Resolution-PC 94-82,~ w'w~ RESOLI-TION NQ P~'r.$4-02 A RE50LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TMAT FETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 4251 BE GRANTED, IN PART WHEFIEAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission did receivo e verified Petition for Variance for certain real property situated in tho City of Anahelm, County u( Orange, State of Callfornia described as: F'ARCEL 3 OF PARCEl. AfAP N0. 87-416 IN THE CITY OF ANAIiEIM, COUN7Y OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP FIELD IN BOOK 242 i~AGES 1 TO 4, INCLU&IVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CQUNTY RECOFDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hQaring at -h~~ Civlc Center In ttie Clty of Anaheim on June 27, 19J4, at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd publlc hear(ng havin~ been duly given as required by law and in accardan;.e with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ghapter 18.03, to heer and conslder evidence for ~nd against said proposad variance and to tnvostigate and make findings and recomrnendatlons in connectfon therewith; and WHEREAS, safd Commissfon, atter duo inspection, investi~ation and study made by ItsQlf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all ev(donce and roports offerod at safd hoaring, does ftnd and determ(ne tlie (ollowfng facts: 1. That tho petit(oner proposes waivers of the followfng to construct one 35-foot high pylon sign, ~ne 8-toot high shopping cenier (dentificat(on sign, and !ive wall signs: (A) $ections 10.05,091.~ - ,p~rmitted tv~o an~i i~~h,1y'~ .eiPd centev ~$ 42•0~7 IdentHicetlon sfgn. and 18.Q4.082.04U (one 20 sa.it. mon_~IIIgr~t si n permitted; two ireFStandina clans proposad consist(ng of one 35 iQot high, 4J3 sa,ft. pylon sfgn and one 240 sa.tt. monument sign) (B) ,~gction - P rmft wall s(qns. ~q_2•067 (1 permitted; ,~ proposeci) and 18.8a.062•04Q (C) ,~@ t,~.~f n 18.05,090.O~.Q • Fr~@st n in ir ctlonal siap~gQ. ,18 42.067 (Qnq 3(pot h(gl~ iraostanding directional sign n~18.84,062.040 pormittod per entrance driveway; Qg~• t I F frePStandin~ ~ilrectior.al s(~n propos~d) 2, That tho Radc~velopn~Qnt Commissfon recummendoa that tho ~ylon sfgn be deieted trom the roquest, that the two monument signs be appravect sub~ect to compliance with the desf~n guidelineg bging davoloped by City ot ,4naheini and City of Yorba Linda staff And ttvat only three (3) wall sipns bd permlttect {denying tho Mfct~nnfn ttre Ir.po, `auto sen~fae," and 'garden sh~p' signs); 3. That H•aiver (A) is hereby aranted, in part, permittinp tt rnaximum o( two monumont signs, to bo in compliance with d~sipn yuicielfnes (or the SAVI Rar~ch comprehensive signfng and wayfind(ng program beinp dovelo~ed by staH on tho basis that the larfle size oi the property n~cessftates adaltional identNication end entry monumontntion in order to lacilitato a~:cess to tho site; an~ dsnying ti~e pylon sign on the basis that the pylnn sign w~~ withdrawn by the applfcant at the publir, hearing; CR2125MS.wp • 1- PC94•8~ ~a,.~~;, tJ..K: 4. 7hat waiver (8) is t~ereby grartecl on tho basls that there are special circumstanc~s applicable to the property consisting of Its topography, locatlon and surroundlnfls (a significant grade differontial between subJect property and nearby ArFeriai h(gfiweys and freeways, and in~ilrect accass from Welr Canyon Fl~aad, the only nearby arterial highway), which do not apply to other identically ~~sned propercies in tho viciniy; and 5. Tliat walver (C) Is hereby granted on the basis that thore are special circumstancos appllcable to tho property consisting of hs topography, Iocation and surround(ngs (a signifir,ant Qrade diffe~'ential betweei7 sub~ect property and neArby arter(al highways and ireeways, and indirect accoss trom Weir Canyon Road, the only nearby arterlal higt~way), which do not apply to other fdentically zoned propertles in !ho vicinity; 6. That s' ict applfcetlon of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privil~ges onJoyed by other properties under iden!ical zoning r,lassilicatien in tfie vic(nity; and 7. That no ono Indicated their prQSence at sa(d public hearing in oppositlon; and th~t no correspondQnce was recefvod in opposition to subject pet(t(on. