Resolution-PC 95-104~ ~ A RES~LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COPAMI5SldN 1'~',~7 PF'tITI~1N ~OR CONDi71QNAL US~ PERMIT NQ. 3778 a~ aRAIVTED, !N PART WHEREAS, the Anahoim Gity F'lanning Commisslon d!d recefve a veritled Petition for Conditional Uso pormit for certain real ~rdperty situatc~d in tlio Clty ~f .4naheim, Caunty pf Oranga, State nt Caligomfa, d9scr{bad as: pqRCEL t: B~GINNING A4 A PUINT itJ 7h1E CEf~'r~RI.INE OF NURTH :.nS ANGELES STREET, 492 F~~T NORTh~ERLY FROM A CEMEN? NIONI~MEN7 AT ThIE INT'~R3ECTIAN OF TME CEN'tERLfNE OF SA{D NORTH LOS ANGELES StRE~'I' ANd THE SOU7HERI.Y UNE OF L.OT ~32 OF "ANANEIM F..XTENSIONN, IN 1'HE CIYI' OF ANAWEIM, GOUN'T'Y OF ORANGE, STATE fJF CALIFORNIA, AS 4HOWN ON A MAP MADE BY WM. HAMEL ANO FILED IN THE OFFICE ~JF ThIE CUUNT'r RCCORD~R OF LOS ANG~L.FS COUNI'Y, CALIFOFINIA; TWENCE WEST 22A.75 FEE?, PARALLEL TO THE SOUI'HERLY I.IN~ OF SAID LOT 42; TH~NCE 30UTHERl.Y 100 FEET, PAt~ALLEL TO Yt-IE C~I'J7~RLi?JF OF NQRTN I.OS ANGEL~S STREET; 7HENGE FJ~S~'ERLY, PARALLEL T~J TH~ SOU7HERLY LiN~ p~ SAIp I.OT ~t2, 224.75 FEET T'O THE CEN7ERLIN~ OF NORTI-1 LOS ANGELES g'~R~ET; THENG~ NORTHERI.Y AI.ONG SAID CENTEHLlNE, 1Q0 F~ET T(~ ThIE PLl~CE OF bEGfNNING. pAI~CEL 2: THA7 PORTION OF L.OT 42 OF "ANAH~IM EXTENSfON" ACCORDING 70 A MAP THER~CO~ MADE BY WILLIAM HAMEI. AND ~1~CKNOWI.EDGED BY ALFRED RU6INSOM, QEC~MBER 11, 1;368 AND FII.ED li~l TH~ OFFICE OF TME COUNTY RECORDER OF I.OS ANG~L~S COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLQWS: B~GINNING A7 A PUINT 392 ~EET NORTHERLY, ME~-Sl3RED ALONG Thi~ MONUNIENTAL CENTERLINE OF NOFiTH LOS ANGELES Sl R~CT' FROM ITS INTERSFCT~4N WITH THE MOMUMEf~TAL CEN7ERLINE OF WES7 NORTH S7AEET, SAID INTERSECTI~N BFIt~G THE SAU7HEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 42 OF "ANANEIM ~XTENSIC~N"; THENCk" WESI' ON E~ LIN~ PARALLEL 1NITH THE SAID MONUMENTAL UNE QF WEST NORTH STR'L•ET AND 392 '.=T DISTANT TFIEREFROM, 3~1.75 FEEt TO THE 't'RUE POINT OF BEGINNI~vV; THENCE, CpNTINUING Y1-ESTERLY ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SAID MI~NU N I E N T A L CEM'ERIIPiE OF $AIQ W~ST NOR7H S7REET AND 392 FE~'f OIS1'ANT THERE~HOM, 25Q FCET; TFIE~ICE S~UTHERI.Y ON A UNE PARAi.LCL WIYW THE SAID MaNUMENTAL CENTERUNE OF NORTI-1 LOS ANGEl.ES STRCEC, 2U FEET; 'i HEf~iC~ ~ASTERLY AND PARALL~L WITN THE SAlD MONUMEM'AL CEN7ERUNE OF WEST NOFiYH STREET, 250 FEET; THENCE NQRYHERLY ON A LiNE PARAU.EL WITH TH~ SAIQ MONUMENTAL CE(VIERLIN~ OF SAID NORTH 1.08 ANGELES STREE?, 20 FFET TO TFIE TRUE POfNIT OF 9EGINNING. CR2471 DtiS -1- PC~'"a-104 ~ ~ VUWCREAS, the Clty Planning Commisslan did hald a publfc hearin~ at tha Civic Center in the City af Anahoim on July 24, 1~J5 flt 1:30 p.m., notfc~ of a~id public haaring having boen duly givan Cha ter 18,U3 as required by I~w and in accordanae with the p~c~vl~inns of the ~nahmfm l~lunicipal Cocie, p ~ to hoar and consid~r avidence for and against said propos~d conditional use permit and to investigats and m~ke ~indinAs a1 ~~ S~mO~mber~~341995 PlanningtCommit~siondm~e~tl gis; andit hinve~d~ate ~ndtma~ to tho August 2 p findings and recammendations ln connectlon therewith; ~nd WHER~AS, ~aid Comm(sslon, after duo inspaction, Inveatig~tlon and study mAde by itself and in Ita bahalf, and aker due cAnalderatian of all evldence and reports offereci ~.t salci hea~ing, does find and determine thQ folinwing facts: 1. That the proposed use is prope~ly ~ne iar whlch a conditional use permit i~ s~uthorized by Anaheim Municipal Cade S~action 18.44•d50.085 t~ establish an ~utnmc~bilo bndy and p~int shop, glass tinting and 3lectronic trou~le shootfng tacllfty wfth waiver af the following: ,~~ctions 1g.04.