Resolution-PC 94-90r.h:.. ~ N ~, RES01_ti12n~NO. Pc9a-so A RESOLUTIOP~ OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMlSaION 7HAT PETITION rOR VARIANCE N0. 4254 E3E GRANTEU WHEREAu, the pnahe(m City Planning Commisslon dfd receive a veri(fed Potition for Variance for certaln reai property situated in the City of An~heim, County of Orango, State of Califarnla describod as: LOTS 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 102, 103, 104, 105 AND 106 OF EUCAI.YPTUS FOREST TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS pER MAP RECORD~Q IN BOOK 5 PAGES 29 AND 30 OF MISCELlANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. ALSO THAT PORTION OF THE SOUtf~ERLY t/2 OF ORANGE STREET LYING WEST~RLY OF F3LUE t3UM STREET AND ABUTTING THE ABOVF DESCRIBED PROPE(iTY TO THE NORTH. WHEREAS, tho City Planning Corrimission did hold a publlc hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anahelm on July 11, 1994, at 1:30 N.m., notice oi sa(d public hearfng having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wfth the provisions of tht~ Anahe(m ~Aunicipal Code, Chaptor 1a.U3, to hear and consider evfdencv for and aga(nst s~id pruposed var(anco and to Investfgate ancl make findings and recommondations in connection ther~with; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, aftor due inspoctlon, investigat(on and study made by It~elf and in its behalf, and aFter due consideratlon of all ~vidance and reports oHered at sc~(d hearing, does flnd and deterrnine the followir~g facts: 1. TF~at thu pot(tioner proposes waiver oi the following to construc; an 8-foot hiflh pro-cast concreto wall: Sect(nr~s 1g,~4045.032 - Permitted locatfon oi docorative screon wall ~nd 1a.61A~4,020 (n the ML "Induatrial. Lim(ted" Zane. (minimu~~ 5•foot setback irom toca~ irdust~fal street requ(!ed for max(mum ~-f44t hiq,h wall; ~ setback along Coronado Street proposed for 8•foot hi4h wall) 2. That there are spoclal circumstances applicablE ,~ the property consisting of location and surroundings which do not apply to other ldent(cally ~onad propertles in the vfcinity because the oroposed wall will provld~ propQr vfsuai screeninc~ of tho truck yard and the v, ill will be landscapad with cling(ng vfnes to reduce graHiti opportunftiss; 3. That s4rtct appl(cat(on of the Zoninc~ Code deprh~es tho property of privfleqes enjoyed by other proparties under fdontlcal zoning classff(cat(on in the vfcinity; and 4. That no one indlcatect tt~e(r presonce at sa(d p°~blic hearfnq in oppos(tion; and that no corrospondance was recelvc~ci in oppo~ltfon to subJact petition. CR2137MS.WP -1- PC94-90 ~, H A.;~: ~ ~ CALIFORNIA ~Ny~R~NMENTAL OUALITY ACT Fla, IQ~.., ~,: The Planning Direator or his author(zed representative hflc determined that the proposed proJoct located on a rectungularly-shaped parcol of lan~ consisting ot a~proximately 8,a7 acres located at the northwost corner nf Coron~do Streot and Blue Gurn Street, having frontagos of apprnximately 615 feet on the north side of Coronado Strost and 625 feet on the west side of Bluo Gum Straot and further describod as 1231-1235 North Blue Gum Streat falis within the definition of Catogoricai Exemptions, Class 12, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, !t~erefore, categor(cally oxempt from the roquirement to pre~are an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ that ths Anahelm City Plsnning Comrr~ission doos i~ereby flrant subJoct Petition for Variance, upon the foll~wing concilt(ons which are hereby found to bo a necessary prorequlsite to the propased use of the subJect property in order to presorve the safoty and goneral weffare of the Citizens of lhe City of AnAheim: 1. That plans shall be submitted to the City TraHic and Trar~sportat{on Manager for his revieev end approval showinfl canformance with tho Engineering Standard No. 137 portain~~g to sight distance visiblli4y for the wall ard fenc~ locatlons. 2. That subject propefty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specit(cations submittecl ta the City of Anaheim by the potitloner And which plans are on Iile with ihe Planning Department markecl Exhibft Nos. t and 2; provlded, howover, that adequate spACe shall be provided fn front of the wall for the landscapfng required in connection with Condition No. 7, beiow. 3. 7hat prior to Issuance uf a permit for constructing the propased wall or within a period of une (1) year (rom the date of this resolution, whirhever occurs fii~st, Canditfon No. 1, abovA-montionad, shall bo complied with. Extansions for furthor time to complete snfd conditions may be granted In accordanco w(th Section tf3.03.090 of the Anaheim Mun(c(pal Code. 4. That prior to final build'~ifl and zoning insper,tfons, Condltfon Nos. 2 and 7, hareln-ment(onod, shall be complled wlth. 5. 7hat t~pproval oi this appl(c~Non constitutes opprov~l of the proposecS reyua3t onty to the extent that it complies wY,:, the Anahoim P,Aur~icipal Zoning Code and any other appilcabla City, State and Federal rec~ulati~ns. Approval does not include any actian or tindings as to cumplianco or approval of the raquest rogarding any other appl(cable ordinance, regulation or roquirement. b. That the proposed wail sha~l provide adequato visual screening of tF~e truck yard. 7. That the proposed wall shall be tandscap~.~c~ with c!(ng(n~ vines to reduce graHit( o~portunities, and appropriate Irrigation f~cilitias shall be installed t~ maintafn the landscaping. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ ihe Anaheim City Planning Commfssion does horc~by ffnd and determinn that adaption ot this Resolutlon is oxpressly predicatod upon applfcant's compllance with oach and ali of the conditions hereinabove aet forth. Should any such conditiAn, or any part thnreof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the fina~ judgment of any c~urt of competent ~urisdict(on, then this RESOlutfon, arx~ any approvals harein contained, 3hall be deemod r.ull and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adop4eci ut the Planning Commission meet(ng of JUIy it, 1994. ~,, ~ / j ~ 7 ~ ~ ../7 CI~iA1 MAN, ANAHEIN CITY NNING COMMISSION A7T~57: ~ ' -, ~, ' ~ ,,;, ~= )` _.i.~. S. , FiETA;iY, ANAHE! CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION -i . ' .2_ PC94•90 ~•:;v~ ~I~'s~i?1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, .lanet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certity th~t the foregoing resoluNon was passod and adopted at a meoting of the Anahelm City Planning Commission held on July 11, 1994 by the following vote of the mombers theroof: AYES; COMMISSIGNERS: C~aLDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PER/1zA, TAI7 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, ti1ESSE IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, I have horeuntu set my hand thls 7 ~~day of ~ 1994. //J - ? . 1~~7 J S~F ETARY, ANA ~EIM t3~ING CQMMISSION ~ . ~. -3. PC94••90