Resolution-PC 94-78r° .P~$~Q.N N.4~pcsa-7s A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION 7HAT PE'fITION FOR CQNDI710NP.L USE °ERMIT NO. 3688 BE GRANTED WHEHEAS, tho Anahefm City Pianning Commiss(on did receivo a verNled Petitlon for Conditional Use Permlt for certaln roal property sftuated In the City of Anahelm, County of O-ange, StatR of Calltomia, described as: TFiAT PORTION OF THE 50UTHWEST OUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTCR OF SECTION 23, 70WNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON UE SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAC.~E 10 OF MISCELLANEdI.'.i MAPS, IN TFiE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY iiECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS F~LLOWS: BEGINMING A?' TNE If~TERSECTION OF THE NORTfIEASTERI.Y RIGHT 0~ WAY LINE OF A 60 FOOT STATE HIGHWAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORQED JULY 10, 1Jia lN BOOK 258, PAGE 66 OF DEEDS, WITrI THE NORTHERLY RIGHT QF WAY LINE O~ CERRITOS AVENUE 40.00 FEET IN WIDTH, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE IN SAID NORTHEAS7ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LiNE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 630.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 82 DEG. 54' 41' F.AST; THENCE NOHTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE fHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4 D'cG. 37' 14", A OISTANCE OF 50.91 FEET; TMENCE NURTH 6 DEG. 55' 00` WrST ALONG THE EASTERLY I.INE OF IAND DESCRIBLD IN A DE~D TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECORDED APRIL 13, 1929 IN BOOK 257, PAGE 462 0~ OFFICIAL RE(:ORDS, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 7RACT 3313, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FlECORDED IN BOOK 107, PAGES 34 TO 37 INCLUSiVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, HECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA; THF_NCE NOk'TH 3y DEG. 58' 31' EAST I 161.91 FEET ALONG THE SOUTFIERLY LINE OF SAID TRAC7 N0. 3313, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF 1'HE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD R!GNT OF WAY, AS DESCRIBEa IN A DEED RECORDED AUGIIST 18, 1899 IN BOOK 44, PAGC 22(3 OF DEEDS; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEG. 25' 43" FAST 78.85 ~EE'f ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE TO THE EASTERIY LINE OF TNE SOUTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23; 7HENCE ShUTN 0 DE(3. 10' 18' EAST 640.48 FEET ALONCi SAID EASTERLY LINE TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF TF1E NORTHWEST QUARTER TO SAID SECTION 23, THENCE WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE TO THE NORTHEAS7EHLY HIGHT O~- WAY LINE OF SAID &~.00 FOCT STA7E HfaH1VAY; TH[NCE NORTHE.RIY ALOM1lG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT THEFlEFROM THE EAS'f 144.51 FEEI' OF SAID Ll1ND. AL30 EXCEPT THEFiEFROM riLL TFi-iT PORTIAW OF SAID LANA DES~HIOEQ AS FOL.LOWS: CR2t 1~MS.WP .1. PC94-70 v., c, N , BEGINNING A'1' THE INTERSECTION OF A UNE WHICH IS PARALLEL WI7W THE SOUTHERI.Y LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTER OF SAID SECTION 23 'CENTER UNE OF CERRITOS STREEf' AND DISTANT IJORTH 220.00 FEET, 'VIEASURED A1' RIGFIT ~1NGLES FROM SAICf SOUTHENLY LIN[, AND THE EAS7ERLY LINE OF THE IAND DESCRIBED IN A OEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFOF NIA RECORDED APRIL 13, 1929 IN BOAK 257, PAGE 462 OF OFFICIAL RE(:O~~DS "EAS7ERLY LI~lE OF LOS ANGELES 5TREET"; THENCE SOUTH 6 ~EG. 55' 00" EAST AI.ONG SAlD EASTERLY UNE, A DISTANCE OF 150.99 FEET TO A?OINT OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 630.00 FEE7, SAID POIN'I' BEING IN THE NOFiTHEASTERIY RI~H7 OF WAY LINE OF A 50.00 FOOT STATE HIGHWAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A UEED R[CORDED JULY 10, 1914 IN BOOK 258, PAGE 6fi OF DEEDS, A RAOIAI. LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 70 DEG. 17' 27" EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGFI A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6 DEG. 26' S9" AND AN ARC DISTANCE OP 7Q.92 FE~'T