Resolution-PC 94-58RESOLUYION f~Q Pr.sa.5~3 G A RESULUTION OF THE ANAHEIM ~IIY PIANPJING COMMISSION THAT PETlTIpN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 367fi B~ GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, tho Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did receivo A veritiod Petition tor f;onditional Use Permit for cartain reat property situated in the City ot Anaheim, Cuunty of Orange, State of Cafitomf~, doscribed as: PARCEL 3, IN TH~ CI'TY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON A MAP FILEQ IN BOOK 61, PAGE 44 OF PARCEL MAP°, IN 7HE OFFICE OF 7HE COUNTY RECORDEH ~F SAID COUNTY. WI~EREAS, the Ciiy Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the ~Nic Centor in the City ot Anaheim oi~ May 16, 1J94 at 1:3U p.m., notice of ~~' public hoaring having buen duly glven as requireci by law and in accordan~e with the provisions of ~' .~naheim Municipal Codo, Chapter t0.U3, to F~ear and cons~der evidence for and agafnst said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and rnake (indin~s and recommendations in cor.nection therewith; and ~VHEREAS, said ~ommission, alter duo Inspection, Investigatlon and study rnade by itself and in fts behalf, and after ciue cnnsideration oi all evidonce ~nd reports o(tared at said hearing, does iind a,~d determfne tho followfng i scts: t. That the propused use is properly ene for whlch a conditional use permit is authorizod by Anahe~m Municipal Cocle Sections and to retain a boat repair and manuf~ctw~nfl factlity with retafl sales o1 parts end accessories, ~nd with waiver oi tho following: ~~9r3?~~4~44~ • M! ~!~-.~~11~22r of reasi_red oarkina s~ce~. ~§~Q50•Q22 (~ requircd ty Codo 1.0~6.05_0,~1. ~$ recomme~cied by parking study) ~~q~ 47 sxisting) 1~.1@~~1 060 05 2. That the parking waive~• is hereby approvor! permitting a mfnimurn o~ ?.7 us~'~ble parking sNaces with oth~r parlciny areas being used 4or lully screane~ ~utdoor storage; 3. 7hat the parking varianco will not cause an IncreHSe in tratllr. ~ongestlon in tho Immc~diate vicinity nor advarsely aPfnc' any ad(ofning lancl us~s because the maxlmum numbor of employeea sha~~ be limitcd to 20 cfue to thg limfted parking; 4. That the grartin~ of the ~rkfny variancn under the cortditfona Imposed wA! not be detrimental !o the peaco, fieahh, satety ~r genera! welfar~ ot the citizens oi the City af A~al~elm; 5. That the proposal use Is property one ter whlch a conditional usQ parmit Is authorized by tho Zoninfl Ccxfe: a. That the proposed uso w'.~~ not ad~ersely aHecK tho od~olning lancf uses and tl~ grov+th and wdI ~,t~e partiallyrrtwnufacti red nind snamblecf on si e,~enc+ 1he n ckien al sale o~f part~ar~d ccesao~twf I be ~n con(unctinn with tne bnat repafr; ~ . PC~3d•58 CR20~Jt MS.WP 7. That the s(ze and shape oi the site for thu pro~osod use is adequate to allow the t~dl development ol the proposed use In a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety and general wolf~re; 8. That tt~e traffic ~eneratod by the proposod use will nM impose an undue burdon upon the straets and higtiway3 desiflned And ImprovF±d tu carry tha tratiic In the area; 9. That the granting of tha conditic~nal use permit under the conditinn~ imposed will not be detifmontal to ttio peace, hoalth, satety and general wolfara oF the citizens of thc~ City of Anaheim; t0. "fhat the use Is hereby approved (or a perial of fivo (5) years whlch generaliy corrqsponds with the length of the petitfoner's lease and It will give the City the ~pportunity to reviaw subJoct use in connoction with antfcinated land use redestgnatian bainfl contemplatod in conJunctlon with tho pending Northeast Industrfat Area~ Specilir, Plan; and 1 t. That no one indicated thefr presonce at safc! public hoar(ng in Apposition; and th~t no conespondence was receivad in op~sition to ihe subject potition. CALIFQRNIA ENVIRONMFtVTAL QUALITY ACT FIN IN : That the Anahelm City Planning Commfsslon has revlaweci the pr~posal to retaln e boat repair and manufacturing incflity with r9tall salos oi parts and ar,ces~ories, and with waiver of m(nimum number of re~ufred parking spaces on an (rrequlariy shaped parca of I~nd consisting uf approximately 1.14 acres having an approxlmflte frontage of 331 feet on tha east s(de ot Grove Street, having a maximum depth o( 230 feot, baing IocatQd approximatg~y 895 teet south of the centurifne af Ln Palma Avenue and furthar dascribed as 1010 Nonh Grove Street; and docss hereby epprove the Negatfva Declaration upon (Inding that the declArotlon re0ects the independent ~udgemen- o} the lead agency and lhat tt