Resolution-PC 94-81~ ~ RESOLUTION NQ PC91- 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMi~SION THAT P~T{TION POR CONRI7iONAL USE PERMI'T NO. 3683 8E G~iANTED WHEREAS, the Ar.ahefm City Planning Commission did receive a vorHlorJ Petition for Conditlonal Use Pormit for certaln real property situated fn 4he City of Anaheim, County of O~anqe, State of Californ(a, describod as: PARCEL 2, AS SHOWN UN A MAP FILED {N BOOK 125, PAGES 28 AND 29 OF PAR.^,EL MAPS, IN 7HE OFFICE OF THE COL~NTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning CommissiQn did hold o public hearirig at the Cfvic Ceniar in the City uf Anahoim on June t, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said publtc hearfng having been duly given as requ~reci by iaw ond in accordance with the proviaions o( the Anahelm Mun(cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear nn~ consider evidence for and ~galnst said proposeci conditfona! uso permit and to investigate and mal<e findings and ~'ocommendations in connection tl~erewith; and that said public hearing was continuc~d to the June 27, t994 Planning Commission meetin47; and WHER~AS, ~aid Commission, after due insp~ction, investiflatlon and stud~~ macte by iiself and In its beh~lf, ar,d after due conslcieratlon ~f all evidence and reports oNered at sald hsarin{~,, doea 11nd ond detormine the tollowing tacts: t, 'hat the proposad use fs properly one for whfch a conditional use permtt is Authorizod by Anaheim Municipal Code Soction 1d.61.0~U.601 to rotain an automotive modificatlon (van conver&lon) 1: cility with waivar oi the following: ~ tec Ions t8.06,Q50.02.L,? - Minin~~um rn~mbor of ~rkina sn.~~. 18 06.050.0222 (73 required; ~.~ ox(sting and approvocJ 18.08.OfiQ by recommendation of the ~n t0~G8,050 7ra(fic And Transportotion Manager) 2. That a parkinfl study was prepared lor thfs speclfic uso and unciertying proporty, und that the City TraNic Enalneer has approved the acfaquacy of said ~tudy sub~ect to certafn condit!oi~s contalned hereln; 3. That the parkin,y w~ivQr, as approved, will rwt c~use an incroase in traNic congestior, fn tne fmmediate vicinity nor adversely aftect any ad~oini~g land uses; 4. That the granting of tho parking wa~ver under the conditions imposed viUl not be cletrimental to the peacR, health, safoty or genoral wellarg of the chizens of Ihe City of Anahnim; 5. That the proposed use Is property one for whlch n cunditfonal use permit (s outhorizcct by tt~e Zontng Codo: and tht~t said use is simUar to e manu~acturing usa becausQ the vnns baing cornerted Are n~ vehicles whtch are disassombled and roassembted, wK1i modiffcations, fnsid9 tho building end no retaii customers v:Ill visR the sub(ec:t property; a. That the proposc~d u~o, xs approved, will not adve~-suly aNect tho ad~nining land us~5 arxf thn growth ancS development of the arc~a in which It !~ propasec! to bo ixated t~ecause at its simllnrity to tndustrlal usea; CH2124MS.wp •t - PC94-91 ~io (~b.e1 7. That tho s(ze and shape of tho site tor the proposocl usa Is adoquuto to allow the (ull develo~mont o( tho proposed use in a manner not detrfinentai to the particular area nor to the peaae, heaith, sefety, and general welfare; B. i hat the traHic generatod by the propos~d use wlll not Imposo an undue burden on the streets and highways design~i and improved to carry the tr~iHic in th~ area becaugo the subject uso is similar to surrounding industrial uses, inclu~fng a lack of customer traHfc; 9. That th9 granting of the r,onditlonal use permit under the conditfons Imposed wlll not be detrimental to the poace, healtl~, satety and fleneral welfare ~f the citizons of the City of An~he!m; and 10. That no one indicate~f their presence at said public hearing in oppositlon; and that no correapondence wa~ received in oppuSftlon to the subject petition. CALIFORNIA ENVINONMENTAI QUALITY ACY FINDING: 7hat tlie Anaholm City Planning Commisslon has revlewed the proposal to reta(n an automutive modification (van aonverslon) tacility with waivor of minlmum number oi parkiiig spaces on an irregulariy-shaped parcel of land consist(ng oi