Resolution-PC 94-92«~.R~ a~~.,,: R~OLUTION N0. F~ A RESALUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMI~~ION 7MAT PETITICIN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3G94 6E GRANTED WHEREAS, tf~e Anaheim City Planning Conmission did recel~e a v4iified Petition ior Corxlitlonal Uaa Permit for certain raal propArty situatecl in tho Ciry o( Aneheim, Counry of Oran~e, State ol Californfa, described as: PARr,~L 2, AS SNOWN ON EXHIBtT ~A" i.OT IINE AQJUSTMENT PIAT ATI'ACHED TG TYAT CERTAIN RE50LUTIQN N0. 77R-113 OF THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F ANAHEIM, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS REC4RDED MARCH 2, 1977 IW 840K 12089, PAGE 1493 OF OFFICIAL FiECORDS OF OfiANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrnission dfd hold a public hearing at tho Civic Centor fn the City oi Ar~aheim on Juiy t 1, 1J~s at 1:3U p.m., notice of satd public hearing havinq been duly gtvon as required by law errl in accurdance whh the provisions of ths Anahelm Municipal Cocle, Cl~apter 18.03, to hoar and consiaer evicience 1or and against ask! proposed conditfonal use permit and to Irnastigote and make finciings and rec:ommendations in connection therewlth; and WHERFAS, said Cummission, aher due tnspectl~n, (nvestigatian and sludy made by ftaott and in its behan, ond aner due con~ideratton ot ail evidence and re~ports oftgred at aaid hearfng, does tind anJ determine the (dlowing facts: 1. Thnt the proposed use is property one (or whlch a conditional use pQrmlt is authorized by Anaheim Mun(cipal Code Section to permk an auto'wcly repatr (acNR~. 2. Yhat thR proposed use ts properly one tor which a conditfonal use Rermit Ia aulhorizn~J by the Zoning Caie; 3. That the proposcd uso will not adverseiy aHect the ad~oining laixl u~es and tlio growth nrxl ~ovolopmont ol the area {n which it is proposetl to be loCated becauso Ihe nuto baiy rgpai.• activitlos w;li be conclu~eecf entirely InsWo the building wtiich is suited t~ accommodate subject use; 4. That tho siie and sha~ o! tho aite lor the propc-secl use is adeguato to nllow the fult dm+elopment ol th~ proposed use ir. a manner not detrfmctrrial to tho pHrUCUIar nrea nor to the pc~ce, hoal~h, satnty, ar~! genErai welfare: 5. TF~t Y~e traNic genorat~+! by the Rroposed use vnll ~-ot impase an undue burdgn upon the ~Ireets And hlpFrways designed ano ~mprovoC to carry the 1raN~c In tt~ area; 6. That Ihe qraMlnq of the corxlhionai uae ~xtrmit urxler the candhfons ~mposotl w91 nM be ~14;rimorual to the pa~aca, hRalth, aafoty and penerel weltare ot Ihe cNlzens ~f thR CAy o! Anaheim; and 7. That no «e bxlicated if~eir pre~eiu:o at sanl puWic h~rinp In opt~osRion: an6 that no corraspondonce was recaivecl in o~uahiah ~o ~he sub~ect wttiti~n. CR21 ~bMS.WP -~ - FCJ4 ~g2 ry'Ir~4 /v" ", CALIFOFifVIA ENVIRQf~MENTA ALIT p~C~,jNDlN~: Thot the Anahoim City Planning Commisslon has revlewed the prapo,al to permit ~n auto body repalr facility on a rectangularlyshapal parcel of lai.d consfst(ng of appruximataly Q.at acre, ha~~ing a frontage oF approximatoly 167 ioet an the sauth sido of Miraloma Avenue, haviny a maximum depth oi approximately 214 ieet, beinp locatod approxiniaiely 212 feet on the eust of the con4er11ne of Jefierson Street pnd further described as 3818 East Miraloma AvRnue; and does hereby approve tho Negativo Declaration upon ifndfng tha4 the doclaration retlects the Independent judqement of thn lead agency ~nd that it has considerad t1~e Neg~tive Do~iaratlon togethor wfth any comments received during the public rsview process and further iinding o~ the basis uf the initial study and any comments r~ceived that there ts no substantial avidonco that the pro~ect will havo 3 sfflnif(cant eHect on tho envlronment. NiiW, fHER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anlholm City Planning Commission does hsreby grant subJoct Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following condition3 which are herehy found to bo a necessary prorequlsite to the proposed use o( the subJect property in o;der ta {~reservo the safety and general wetf~re o( the Citizens of the City ot Ar3heim: t. Tiiat plens ~f,a~l i•• .