Resolution-PC 94-67RESQL 1TIQN NU. PC94-67 A FlESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENQING .APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO SPEC~F!(: PLAN fVO. 88-2 (The Sumrnit o( Anaheim Hilis) WHEREAS, on November 1,1968, th~ City Council approved Fiosolution No. UOR-3~5 adopting Specific Plan No. 88-2 (SP88•2) including a Puhlic Faciifties Plan and Conditlons o( Approval; WHEFiEAS, on December ~,1988, the City Council ~dopted Ordinance No. 4978 adding a new Chaptor 18.72 to the An~helm Municipal Code (contalning Zaning aM Deveiopmgnt Stendards tor said Specitfc Pi~n) and adoptecl Ordinanc~ No. 4577 Implomenting the SpecHic Plan Zone. Specliic Plan tJa. 88•2 pravides tor tho development of up to 2,tt7 residential units, 5 acres of commerclal uses, a 12•acre park sRe, a 10•~cre c~lementary school sfte, and approximatoly t69 acres of open space in The Summit ot Annheim Hilis; and WHEREAS, petit(oi~er requests the (ollowlna two amendments to SpecHic Plan iVo. 88•2'The Summit of Anaheim Hpis:" A. To amend Exhihit No. 11 "Open Space/Recreation Plan," in Section 2.8 "Open Space and Parl.s" ot Chepiar ~'Public Facflftlos" ol The Surnmft of Ar.ahoim Hflis SpecNic Plan No. 88•2 approved in connc~ction with Resolution No. 88R-395, to ~hange the dosfgnatfon of the Nolghborhaod Park to Communlry Park; and B. To am~nd C~ndition Nos. 64, 65 erxf 77 oi Rosolutlon No. BtiR•395 p~rtalning to: (1) Redesignating the prevlously epp~vvod park irom Nel~hbal~ood Park to Communlry Park ; (2) Amending the devolopmont anci c:ompl~tion dates ot the 13.67 acro park site by Qxtending the time to cnmploto constructic~, by approximately 2 years (allowinp park construction to tx~pin by January 2, 1936 and kx~ completed by January 3I, t93~ instead of completior- by December 1~, 1994 based on currein cor-di~~n wording); (3) The developer's making up tha possihle lose of a 5125,W0 9rant received (rom the Counry of Oranfla to constiuct tiflhting tacilitles lor lhe p3rk'R athletic tiolds; and (d) 7he developer's sending letters Inlormin~ reakfents in The Sumrnft of Anatidim Hills end 5ycamore Cnnyon of the detay In park construc~tbn and the devoloper's nam(ng a contact person to answer questlons reqardfng park constnir.tion and tho schalule of events (said lettor to be ap{~roved by the Parks, Ra~:naation and Community Servicos Departmont prlor to mailinp). WHEREAS, the City Planning Cornmfasfon did hdd a public heartng et tho Chric Center in the City Qf Anahoim on May 2, :994, at t:30 p.m., notice o1 saki public hooring havinp bQOn duly givP• ~ as required by law arxf in accordanco with thQ provisions ot the Anahotm Municipa{ Coda, Chapter 18.03, to hear anJ conskler ovidence tor and against said propaseci emendrent end to irnrostlgato and make lindin~s and rocommoncfations fn connectlon therewnh; and that safd pubHc Imaring was continued to the June t. t~9A; and CR2102MS.WP •1-• PC94-87 WHEHEAS, said Commission, aitor due Inspectlon, ~nvostigation and study made by Itsnlf and in its -~ehatf, and after due consider7tion of all evidonce and reports o(fereci at sald tiearing, does find and dQtermino the following facts: t. That the property proposed for the Specific Pian, as amended, has unique site characteristics such as topog-aphy, locatton or surroundings ~.vhich sre enhanced by speclal land uso and development standards. 2. That the Speci(ic Plan, as amonded, is consistent with the goals and policies of tho Genar~l Plan and with the propooes, standards and land use gui~elines r,ontalned therein. 3. That tFa SpecHic Plan, as amended, results In development of destrable character whlch will be compatible with sxisting and proposed developmont in tho 3urrounding neighborh~od. 4. 7hat the SpecHic Plan, as amended, contributes to a balance oi land uses. 5. That the Specific Plan, es amended, respects environmental and aesthetic resources consistent with economic raalities. 