Resolution-PC 94-74RESOLUTIOI~~y, . PC94-74 A RESOLU'~IQN OF THE ANAHEI~:i CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDING TC THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION QF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NU. 335 P~RTAINING TO THE 1..~1ND U5k ELEMENT WWGREAS, the City Council of the Cit,y of Anahe(m did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolution No. 69R-64~t, nhowing the ganerat descrlption and extont of possible iuture dovelopment within the Clty; and WHEREAS, Planning Cummisslon directocl staff to initlate ~n amendment to the Land Use Elemont of the General Plan to redesign~te subJect property from tha hledium Density Residentiai to Genoral Industrial. SubJect praperty consfsts of several small parc:eis af land totaling approximataly 3.34 ar.re~ bounded on tlio north by 6roadway, on the oas4 by Atchison Street, on the south by the Atchisan, Topeka & Santa Fo rallroad right-of-way, and on the west by Krosger Streot; and WHER~AS, the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the Anaheim ~~vic Centor, Council Chamber, 200 South Anahefm 6oulevard, on June t, 1994, at 1:30 p m., notico of said public hearing having been duly ~iven as requlrsd by law and In accordan~s wfth the proa(sions of the Anahoim Municipal Code, to hear and cons(der evfdence for and against sald C;eneral Plan AmAridment and to investigate and make fl~~d(ngs and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, after due Gonsideration, inspection, investigatian and study mode by itself, and after due consldera~lon of ~II evidanco and repnrts offeral et sald hoaring, DOES ~rREBY FIND: 1. That the evidence presented substantiates the need for an amendment to tho Anaheim General Plan and that, thprefore, Exhibit A should be adopted redesignating subject area tor General Induscrial land uses. •AI.IF R IA ENVIR N ENTAL QUA IT ACT FINL7ING: Th~t the Anahoim City Plonning Comm(ssion hi~s reviewed the proposal to amend the Ltind Use Elemant of the General Plan to change 4he current land use designatfon frorn Med(um Densiry Residontial to General Industrlal on pruperty consisting of several small parcels of land totaling appr•_ ;imately 3.34 acres bounded on the north by Broadway, on the east by Atchisnn Street, on the south by the Atchison, Topeka & S~nta Fe raflroad right-of-way, end on tho west by Kroeger Stroet; and does hareby approvo the NQgatfva Declaration upon iinding that ft has considered the Neg~tfve Deci~ratlon together with any comments received during the public revlew process and further finding on the basis of the initlal study and Any comments recelved thAt thsre is no evidence that the project will have a sfgniiicant effect on the environment. NOW, THER~FOAE, BE IT RFSOI.VED, that pursuant to the ~b~ve findings, the Anahoim City Planning Commisslon does he~eby adopt ~nd recommend to the Ciry Councll of the Gity of Anaheim adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 335, Exhibit A, pertalning to the Lend Use Element, to redeslgnate sub~bct property from Medium Den~ity Residentfal to the General Industrfal land uso designation. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commissfon meetinfl ot June 1, 1~J94. ~/~~~-~ f CHAIRMAN, A HEIM C LANNING COti1MISSION ATi EST: // .^ /~/~ / /` L 9! ~-~ % '~L/ `-j J ,.~. '~ ~9 CREfARY, ALVAf~IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION /~ , CR2109MS.wp -1- PC94•74 STATE OF (:AlIFl7RNIA ) COUNTY UF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anahoim Clty Plannlnq Commission, do hereby cortliy that the foregoing resolution was passed znd adoptad at a moeting of the Anahclm Cfty Planning Commission helcl on June 1, 1994, by ti~e tollowing vato of the members thereof: AYEa: COMMISSIONERS: 80YDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNIfVGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONEHS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand this ,~~ day of ~ 199~1. r oi . - ,~ - • ~~l~, ~,.ti/ ECRETARY, A~~1EI~~1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION . c: -2- PC94-74