TO A POINT IN TME SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NCR7HWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTInN 23, A RADIAL LINE THFlOUGH SAID POINT 2FARS NORTH 84 DEG. 4a' 26" EAS7; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 221.38 F~ET; THEI~CE NO~TH AND AT RIGHT ANGLES T~ SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 220.00 FEFT; THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOU7HERLY LINF A DISTHNCE OF 250.00 FEE7 70 TFIE POiNT OF BCGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrr,lssion dld ho~d a public hoarinQ at the CEvic Center In the Cfty o( Anahc~irr~ on June 13, 1394 at 1;30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~ having been duly given as required by law and in accordance witli the pi•ovisions of the Anaheim Municipbl Code, Chapt~r 18.U3, to hear ancl crnsfder evfdence tor and against sald proposed conditional use permft and to Invostigate and ~ke findinfls ar~d rocommendations (n cannectlon tFierr~wfth; nnd WH~REAS, sald Commission, ~fter due inspection, investigatlon and siudy made by ftsalt and in its behalf, and aftor dua considerat(on nf ~II evidence and raports offerod at said hearfng, doe~ find and dotermine the followfny lacts: t. That tho Froposed use fs proporty one for which a conditlon~l use pormit is authorizod t~~/ Anahe(m Municfpal Ccx1e Sectfon 18.44.0~-0.280 to parmit a pr(vato outdoor rc~!Ser liockoy rink in conj~~nction with an ex(sting Indoor swap meet facility. 2. That the proposed outdoor usv witl not adversely eHect the adJolning Iand uses nnd the growth and devalopmont of ttio area in which ft Is propossd to be located L+c3cause thb existing IrvJoor swap meet facitity Includes proviously establishecl Indoor und outdoor recreatlonal facitftles which have had no adverse fmpact on the surrou~ding area; 3. That tl~o sizo and shapo of the situ for tho proposed outdoor roAer hockey rf~k Is aoequate to atla~v tho fult dovelupmant of the proposecl uso !n a manner not dc~trlmental to the pareicular area nor to Ihe peace, health, safery and genoral welfaru because tho proposed uyo in conJunction w(th the exfsti~g indoor swapmaot fbcil(ty contorms to the CL "Comm~rcial, Limited" Zor.e devei~pment stanciards and that th~ available parking e~xcec~ds the minimum parking requlroments; 4. That tho traitic flenerated by tho proposed use wltl not impose en undue burden on tho streets and highw2ys dosfgned and Impr7~ed to c~rry the traNic in the area; .2. PC94•7$ tiW+i.~ h~;: ~ ~~ 5. ThAt the grantfng of the concitlonal uso pprmlt under the conditions imposed wfll not be detrlmental to ihe peace, h~alth, saiPty and general welfare of tho citizons of tha Clty of Anahelm, and that approval has no impact on oxisting conditlons of approval far the previously approved use perm(ts an subJect property; and 6. That no one indicatcd their presenr,e at sald public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJoct petitlon. '~ALIFO~NIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALI'f'Y ACY FIN I : ThAt the Anahe(m City ~'lanning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit a privatQ outdoor roller hockey rink in conJunction with an exfsting indoor swap moot facility on an frrogularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approxlmately 14.74 acres locatecl narth and enst of tlie northoast corner of Cerrftos Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard, having approximate irontages of 725 feet on the north side of Corritos Avenue and 485 teet on the east sido ~f Anahelm Bouievard and iurther describad as 1440 South Anahoim Boulevard; and does hereby approve tho Negative Declaratlon upon (Indfng that the declaratlan retlects the Indepondont judgement o( tt-e lead ac~ency ond that it has considerad the Negat(ve Declaratfon togethor with any comments rec~ivod duriny tho public roview process and further ffnding on the basis of tho Inltial study and eny comments received that thoro Is nn substantlal evidence that tl~e proJoct will have a siflniticant eSiect on the environme~it. NOW, 7HtREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED th;at thr Anaheim Cfty Planning Comm{ssion does hereby grant 3ubjoct Petition for Condit(onal Use Permit, upon the following conditions whicti are nereby found to be a necessary prerequlsita to the proposed use of the subject property in ordo-!o presorve the safety and genoral walfare cf the Citizens ot tho City of Anaheim: 1. That this conditional use permit shall terrn(nate on April 22, 2001 c~ncurrent with the termination of Conditional Use Pormit !Jo. 3400 (permitting tho indoor swap meei). 