 18.03, to hear aRd consider mridence tor ar~d against tfald propaae~d nmendment and to IrnAStfgate aixi make tindings and r~commendatlons In connectlan thorewith; and WHEREAS, safd Commiss(on, eher due inspection, investigatlon and atudy made by Itsel! And in ils bahalt, end after duo consi~oration ot a!I evklanca and reports Mierc+d at seld hearing, doos tincf cnd determine tho tellowtn~ lacta: 1. Th~t subject cor~dhfonr~l use permit is botng exarcisocl In a manner not detrimental to the ~k~rtfCUlar nrea a~xl ~i~nou~cling lancl usos, nor to the p~:b~(c peaco, hoalth, safety and gei~orat wellare. 2. That no one IndEcated tf:ejr pre~enr,e at said public he,~ring in ~pposft(on; arxJ that no correspondonce was receNed in oppoaltion to She sub~ect pet~tfon. CR20n7M3. W!' . t . PC94•55 ~A~.LFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAI QUA4ITY AC'f FIND I~: That the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission has reviewed tho proposal to mocii(y Conditional Use Permit No. 3U32 to permit the addition of one (;) temporary prefabricated modular structure to the prevlously a~proved somi•enclosed garden church and to consider modit(cation ~( a condition of approval p~rtaining to tho Iimitatlon of time to ret~in salcl church and does hereby ilnd that the Noflative Qeciaration previousiy approved In connection wllh Cunditlonal Use Pormit No. 3032 Is adequate to serve as the requlred eirvironmenWl documentatian In connoction with this request upon iinding that. the declaratlon reflects tho independent Judgement o~ the lea~ a~ency and that it has considered the Negativo Declaration together with any comments rocolved du inp tho public revlew process and furtfier finding on the basis of tlie iniilal study and any comments roceived ttiat there is no substantfal evidence that the project will have a signiflcent elfect on tfia environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT qESOI.VED that tl~e Anaheim City Planning Gommission doos r~ereby amend Condltlnn Nos. 5, 15 and 20 ot Resolution No. PC91 •153 to rQad as follows: 5. That this cond(tional use rermit shall terminaie in tive (5) years on May 18, 1999. 15. (delete). 20. That subjsct prope-ty shall be developed substantlally in accurdanco with plans and epecifict~tions cubmittod to the City of Analielm by the petkioner and H ylch plans aro on file wlth the Planntng Department marked Revision No. 2 of Exhlbit No. t. And, f~rther, that the Planning Commission adds the iollowing ne~~v condittons: 24. Thbt any existing vtolat(ons nf tha Anahetm Muntctpal Ccscte, including elactrical, mechanlcal, plumbing, building and gradinp, shall be res~laai ar abated prior to the instollation of any new fncllities, modular i~nits or other on-site (mprovert~ents. 25. That plans shall bo submittod to the CKy 'fraffic and Transportation Man~ger (or his review and approval showing con(ormance with th9 latest rovlsions o} Enginedring Standard Plan Nos. 436, 802 and F,07 pertaintng to parking stanctyrds and driveway locatlons. Subject proparty shall thereupon ba devoloped and maintained In coniormance with said plans. 26. That unless prooF ot ~xemption fs submittaf in complfance with Ciry Council Resolucion No. 89R-S40 prior to issuance of a buildfng permft for any novi construction, tha approprinte major thorough(aro and bridge feo shall be patd to tho City o( Anaheim In an amount as specNied in the Me~or Thorou~l~tare anc! 8rtdge Foe Program for the Foothill/EasSern Transportat(on Corridor, as establiehed by City Council resolutian. 27. Tfiat prior to the Issuanco of a tuildinA permlt, the develop~r shall pay a traHic anci transpartatlon Improvement feo to the City of Anaiieim, TraHic Enginesrfnq Divislon, tn an amount estab;ishecl by City Council ordinance. Th(s (ee w(II be used to tunci traNic anc! transportatlon improvements within t~~e area impacted by thfs proJ~ct. 5ald tee sh~ll be sub~ect to ed~ustment by the Cfty rouncll. 28. That a pian shoet for solk~ waste storage and cdlection, end a plan lor recycllnfl shall be aubmitted to the Oepartrt~~nt oi Maf~tenanca tor review t-nd appruval. 29. That An on-site trash truck turn•around area shall be providal nnd mafntainec! to the satlsfaction ot the Department ~i Malntenance. Said turn•around aren shail be specitically shown on plans aubmitt~ci 1ot bullding purmits. -2. PC94•:i5 30. That all iockablo pddestrlan and/or vehicular t~ccess qates st~all be equipped with "knox box" devices As required and approved by the Fire Department. 31. That flre sprinklers shall be installecl for all 9xisting and pro~osad s:ructures, under tfie following schedute: a. 7he proposed mcxiular kitchen unit shali be sprinklared prior to nccupancy; and b. Each additlonal moduler unft shafl be sprinklored on an unnual scheclule with the t(rst be(np sprinklereci by July 6, 19J5 and the I~st by July 6, 1999. Exfstfnfl tempUrAry occupancy shall ba revoked !( this schedule Is noi mc~t. 32. That adequate fuel modliicatlon sh~ll bo prnvfded to tho sritisiaction of the Fire De~rtmant. 33. That prior to commencement of the activfry euthorized by tt~is resolutlon or within a periud oF one (1) yo~r from tlie date cf thfs rasolution, whlchever occurs iirst, Conditton Nos. ^c4 through 32, abovo-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extenslons (or turther time to complete s,~ld conditlons may be granted in accordance with Section '18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 34. 7hat approval nf th(s appifcation constitutes aE~proval ot the proposed request only to !he extent that ft com~+l~es v,rith the Anaheim Municlpal ~oning Cocie and any othor applicable City, StAte and Federal regulatl~.ns. Approval does not include any action or findings as to complianca or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, reQulatton or requiremont. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptad at the PlanRin~ Commisslon meoiinp of May 16, 1 J94. ~ ;,,,/) i j i/ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEi~A ~ITY NNING COMMISSI(3N A7TEST: , ~ ~_,,.,,;i ~ ,, ,,,,. _ ~ S aETAFlY, ANAH~IKA CI'YY PLANNING COMMISSION ~STATE AF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM j I, Jenet L. Jonsen, 5ocrotary of the Anahelm Clty Planning Cornmisslon, do hereby certiy that the tore~oing resolutton was pas3ai and odopted at a meeting of th~ Anahetm Cfty Planning Commission held on May t6, t994, by the iollowing v~te oi the membars thoreoi: AYES: COWI~VI{S5IANERS: BOYDSTUN, ~ALCWELL, HENNINGE~i, MESSC, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: h1AYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thfs ?.r•~ day of .:=, ~~. •, ,_. '199A. j `~ ,/•,• ~+:~ ~~ L=',,. - S~'CFIETARY, ANAHEfM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PCS4•55