6. That six (6) peoplo indicated their presence et sald pubtlc hearing in appositlon; and tht~t correspondence was recoived In oppositlon to the subject petition. CALIF,QRNIA ENVIRON~.j/ ENTAL Q'LALITY CA T FINDINC: 7hat the Anaheim City Plan~iing Commission has ieviewed the proposal and does hereby 11nd ihat the prevlousiy cerlitfed EIR No. 281 is adeq~iate to sorve as the r9quireci environmenta! documentaticn In connectlon wtth this request upon finding th~t th~ declaration retiects the irv.'opondant ~udgement oi the lead afloncy and any comments recoivai durin{~ the public reviow process and further nnding on the hasis of iho inftial study and any cnTments received that there is no aubstantlal ovldence that the pra~ect will have a signHicant eNect on tha enviranment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOIV~ED th~t tho Rnahelm City Planning Comm(ssion does hereby approve tho iolirawing amendments to The Summft ot Anahoim Hills SpecNic Plan No. E18-2: A. Amond Exhfbit No. t i'O~en Space/Recroat(on Plan; in Sectfon 2.8 'Open Spaco and Parks' of Chapter V"Public Facflfti~s" of The Summlt of Anahefm Flilis Specific f'lan No. F38-2 approved in connection w~th Rosalutlon No. A8R-395, to chan~o the designatlon ~f Nefghborhood Perk to Communiy Park; end to also amend texe contafnacf on pagos 37, 3a and 40 of anid Sectlon 2.8 to road communiy park instoad ot nelghborhood park. B. Amencf Condition Nos. 6A, 65 and 77 ot fiesolution No. E8R•395 to read as ic~liows: "84. As requir~d by CorMhion No. 138 ot Rosduti~n Nos. SiIR-144 and 8aR•229, the 12•~cre commu~~ty pa-k shQ was irrwocablY ottored for dedlca2ion prlor to recordatlon ot Parcel Map No. 87-363 (recoMed on SaptombRr 19, 1988)• Prlor to tho opproval of tho ttrst (inal tract or parcel map ad~oining nny park area, thv precise conOguration oi tl~e Cx+rt+ arca requircici lor dedication and development by the owner/dweloper shall bv approvacf by tl~e Department oi Parks, Recreation an:f Communfty SQrvices anri. N d(Herent Irom the provinusly dedic;atecl configuration, tho ovvner/dovdnper shalt prcrvMe an trrevoea~te otf~r o' dedication N the approved park ske prlor to recordHtion of th~ ifrst final tr~ct or parcel map ad~ointng any park arQa. .2_ PC94~67 65. 1'hat consistent with the agreement betweon the owner/developer and tho Parks, Recreation and Community Sorvices Department, devolopment o! the City's park sito shAll begin and bo developod co City Park Dopartment standards, subJoct to Perk Dapartment approval and cons(stent wlth facilitles provided for other slmilAr communlty parks within the City. Such improvements must include, but shall not be Iimited to, Irrigation, IandscAping (including turf, trees and ground covers), walkway3, a children's ptay equipment area, restrooms, and plcnic fmprovements. Park Department epproval shaii consist oF the totlor+Ing: (a) Approval of landscape Architect and other consuttants usod to design the park and propare tho cor.struction documents; (b) Approval of a Master Plan, schematic plans, preliminary plans and tinal plans, sp9cificatlons, cost es4(mates and other constructlon documents; and (c) Approval o( aA proJer,t materials and products used fn constructing the park t~nd the right of InsRer,tion by ciry staff. Proporty owner/doveioper shall also provide consultani(s) who prepared canstruction documents ior canstructlon observations to insure that the proJect Is construct~d as tntendod. 