Resolution-PC 94-71RESOI.UIl9.~..NQp~-~'~ A HESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 7HAT PETITION FOR CONUlTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3696 k3E GRANTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim City Plannlnp Cortimissfen did recolve a verific-d Patitior~ for Conditional Use Permit for certain real pr~perty sftuated in the Ciry af Anaheim, County of Orango, Sta:e of Ca!ifornia, doscribed as; PARCEL A: THE WESTERLY 2 ACRES OF THE FOLLOWINC3 DESCRIBED IAND: BECINNING A7 THE NORTHEASTENLY CORNER OF L~T 28 OF 'ANAHEIM EXTENSiON", AS $HOWN ON A MAP MADE BY YJILUAM HAMEL, FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF TIiE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE WEST~RLY ALQNG THE NOFlTHERLY UNE OF $AID LOT A DISTANCE OF 786•90 FEET TO A POINT 37g.75 FEET EASTERLY OF TFiE NOFITFIWESTERLY CC~RNER OF SAI~J LOT 28; THENCE SOUTHEPi Y, PARALLEL TO TH~ WESTERLY LINE OF SAID l.OT A DISTANCE OF 442 FE~f; THENCG EA37ERLY i'RRALI.EL TO THE NORTHER~Y LINE OF SAID LO7 A DIS'fANCE O~ 7Eiff.tJO FEEf TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAIO LOT; THENCE NOHTHERi.Y ALONG .~iAlp E.AS'tEpLY LINE ;, DIS7ANCE OF 447. FEET TO THF POINI' OF BErINNING. EXCEPTING FHOM SAID WESTERLY 2 ACFiES 7WAT PORTION OCCI;PIED BY VERMONT AVENU~, FORMERLY BROAD STREET, AS OF S[PTEMF3ER 11, 1942. PARCEL 8: 7HE EASTFNLY 1 ACRE OF Th1E WESTERLY 3 ACRES OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 28 OF 'ANAHEIM EXTEN510N" AS 5HOWN ON A MAP MADE BY WILUAM HAMEI, FILEn FOR RECORD IN 7HE OFFICE OF 7NE COUPITY RECURDER OF I.OS ANC3ELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE WESTERIY A~ON(3 THE NOaTHERLY UNE 4F SAIn LOt A DISTANCE OF 786.90 FEET TO A POIP!'f 378.7'i FEET EASTEFiLY OF 7HE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER 0~ 5AI0 LOT 2A; THENCE SOUTNERLY, PA1iAlLEI TO THE WESTERL'f UNE OF SAID L4T A DISTANCE OF 442.00 FEET; 7HENCE EASTE~iLY PARALLEI. TO TNE NOR7HERLY UNE OF S.'.~~ LOT A DISTANCF 0~ 786.90 FE~T TO A POINT ON TH[ EASTERLY UNE AF SAID L07; 7HENCE NOR7N~RLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF d42.00 FEET TO Ti~E POINT OF BEGlNNINC3. EJ(CEPTIN~ FROM SAID EASTERLY t ACRE OF THE 1NEStENLY ~ ACRES T~iAT PORTION OCCUPIED BY V~RM4NT AVENUE, FORMEALY BROAD STREEY, I4S OF AF'FiIL 6, 1984. WHEA~.AS, the City Planninp Commisslon did hold a puW)c heaiinq at tha CMfc Centar In th~ CYy of Anahelm on .June t, 1fl94 et 1:30 p.m., nt~tice a' sald puWic hearinp ~avinfl Leen dulY given as requErocf by ~Aw ana In accordance with the proviYkx~t d the lu~heim Munlcfpal Cafa, Chapter 18.03, to hear arxf ~bn4icter evWence for and a4ainat safd proposo0 c•.QrxlRior~al use permit and ~o Irnn~tfgato and mako 1irxlinps end racAmmendationa In conneccbn theaswith; arrd Ct',2 t OGiNS. WP • t- PC~(14 •71 WHEREAS, said Cammisslan, atter due inspectlon, Investlgation and study made by ftsolt and In Its behalf, and attor due consideratlon of all evidence and reportc otfored ~t at~ld hearing, does iind and datermine the io~lowing f~cts; 1. That the proposai use Is properly one tor which a conditional use pormit Is authorized by Arvaheim Munlcipal Cado Section 1U.32.U5U.045 to construct a 40-unft, 2-story, "aHordable" condominlum cornplex with tho followfng wafver: Soctions 19.06.054,0121 - ~1lnimum number oi cov~~,.parklna s~ceR. 18.06.2@Q (Requirod: total 134 parking spncos with ~ covered; n t.~32.066.Q.1Q Proposed: totel 135 parking spaces with,~$ aovared) ?.. Ti»t the applicant proposes cunstructlun ot an 'eliylblo" housin~ devolupment In accordance wlth Chaptor 18.