2. That tha applfcable traNic signal Assessment feo shaA be paid to tho City of Anahe(m in an amount establfshad by City Councll resolutiun. (fho foo was four hundred eightoen dollars (S418J per one thousand ~1,OOOJ square tett on the dato of this rosolution.) 3. 7hat the developer ~hall pay ~ traffic and transportatfo~ improvement (oe to thc Gity of Anatieim, 7raHic Enc~insering Ofvfs(on, ln ~n amount establlshed by the City Council resolutlon. This fee wlll be used to (und traffic and transportatlon improvements within the ~roa impacted by this proJ~ct. ~aid foe shal! be subject to adjustrrient by the City Council. (The fee was stx hundred seventy n(ne dollars ($679) per trip and the numbar of trips was two and efght one hundrodths (2.08) trips per one thousand (t,000J square foot on the data of this rnsolution.) 4. That subjoct property shall be dovolopod substantfalty in accordance with plans snd apecliicatiorts submittad t~ the City o! Anahelm by the petiti~nor and which plans are on fil~ with the P-anniny Department markecl Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 5. 7hat I(consed antl unitormeci socurity guards shatl be pr~vidod to the satisfa~tton of the Anaholm Police Dopartment. 6. That no alcoho! beverage cons~lmptton shall be permitted. 7. Thnt oithnr two (2) locker rooms st~all be provided to accormodate both sexos or no locker roum shall be provided. .3. PC9li-78 ,, r.~ -.iA• , r 8. That prior to Issuance af a building permit or within a period of one (1) yoar from the date of this rasolutlon, whichever occurs first, Conditian Nos. 2 and 3, Above•mantioned, shall t~e compl(ed with. Extenslon3 for furthor tfine to complate safd conditlons may be granted In accordance with Sectian 18.03.090 of tho Anahelm Municipal Code. 9. 7hat prfor to final building and zaning inspoctlans, Condition Nos. 4 and 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied wfth. 10, That approval of tl~is application constitutos appmval of the proposec! request anly to the extent that I: complies with the Anahe(m PAunicipal Zoning Code and any other applicnble City, Siato and Faderal regulations. Approval does not include any action or iindings as to compllance o~ approvai of the requnst regardfng any oti~er applicable ordinance, regulation or rc~quirornent, BE IT FURTHER RESOI.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby f(nd and datermine that adoption oF thfs Rosolution Is e~cprossly predicated upon appllcanYs compllance with oach and all oF the conditlons hereinabove ~et forth. Sliould any such condition, or any pert thereof, be doclared fnvalid or unanforcaable by the finel Jur~gment of any court of competent (urlsdictlon, then thls Resolutlon, and any oppravals h~refn cantainQd, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING AESOLU710N was adopted at the Plannfng Commfssfon meeting of Juno 13, 1994. ~ ~ ~ ' .~ ~. __~~~~~~~~~~~1~ CHAIRMAN AMAHEIM CITY . U1~A NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~ CRETARY, AN CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOIJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEfM ) I, Janet l. Jensen, ~ecretary of the Anaheim City Flanning Commission, do here~y certify that the foregofng resolution was passc3d and adopted at e moeting of the Anaheim City Plannfng Comm(ssfon held on June 13, 1994, by the rollowfng voto of the mombers thoraof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYD~?UN, CtiLDN/ELL, I~ENNINGER, M~SSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this ~'~ day of ~~/~~~1 1994. ~ !~ REfARY, ANAHE~ CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION , l .,{. F'C94-78