77. z. Thnt the ownor/developer shall complete thR park constructton by January 3t, 1997. Park constructlon shall bogin no lat~r than Jnnuary 2, 1996. Shculd park constn~ction not begfn by that date and procoed on scheclule ta effect complet(on by .lanuary 31, 1997, no turthor bullding permits, including tor restdential or commercial uses, w(II he issuecl by the City until p~rk construction is proceoding In accordance with an acce~~table schedule ngreed to by the Director of Parks, Recreation aixJ Communfty Services. b. That The Sumrnit shall bogfn construction nf their park site within thirty (3~~) days of the commencement of ~any construction requlrod ot the Sycamoro Canyo~~ ~Specftic Plan No. 88•1) pruperty ov~ner/developer fn their park site Incated contlguous :a The Swnmit property, regardless of 4he number of building permits issued for The Summit. c. That an accaptable form ot ps~tormance bond, certKicate ot deposft or other securfty be provided tor the park imnrovement. The 4orrn and cont~nt oi sald securky shatl be subJoct to revlew and approval by the City and such securiry sh~ll be sutiicfent to insure complete r,overage ot the park pro~ect. 1'liis bond will be revie~~Ed annually by tho City to insur~ covprage Is adequatu to Insure tho cornpleted park and shal! be rovised as necessary to meet ony increasod costs. Owner/doveloper shall provido an annual r~vis~d cost estimate, subJect to the approval of the Director of Parks, Recraatfon and Community Sdrvlces, to be ustxf as the basis !or revisions to the socurity. Theroa(ter, the ccst ostimate sha'I be provided to thn City tor approval by January t oi each year. The security sliatl be revised, as netded withfn thirty (30) days aftor Gfty approval of tho cost ost(mato. Fallure to Rrcvide the cost estimate or revfsed security wlthin the specified time limRs may reault in tho detay of buiiding permlt Issuanco lor re~identfal or commercfal buildfngs until thoso Issues are resalved. If the princlp~i faiis to perlorm the work ~n its pari, surety shall perform the work or hav~ ~aork F,ertormed at ~urety's expensa. The Cfty shatl not bo requirai to periorm tho wor!c and seek reimbursament. d. Should the p~rk not be complotecl, includfng com~letion of the Notice af Complstlon period, by January ~t, 13J7, and should atl roquiremonts of tha C~unty of Orange grant proqram tund(ng a ponion of the parking lot Improvaments and the ball tEeld I(ghting installation nct be met, the c~wner/developer shall be responsible ior r~n ndditfonai one hundrt~ twenty fNe thousaiui d~llars (St25,WU) In County funding should that fundi~zg be lost due to non•perfurmance by the owner/developer. .3. F'C94fi7 e. Tho owner/dovelopor shall send letters, as approved by the Director of Parks, Racreatlon and Cornmunity Sorvlr.os, to alt Summft residents and to the Homeowner Associatlon(s) for Sycamore Canyon (Specific Plan No. 88-1) IndlcAting that tlie owner/devolopor Is reaponsible for the park construction, tho reasons fur the delay end a schedule of evonts to occur in the future. A reprc~sentative ot the owner/devoloper shalt bA IdentF~lod as a contact person for additionai information as necessary, This shall take place no fatar than January 1, 1995." C. Add the followfng new condit(on of approval to Hesolution No. 8aR•395: "141. That within sf~y (60) days from tha date of this resolution, a landscaping and IrrigAtlon phasing Ulan shall be submitted (or review and approval by the Pianninfl Commission es a "Reports and Recommendatfons" Itom." THE FOREGOItVG RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meotlnA ~i June 1, 1994. .~ ~~ / CMAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P NIVING CUMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ ' ~ ' ;~. .~_... -r ,~„~, _ S CRETARY, ANAH IM CITY PLANNIfJG GOMMI5SION .~ ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretery af the Anahoim City F'lanninq Commfssion, do hareby cortify that the (oregoing resolution wa~ passed an~l adopted at a meeting oi the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission held on June 1, 1994, by the following vote of the mombers thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTiJN, CALDWELL, HE 1NINGER, iVIESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE A85ENT; COMMISSIONER5: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEFIEOF, I havo horeunta sot my hand this %~~ • day of ..i ~e ~,~ ~ , 1994, / ,~L „j~~' ~'~ ~~ ~: ~.G.t~?.,~..1~ SEc39E~ARY, ANAH~IM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION ,. ~. PC94•67