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALfTY ACT FIN~IN~: Tho Planning Director or his authorized representative has determ(ned that the proposeci project locatod r~n an irreqularly-shaped parcel of Iand consist(ng of approximately 18.69 acres at the southwest corner of Old Canal Road and Pullman Street having ta frontaye of approxfmately 623 feot on the west side of Pullman Street with a maximum depth of approx(mately 1,240 feet and turther described a~ 1095 Pullman Street, falls within the definitlon of Catogorfcal Exemptlons, Class 5, as dei~ned In the State EIR Gufdelines and is, there(ora, catogorically c~xempt from the requirement to prep~re an EIFl. NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahefm C!ty Planning Commission does tiereby grant subject PetitiUn ior Varianco, upon the following conditions wh(ch are hereby found to bo a nocessary prerequisite to tho proposed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the satety and general welfaro ot the Cftizens of the City o( knahelm: 1, That subJect property shall be developod substantialiy in eccord~nce with plans and specfifcations submitted ta tlie City ot An~i~elm by the petitioner and whicl~ plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhi~i- Nos. i tfirough 3; providad, howc~v~r, that: (a) Two (2) monument ~igns sha;l bo perm(tted In compliance with design quidelines tor the SAVI P.anch comprehensiva signinQ and wayfinding program bein~ developcx~ by C~ty of Anahelm and Cfty of Yorba Lin~a staH. (b) The pylon slgn shall r~t be pern~itted. (c) The watl siqns shall be permitteci consistent with tho revisod elovation plan submitted at the June 27, 1994 public hearing with the addition of tho "Garden Shop" and "Auto Sorvice" slgns on the Past elevat(on. The "Garden Shop' and "Auto Service" signs shall bo the same latter height as the "Fresh Focxi" and "Pharmacy" sig~s currently ~hown on safd plen. 2. That w!ihin g~~eriod of oro (1) year from the date of this resolution, Condition No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be compl(ed ~~+ith. Ext~nsiens tor furt~~er timr~ to complett~ said conditfoi~s rray bd grented in accordanc9 with Sectfon 10.U3.090 of the Anahoim Municip~i Code. 3. 7hat ap~roval of this application constitutes approval of th.e proposed request only to tho extent that it complies ~yfth the Anahefm Nunicipal Zoning Caie ancl any other appifcnbie City, Stato and Focferal re~ulatfons. Approval does not include any ectfon or findfngs as to compllance or approval oi the requrzst regard(ng any othor applfcable ordinanco, re~utation or requirement. .2. PC~J4-82 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahoim Cify Planning Comrr~ission doos hereby find and detormine tl~at adoption Uf thls ~tesolutlon (s expressly predicated upon applicant'~ compllanco with each ~nd t-II of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Si~ould any such condition, or any part thoreot, be dec;lared invaiid or uneniorc~abie by the final judgment of any court of competent Jurisdiction, thon this Resolutlon, and any approvals herein contaired, shall bo deemed null and void. THE FOREGOINC RESOLU7IQN was adopted at ttie Planning Comrniss(on mAeting of Juno 27, t994, ~ fJ~~ d-~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P I G COMMISSION ATl'EST: (;l.l~ CoGofu.6 SECRETAR , A HEIM CITY PLANNING C0IAMISSION STATE OF GALIFORNIA ) COUNN OF ORANGE ) ss. ~ITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marg4rfta Solorio, Secretary of the Anahelm Gity Planning Commission, do hereby certlfy that the forogoinQ resolutfon was passed ~nd adopted ~t a meetirig of the Anahelm City Plannfng Commfsslon held on June 27, 1994 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: F3qYDSTUN, CALDWEI.L, HFNNINGER, \AAYER, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIO~JFRS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 7AIT, MESSE IN WITNE ;S WHEREOF, I have horeuntu set my hand thfs 1~'~' day af ~, 1994. , 1 c~.n a~~; c . ~~.~ SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .3_ PC94-82