~J9'Oc~nsity Sonus' of the Anahelm Munfcfpel Code and Calftomi~ Oovernmont Codo Section 65si5; 3. Tt~at the epplicant has demonstrated that the roquest~d parking wafver fs necessary as an incontive to make ttio proposed housing pro~ect econumically teasible ta provide tor aNordable housing costs; 4. That the requested parking walver Is an incentive which [urthers the City's aNordable housing goals as set torth in the Housing klemont of the City's Gene~^al Plan; 5. That ti~e parking walver, granted In Neu o( a denslty bonus, 1s equivalent In tinnncial value to a density bonus by an independent appraisal ai the applicarrt's property; B. That the parktng walver will not cause an fncrease ~~~ sraHlc c4nt7estlon in the immediate vir,fnity nor adversely atloc,K any adjoinin~ land uses; 7. That the granting of the parking waiver under thc;~ conditlons imposed wllt not bo dntrimenta! to the peace, heatth, safety or genaral wolfaro uf thn cftizens of tho Cfty ot Anaheim; n. Th2t the proposed use is proporly one for which a conditlonal use permit le ainhoriz~d by the Zaning Code; 9. That the proposed use will not adversely aHect the adJoining land uses and the grcn+vth an~ devetopment of the aroa In wh(ch k is proposecl to bo located; 10. That the size end ahape of the site for the proposad use Is adeQuate tc altow the lull develonment of the proposed use in a rr~annEr not detrlmental to the particulor area nor w tho peace, health, satety, end genoral wWtai e; 11. That the traHic gur,erated by the p~oposed use wfil not impose an urxwe l,urden upon the streota anc! hi¢hways deslgned a-xl imprav~d to carry tho trnNic In the dnsa; ond 12. That the granting n( the condNtonal uae pQrmlt under the corxittions fmposNd wfll not be datrlmental to tho peACa, heatth, s~tery and general welfare c~f tho cRizer~s ot the Ciry ot Anahelm. 13. That ono concernod person fndic~-t~d his prosoncn et sald pubi(c hoarfny; nnd that no conespondence was recetved In oppositlon to the sub~ect petition. -2• PC94•71 CAI.IFORNIA ENVIRONME~ITA~ OUALITY ACT FINDING: T;~at the Anahelm Cfty Plannlr.y C~mmisafon has reviewed the prnposal ta reclASSify subject property from tha RS•A-43,000 (Residontlal/Agricultural) Zone to tha RM-2A00 (Residentinl, Multl•Family) Zone, to construct a 2•story, 48- unit, "aHordablo" RM-2400 cor+domfnlum complex with wabor of minimum numbor of requlred coverod parking spacas, and to establisl~ H t-tot, 48•unit condominlum subdfvision ~n a rectangularlyshapecl parcol of tand consisting of approximately 2.77 acres, having a frontage of approximately 295 faet on the south sido of Vermont Avenue, having e maximum depth af approximately 409 (eot, boing located approximately 190 teet east of the canto~line o( Citron Street and turther described as 808 West Vermoni Av~nue; and does horeby approve tho rlegative Dectaratfon upon (inding that the doclarat(on reRocts tho indepandent Judgemoni of tho lead egency and that it has considerod the Negative Declaratlan toqethdr with any comments roceivad during the pubti~ review nrocess and (urthor finding on the basls of the IniNal study and ~ny comments rocoivecf that thero Is no substantlal evidence that tho pro~ect will have a signi(icant effect on the envfronmont. NOW, THEREFARE, BE IT FlESOIVED that tho Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby grant subJcct Petition for Conditional IJse Permit, upon the totlowing conditions which ere liereby tound to be a necessary prerequisito to the proposed use ot the subJect property In ordor to pres~rve the safety and gener~l welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: t. That all the condominium residential units shall be addrosseci on Vermont Avenuo. 2. 7hat the ~xisting power pole adjacant to thu proposecl "crash gate' shall bo ro~ocated ~t the expc~nso ol the proporty owner. 3. That a plan sheet far solid waste storage and coller.tlen, arxi a plan for recycling ahafl be submitted to tha Oepariment of Mainienance ~or reviow anr! approv~l. 4. That the purchaser of eacfi dwelling unit shall be provided wiih written fn(ormation concerning An~heim Munlcipal Code Sect(on t4.32.500 `Park{ng Rastricted to Facilftato Str~xat Sweepfn~.` Such written iniormation si~alt clearly specHy when on-street parking is prohibit9d an~ the penalty ior vfol~tfon. 5. That no more than twenty fivo percent (2596) of the total number of parking spaces provldod sha~l bo tarxfem. 8. That the appropriato (oes duo tor primttry wat~r malns and ilr4 protectiun sorvico shall be paid tu the Water Englnooring Dtvision, in accordance ovith Rules 15A eix120 of the Water Utllky Rates, Rules end Aegulations. 