Resolution-PC 94-70RE l TIQN NQ. PC94-7Q A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAFIEIM ClTY FLANNING COMMISSION THA'' PET'ITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 93-~J4-10 BE GRNNTED WHEREAS, tho Anahoim City Planning Commisslon did receive a verifled petition for Reclassiflcation for real property situated In the City of Anahelm, County of Oranye, State o( f;alifornia, describ~d as follows: PARCEL A: THE WESTERLY 2 ACRES OFTHE FOLLOWING DCSCRIE3ED IAND; BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAS7ERLY GORNER OF LOT 28 OF "NNAHEIM EXTENSION", AS SFIOWN ON A MAP MA~E BY WILLIAM HAMEL, FII.ED FUR FiECORD IN THE OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY RECb~iDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNlA; THENCE WESTERLIf ALONG THE NdRTHEFiLY LINE OF SAID lOT A DISTANCE OF 786.90 FEET TC~ .4 POINT 37t3.75 FEET EASTERLY OF THE NORTHWtSTEWLY CORNER OF SAID Lc~T 28; THENCE SOUTHERLY, PARALLELTO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LQT A DISTANCE OF 4~32 FEET; THENCG EASTERLY PARALLEL TO 7HE NORTHERI.Y LINE OF 5AID LOT A DISTA~GE OF 7A6.~1 FEET TO A POINT ON 7HC EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT; THEN.^.E NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY I.INE A DISTANCE OF 442 FEET TO THE POIN7 QF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING FROM SAID WESTERLY 2 ACRES THAT POHTlON OCCUPIED BY VERMONT AVENUE, FORMERLY BROAD STREEI', A~ OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1942. PARC~L B: TFIE EASTERLY 1 ACRE OF THE WESTERLY 3 ACRES OF TH~ FOU.OWING DESCRISED LAND; BEGINNING AT 7HE NORTHEASTERLY COr~NER OF LOT 28 OF "ANAHEIM EX~ENSION" AS SHOWN ON A MAP MADE BY WILLfAM NAMEL, FILED FOR RECOR~ IN 7H'e OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTf, CALIFORNIA; THENCE WGSTERLYALONGTHE NORTHCRLY LINE OF aAID LOi A DISTANCE OF 785.90 FEET TO A POIIJT 378.75 FEET EASTERLY OF THE NARTHWESTERLY CQRNEr~ OF SAID LOT 28; THENCE SOUTHERLY, pARALLELT01'HE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANC~E OF aa2.00 FEET; THENCE EASTFRt.Y PARALLELTG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID L07 A DISTANCc OF 786.90 FEET TO A POIN7 ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID IOT; 7HENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF ~t42.00 FEE7 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING FROM SAID EASTERLY 1 ACRE OF TI-I~ WESTERLY 3 ACRES THA'i PORTION OCCUPIEO BY V[RMONT AV°_~UE, FORMERLY BRQAD STRE~, AS UF APRIL 5, 1964. VYHEREA~, the City Planning Commission did hr~ld a public hearing at the Civfc Center In the City of Anahelm on June 1, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notlco of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in accordance with the provisi~ns of tho Anahaim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cansider evidence for and agatnst said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make f(ndings and recommendatlons in connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectfo~~, investigation and study made by Itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all ovidence and reports oHered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the following facts: CR2105MS.WP -1- NC94-70 1, That the petitioner proposes reclosslficatlon oi subje~t property from the RS•A-43,U00 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RM-2400 (Residentlal, Multiple•Family) Zono. That tho Anaheim General Plan desiflnates subJect property for Medium dersity Resldential land uses. 3, That the pr~posod reclassfffcatlon of subJect properly is necessary and/or dosirablo for the orderly and proper ~evolopment of the community. 4. That tho proposed reclassif(catlor~ of subJect property does pmperly relate to the zones And tiielr permittad uses lacally establfshed In close ~roxfmity to subJsct prnperty and to tha zanes and thelr permitted uses genorally established throughout the community. 5, That one concerned person indicated his presence at said public hoaring; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subJect petition. „~A~I~qRNIA ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahelm City Pianning Commisslon has ravievred the proposal to reclassify subJect proporty frAm the RS-A-~.9,000 (Residontial/Agricultural) lone to the RM-2h00 (Residential, Mwti-Family) Zono, to construct a 2-story, 48- unit, "affordflble" RM-2400 condomfnfum complex with waiver of minimum number af requfred coverod parking spaces, and to establfsh a 1-lot, 48-unit condominium subdivisfon on a rectangula~ly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 2.77 acros, hav(ng a frontago of approximately 295 feet on tho south slde of Vermont Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 