+ubmitt~d to the City TraNir, and 7ransportation ~Aanafler (or his rev(~w ard a~prcva: sh~;. ~ii .;^:,~ormance with tho iatost revfslons of Englnearlnp Standard Plan Nos. 438 end ti02 partair.. ,; ta ~~-~.'~g standards end driveway locations. SubJect property shall thereupon be devalcprr enJ rr~2ui«ined (n con(ormance with safr~ pinns. A minimum oi thlrty (30) pnrking spaces shall b~ . ,vioFd on-site. ~ 2. That no out ~or atorage oi, dlsplay of, or work on vehiclas or veh;cular parts si-all be parmitted. 3. 7hat sutjA~' .,perty shall b~ developad substanttaliy in accordance with pinns aru! speciticAtlons submittecf to the City oi Anaheim by the petitioner and wh(ch plans are on tile with the Planning Uepanmertt marke~J Exl~ibit Nos. t and 2. 4. That prior to iss~~anco of a buildir.g permit or within a period o} one (1) yc-ar irom tf~e da:Q of this resotution, whichever occurs (irst, Corditfon No. t, above-mantlonod, shall be compllRC1 wlth. Extenslons for furthRr time to complate saici conditions may be granted In accorcianco with Sectlon t8.03.090 of the Rr.ahelm Munlcipal Coclo. 5. That prior to tinal building ar~d zoning Inspections, Conditian No. 3, above•ment(oned, shall be compllect with. 6. That approval of this applicatlon constftutes epproval o( the proposed roquest only to tfio e~ent that it compilos wlth the Anahelm hiunl~i~al Zoninq Codo And any other applicable City, State and Fudera~ regulations, Approval does not IncludE~ any actlon or ifnd(ngs as to complfance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable oc~tnance, regulation or roqufrement. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Cfty Pianning Commisston doos haaby find and determine that adoptton o! this Rosulution is express~y pr~rdlcated upon ap~ticant's compliancR wfth each and al! o( the conditions heruinabovo set torth. Should any such conditlon, or any pt~ri thereoi, ba d~ ,~arecf irrvalid or unen(orceable by the lin~~l ~uciyment of uny court of competent (urisdicilon, then ihis Rosolution, and any approvals herein contafnod, shali be deemed null and void. -?.. PC94-92 r~~ THc FOREGOING RESOLUTION w~s adoptod at the Planning Commis~ion meotinq of ,iuly 11, 1994. ~,fi ~/'.1~~~~`tLt.~, -~ _ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI'fY ANNINC~ COMMISSIOtJ ATTEST: i- ~ ~ ./'. l~~~' :~~i:~ ;' 4-I'LJ SE ETARY, ANAHEIM CITY P1~41VNING COMMISSIOD~ „~ , ,,. STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIN OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janat L„ensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City F'lanning Commission, d~ heruby certify that the foregning resalution was passod and adopted at a meeting af the Anahelm City Planning Cn,~nmission held on July 11, 1994, by the following vote of the members tl~ereof: AYES: COMb11S.`'iIONERS: t:ALD1lYcLL, ~dAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS510NERS: NONE ADSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DOYDSTUN, MESSE, HENNINGER IN WITNESS WHtNEO~, I have horeunto set rrty Nand this ~f~ t~, day of i ~i 1 _,~ 1994. . ~` ~ . ' N. / ~ f..;' ~.~. ; , . ., ~z/ - 7 S RETAFiY, AN ~IM CI7Y PLANNIfVG COMMISSION ~ ,. .3_ PC94•92