7. That the water backttow equipment and any other large water systern eqwpmEnt ahall be Installod to the satisl~ctlon ot the Water lltiiRy DiviSlon In efther (~j undorgrourxl vaults or (b) behlnd the atroet selback aren In a mannar fully gcreened Irom a!I publfc atraets and alleys. 8. That thu tract map for sub~eGt condomfnium complex shall be recorded. 9, That cinthes washor and dryor hookups shall be incorporated In[o each condominium dwe~~(ng unit and shall be shown on the ~lans submitteci for building permi~++ 10. That sub~ect propprty ohail be devetoped substnntially In accordanco with plans and specf(icz+tfons ~ubmitted to the City ot Anal~~tim by the petitionar and which plans are on fle wrili the Pianning pepartment marked Exhib!t Nos. t through 11. ,3. P^.,9d-71 11. That a slx (6) toot hiflti wall, as moasurad irom the highest finlshed adJacent grAde, shall be provided along the south property line. Said wall shall be shown on the plans submitted (or building permlt3. t 2. That dual pane windows ~nd ~ summer switch vent!latlon system shall bo provfded for ttie proposed residentlal unit~ IorAtod at thE south end of the property and tar,in~ the mobil~home and recreatlonal vehicle park. Said intormation shail be shown on the plans submitte~ tor building permits, 13. That canopy trees shall be plant~.d P:~ng the souih property iine In such a menner as to c.reate s solid land~cape scraen ~d(acent t~~ ihe mobilehome r~~d rocreatfonal vehicle park to the south. Said landscaping shall be shown on the plans submitted tor building permits. 14. That prlor to issuance of a building pormft or within a period of one (t) year from tho ciate of th(s resolutfon, whichever occurs first, Corn9ftlon Nos. 3, 6, S and 9, 11, 12, 13 and 16, above-mentloned, shall be complied wfth. Extenslons for further time to complete said conditions may bo ~rant9d in accord~+nce with Sectian 18.03.G90 of the AnahQim Munfclpal Code. t5. Th~t prior to tinal building and zoning inspections, Conditlon Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13, above-mentioned, shail be complled with. t6. That this Conditionel Use Permit is granted subject to adop:i~n o( a zoning ordinance in connectton with Rc~ctassitication No. 93•94-t0, now pending. 17. 7hat approvel of thls appiication constitutey appruval of tho propased roquost or.ly to the e~ent that tt c~mplles wlth the Anaheirti Municlpal Zoning CorJe ~nd any other ap~licable Cfty, State and Federai regulatlons. Approval does not Inctude any action or firxlings as to c~mpliance or approval o( the requost reflarding any other eppiiceble ordinance, regulation or requ(rement. BE IT .RTHER RESOLVED ttiat the Anahelm Ctry Planning Commission dces hero5y find and detormine that adoptton af thfs Rosolutian Is o~cpressly predicated upon epplicant's compll~nco wlth each and ~II of fhe conditions herelnabove sat toAh. Should any such condftfon, or any p~-t thereof, be dectared invalfd or unenlorceable by the final Judgment of any court of competont juriscilctfon, then this Resolutlon, and pny approvals hereln contained, shall be denmed null ~nd void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commfssion meeting oi J~ine t, 199~t• i ~~,i (_ -' ~ . ~~ ' , CH IRMAN ANAh EIM CITaF NNING COI~iMlBSION AT7E5T: .~~"~ , e~~'f~ ~ /' •~ i'~ • es..-' ~EGP,ETIIRY, ANA?i fM CIN PLANNING COMNlIS£ION ~. PC9~l•71 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jonsen, Secr~tary oi tho Anaheim Gity Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify thet the toreg~infl resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting oF the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commissian hold on June 1, 1994, by the following vote of the members theroof: AYES: COMMlSSIQNERS: BO`fDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS810NERS; NONE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava herounto set my hand this ,~'~~-w day of , 1994. ~ ; ~ ~~° ~ ~ ,z .. . •~ y~/ ~ ~ S~ ETARY, ANA~f M CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOf~ ~~ -5- PC94-7t