409 feet, being located approximately 190 feet east of the centerline of Citron Street and further described as 608 West Vermont Avenur; ~nd does hereby approve the Negatfve Declaration upon finding that tha declaration reflocts the I~dependont Judgoment of the lead agency and that it has considered the Negativo Declaration toget~ ~er with any comments recelved during the public review process and furthor find~ng on the basis of the Ir.tiAl study and any comments receivod that there Is no substant(al evidenco that the proJect will have a s'.gniflcant effoct an the envimnment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pnaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby approve tho subJect Petitfon for Reclassification to authorize an amendment to tho Zoning MAp of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code to exclude the above-describod property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone and to fncor~orate said descrlbod proporty into ttie RM-2400 (Rosldentl~l, Multiple•Family) Zono upon the ioilowing conditlons whfch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequfcite to the proposed use of subJoct property (n order to proserve the safery and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner of subJect property sliall submft a letter ~ equestfng termination of CAnditional Use PArmit Nos. 687 (establishing additional parking for the adJacent Carpenters' Hall) and 1300 (permittfn~ the existing unfon hall as a conforming uso and permitting its expansion) to the Zoning DNlsion. 2. That an unsubordfnated covenant shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recordor agreeing to provide the buyer of each dovelling unlt with writton iniormaiinn obtained from tho schoal district(s) portaining to possible ovorcrowded conditions and busing status of the schooi(s) serving the dwolling unit. A copy of tho covonant shall be submittQd to and ~pproved by the Ciry Attorney prior io recordation. A copy of the recorded covonant shall be submitted to the Zoning Division. _2_ I'C94-70 3. That prlur to placoment of sn ordfnance reznning subject proparty on an Hgenda tor City Council consideration, Conditlon Nos. t and 2, above•mentioned, shall be completod. The Cfty Council may approve or di~approvo a zoning ordinance at Rs discrotion. If the ordinence Is disapprove~i, the proceciure sot torth in Anaheim Municipal Cale Section 18.03.085 shall apply. The provlsions or riqhts granteri by this resolution sha~! become nutl and vold by action of the Ptanning Commisslon unless sald condit(ons are complled with within one (1) yoar from the dato ot this resoiutlon, or such lurttier time as the Planning ~omrnfssion may grant. 4. That approval of this appllcatfon constRutos approval of tha proposecl request oniy to the extent that ft compiles wkh the Anaheim Munlctpal Zoning Code and any othQr epplicabl~ City, State and Federal regulatinns. Approvul does not (nclude any action or Ilndings as to complianco ~r appraval of tho request rogardinfl any other applicable ordinancQ, regulatfon or requiroment. BE ff FURTHFR RESOLVED that the AnahRim City Planning Commisslon does hereby tind and c' ,cermine that adoption of this Resoiution Is e!cpressly predicatecl upon ao~IicanCs compilance wfth oach and all of the conditions hereinabovo sei farth. Shouid any such conditions, or any part thoreof, be declarecl invnlid or unentorceable by the (in~l (udgmern ot ar+y court ~f competenc jurtsdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herefn Contair:od, shall bu deemc~cl null and vold. DE IT FURTHER RESQWED, that this resolution shall not aonstftute a rezonin~ oi, or a commitment by the City to rozone, the subJect prnperry; any such rezoning shail require an ordinance of tho City Cnuncfl which shail be a leqtslatlve act which may be opproved or donlod by the City Council et its sole discretbn. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commfssion meeting of June t, t994• ) ~ ~~~f ~,~ IiAI~MA~I, ANA IM CI LA NING COMMISSION A7TEST: _~ /~~~ ' ,' ~ I •~" 4C !r' ~~-- " CRETARY, AMAHEIM riTY PLANNING COMMISSlON STATE O~ CALiFORVIA ) COUNTY OF QRANVF ) sa. GITY OF ANAHEtIW ) I, Janet L. .ionsen, Sacretary 7 the Anahaim City Planning CommEssion, do hareby certfly Ihat the loregotnq rRSOlutlon was passed end adc,pted at a meoUnp of ti~e Anahefm City Plannin~ Comnsisaion hel;f on .Jurw 1, ~994. bY t~-e fotir~wing vota ot the membor~ [hereol: AYES: CdMfdIS.`~i~4nEN3: BOYDSTIJN, CALDW~II, K: NNINQ~P, ME3SE, F'ERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMM'SSIONER3: NONE AOSENT: COMMISSIONER3: MAYEP, IN WItNESS WHEREOF. I have iwreuMO set my hancl tt~is ~;~~day ol _~; ; r~:•~. 1994. i ~ ~~ .~, . ~' SE RETAP.Y, ANAHEIM dTY PIJ1NfVIN(i CAMMISSION .~. P~ii4-70