approxfmately 0,77 acre having a Srontnge of 20 foet c~n the north side of La PaImA Avenue anci a maximum depth ut approxtmatety 346 feet, befng Incated approximately 340 feet west of the centerline of Lt~keview Avenue and turther described as 4421 East La Palma Avenue; and doos hereby approve the Nepativo Declaratfon upon ifnding that the doclaratfon retlerts the tndopendont judgemont ot the load a~ency end that It has considerad the Nec~ative Declaration togett~er with any comments receivc:d during tho public review process and turther tinding on ihe basis of the initial study and any commants rocetved that thero Is no substantial av(dence that the project will have a signi(fcant eHect on tho 9nv(ronment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOU/ED that the Anaheim Gity Planning Cerr.mission does hereby grant subJect Petition tor Conclitlunol Use Permit, upon the follow(ng conditions which are heroby found to be a neces~ary prorequlsite to tho proposed use ol the sub~ect property in order to proserve the salety and general welfare of lhe Cltlzens of t~e City of Anafieim: 1, That no outdoor storago of, display oi, or work on vohicles or vehicular parts shall be perrnitted; that all existing outdoor dfsplay and storago shall be removad; and that nny existing outd~or w~~rk shnll bo tiermfnated. 2, That all on•site parking spaces shall be fully accessiblo trom 7 a.m. tu ~i p.m. on work days. 3. 7hat an unsubordinated reciprocal accoss and parkfng agreement bettiveen sub~ect property and ihe prnperty to ~he south, in a torm satisfactory to the Cfty Attornoy, sti~ll be recorded with +he ~'fico o( the Oranfle Coiinty Rec~rder. A copy of tho recorded agrenmont sha11 be submitted to tht Zoning Divislor. 4. Thnt subjnct properry ohall be duvelopecl substantGilly fn accordance wrih plans and specifications submktecf to the Cfty of Aneheim by thE petitloner and which planti are on (!le with tho Planninp Dvportmont marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 5. That Corxlltlon Nos. 3 aruJ 4, abovo•ment(onecl, sh.311 be completod wfthin a p~riod of slxty (60) tlays trom the date of th~s resolution. Extonsions for (unher time to com~loto said co~xlitfons rrwy be yrantecJ in accordancu w~th Section 18.0~.090 of if~a Ana~ieim Munlcipat CocJe. 6. Tl~at approval of this Hppiicatfon constitutas npproval of ttio proposed requoat only to tho Qxtont that it coniplies with tt:u Analielm Municipal Zoni~g Cafe ~nd any other app'~~cabto City, State and fcder~l rogulatl~ns. Rpproval doas not IncludR any action or tirvJings ~s to complfance or appioval of the roqu~.t reganling a~y othor opWicable ordinance, regulatfon or requiroment. .~. PG'~J4•nt 1'- . , ~ '~''~ F ' : e ~~~ ~ ~GW1Yi ~ 8~ IT FURTHER RESOLVEC that the Anahotm City Planning Commissf~n doea hereby find and dotermino that adoption of ttds Resolution Is expressly precllcated upon applicant's campliance with each and all of the conditians horeinabove set forth. Should pny such condition, or Any ~art thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the tinel Judgment of any court af competent ~urisdlctlon, then thls Resolution, rand any approvels herein contalned, shail ba deemed null end void. 7HE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of June 27, 1994. . ~--~_`"`'___~~~~~ CHAIF~;v1AN ANAHEIM CI1• I.A NING COMMISSIQN ! ~ 'EST: Qc.l~ G~.~t.c.. >ol~n~ SECRETARY, AN EIM {TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORMIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAhIEIM ) I, Margarfta Solorio, Secretary of tl~e Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do horeby certify that ttie tore~oing resolutlon was ~-ssed and adoptod at a meeting of the Anahoim City Planning Commiss(on held on June 27, 1~34, by the toilowfng vote of tl~e members thereof: AY~S: CC~MMISSIONERS: EnY0S1'UN, CALDWELI., HGNNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NO~It ABSF_NT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hc~reunto set my hnnd thEs _~7~' day oi ~Li~.~t~ _^, 1 ~?94. ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISStON -3- PC94-81 ~~