Resolution-PC 94-93~A`dl~ ~ A RESULIlTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS: ION TERIAINATING ALL PRQI:EEDINGS IN CONNECTIOtJ WITH COhDiI'IONAL USE PC-RMIT N0. 3143 WH[REAS, on apr3110, 1989 th~ ~4naheim City Plnnning Commissfon approvad ConditfonAl Use Permit Nc~. 3143 for a perlod of 9 years pormitt(ng a bus terminal on oropoity locpted on the east sfde of Claudina Way approximately 500 teet north ot the centerline oF Katella Avenue and further described as 511 East Katello Avonue; ~nd WHEREAS, Curt Kayl, Piai7t Manager, hes subm!ttcyd a letter reyuASting termination of (:onditfonal Use Pormit No. 3143 to comply with the conditlons of approval of Cordftionrl Use P2rmit No. 3671. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahei~r City Planning Comm(sslon does hereby terminate all proceeding~ fn connectlon wfth Conditional Use Pormit Na. 3143 on the basls of the fore~oing 1lndings. THE FdREG01NG RESOLU7IOt~ was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of July tt, 1994. ~~.,~- '~ - CHAIRiV1AN, ANAHEIM CI LA NING COMMISuION ATTEST: ,~i''G'~r~ r~ ~:%'fr_>:'.~~ - % ~t',`RETARY, ANAH~fM CITY PL4NNING COMMISSION i STATE OF CALiFORNIA } COUNYY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secr~~ary o~ the Anahoim City Planning Commission, do hereby certHy th~t tt~e forego!ng resolutlon was passed And adupted at a me~ting of thd Anahefm Cfty Planning Commisslon held on July 11, 1994, by the tollawing vote oi tha members thereat: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: r~,~DWtLL, HENNINGER, MAY~R, PERA7.A, TAIT NOES: COMNlI5SIONERS: NONc ABSEN'T: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, MESS'c !N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th(s "l ,~.day of .!l /.i iflJ4. " ~ ~'i ; • ,." .r .y~~'~'~s:/ u r,~L>~•y-~~ ~ ~ , ~CRETARY, RNAl1EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ , CR214tMS.WP -t- PC94•93