has consldered the Negative Declaratlon together witti any comments ryceh~ecl during the public review procoss arv.1 furiher iirxling on the basis of lhe initt~l study and anv commertts recoNad that there 13 nfl substantlal evidenco that the pro~ect will have a signHicant eHoct on the environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, (~E 11' RESOI.VED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon does hereby grant subject Petitiun 1or Conditionai Usa P~rmR, In part, upon the t~l!owing condttlons which 2re hereby found to bo a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subJact property in order to preserve the safery and genaral wetfaro of the Citizens ot the Ctty ot Anaheim: t. That the outdoor display ot boats shalf be prol~fbited. 2. 1 hat this conditional use permft shatl ~~xpire Nve (5) years Irom tho date ol this resdution on May 18. 1999. 3. 7hat a0 repa~r ~ctivhies sh~il be cc~rxluctod wholly fnsfde a buUding. 4. That subject aropoAy shall be developed aubstantiatly In eccordance wrih plans and speciticatfons submNted to Iho City ~t Annh~afm by thQ potitirner and which plans aro ori file wiih the Planning Oopanment rnai~cai Exhibii Mos. 1 Ihrough 3. ~. That a minimum oi twQnty seven (27) pa~king spacon aliall t~e provkled on-sfte (ot I~ast twenty (?.OJ tor em~loyeQS anc! at ~east sm+en (7] lor customers and vendors). 6. That, bt+sed on the (imitod numi~er of avaita~to on•site parking spaces, thore shall be a maximum a! twanty (20) em~loyeas. .?. PC9d•58 7. That all o~tdoor stor~~e shall b~~ cortipletoly s~creened from the public's vi~w along any public stroet or adJacant property. Tho storage area shall occupy the paved pa~king area only; pravided, however, that a rninimum of twenty seven (27) parking spacas nhall romaln usable at all times. 8. Th~t tho storage of boats and traliers in any public right-cf•way shall be prohibiteci. g. That ttie applicant shall Fay the cost of any futuro Cadd Enforcement Inspect(ons which may be neecied to address and resolve Code violations. 1Q. That ninetec~n thotisand threo hundrsd (19"UU) squara feet shall be provided for wacehousa/boat repalr uses and thr~e thousand five hundred (~,500) squaro feet shall bo pravided tor showroom use. 11. That nu (lags, banners or batloons shall bs usod tor advertlsing pur~oses. 12. That prior to t(nal building and zoninp inspections or wlthin a poriod of one (t) yoar from the date of thls resolu!lon, whichevQr occurs first, Conditlun Nos. 4, 5, 7~na 10, ebove-mentloned, sh~lf be com~lied with. Extensions for further time t~ complete safd conditlons may be grant~icf In accordt~nce with Soction 18.03.090 of the Anahefm Municipul Code. 13. That approva~ ot this applicatiun constitutes approval of the proposed re.~ueat onty to the Pxte,nt that it con~~~ltes with tho Anaheim tdunic(pal Zoning Code and any othor applicable City, State~ and Fed~ral rea~i'a'!un~ Approval does not fnclucie any action or ifndinfls as to cornpliance or approvol of the requ^s• .~~~2~ding any ~ther applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. ~)E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the An~heim City Planning Commisslon doos horeby find and ~' nrrr~ine that adoption of this Resolutlon Is expressly precllcatecf upon applicant's complfanco with eaut~ ~nd a~, of thQ condit{ono hereinabove set torth. Should Any such corxlftlon, or any part thereot, be doclarQC' '~~valid or un~rni~rce~ble by the linal ~udgment of dny court of competent jurisd~ction, then this Resoluti•~~, and any approvals harein containecl, shall b2 deRmed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted nt th j ~'I~~ ing Commission meeting of May 16, 1 J94. ` ~~ ~/' / ~~ ~ % • ~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI7Y P NNING COMMISSION AiTCST: ~i i ~~~~ ,-~:!~:~ ~ ,~~,,_., SFCRE?ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STA'TE OF CALIFORNIa ) COUNTY OF Of~ANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harr(s, Sacrotary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certffy that the toregoing resolutlon wa3 passed and adopted at a mestinfl of the Anehelm City Plann~ng Cnmmfssfon heid on May 16, 1994, by the toltowin~ voto ot the memNers tlieroof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALD'JYELL, NENhINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAfT NGES: COMM1155fONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER ~N WITNFSS WII~REOF, I havo her~rntu set my hand this ~ da at ~~_. 19~4. c' ~,, • . •~ f ~~_~~~~~,_. ~ :. SECFtE~ARY, ANANEI 17Y PL4NNING COMMI~SION ,3, PC~ ~4