~6q,p5p • Reauires~ narkin,~g,~_IB~~{?JD9~ 1~~ U~U ,~2d 18 45 066,030 2, 7hat tho requeated watve~ Is h~reby don~sd on th~ b~sis thttt sald wafver was deleted following public notification; 3. Th~t the proposed uae is property one for which ra canditional use pormft is authorl~ed by the Zoning Codo; 4. 1't~t: the propo~ed use, as grAnted, wili not adversefy affect the adJolning land usos and the ~rowtF~ and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located; b. Th~t tha slze and shape af the slto for the proposed us~, as granted, is adoquate to allow the full devetopment of the proposed use In a manner not det~Iment~l to the panicular area n~r to the peaco, h9IIlf~1, safety, and genorel welfare; 8. That the tre~flc ~enordted by the proposod usa will not imr~se an undue burden upon the streets ancl hiqhways dosigne~! and improved tu carry tho trafHc ir~ the ~re~; 7. 7hat trie granting of tha condltivna9 uso permit undar the condttions impvsed wfll not be detrimental ta the pd~ce, health, ~tiory and gei~e-~l urelfa~e 4f tho citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim; and g. That one porson !ndlcatod their prdaence at sak! public he~rtng in op~osltinn; and thnt no carrespondence v~ras recaived In oppositlon ta the subJ~ct petitlon. y~,~QFlNIA ~NyIR N E~~ Q I i ,~.Cl' FINDING: 7ha4 the Arwheim City P{anning Commisaion h~s revtewcjsi the propt~sal to estAblSsh an automobiie baiy end paint sha~, glag~ tinting and ele~tranlc troubl~ shoatis~g faclHry wRh waiver of on a U.52 ecre p•dreoi, haviny frontape of approxir~tely h 20 feet on tha west side of Aneheim k3~ulevard and 20 feet an tha east side of Zeyn Street, being lacated ~pproximately ~55 feot south of the cente~line ~f La Veme 5treot, ~nd fu!tl~Ar is describeci as ~31 ~~835 North Anahelm Boulovard.; and does t9ereby approve the NQgative Declaration upon finding tPiat the aecter~tion reHects the indepandern jud9ement of ihe lead a~ency and that ft Iws consid~rai the Nggatfva Dsd~raticm t~e Inetlal stud ~~ a y r,~mmQe ts reGe ed th~t h'ere is no substant ai evtclenG '~thag he th~ basia of Y project w~l have ~ signlilcAnt affect an ths ernrircx~ment. -~- P(;S5-1Q4 l~W ~ V'V~• NOW, TW~REFOR~, 6~ 17 RESOL.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissian dc-es hereby grant ~ubJect Potition for Conditlonal Use Permft, in part, s~pan the fallowing condttlon~ which ar~ hereby fuuncl t~ bu a n4c~s,gary prerequlsfte to ths propo~ad use of the subJect proporty In order to pre3~rve the safoty and ~~neral welfare of the Citixena of th~ CEty of Anah~im: 1. Thnt all automotlve•rolRted work shall bo conducted whally Inside thv buildin~s. 2. Tht~t tho staraye of disabled vohicles ~h~ll occur only Insfde the t~ulldings. 3. 7hat a plan sheet for s~lld wasto storage and collection~va d a pl~n for rocyclfng shaii be submtttod ta tl~e De~anmant of PAsin4enance far ravie~r and app 4, 7hat su~ij~t property shail be developed substantially in accordanco witli plans and speci(ic~tfons submitted to the City of Anahoim by the petiiloner ancl whi~h plans are on file with the Planning D~partrnerit m~rked Exhil~it No. 1. 5, 'fhat the ~~ted entrancQ located on Zoyn Siroet shall remaln Iockeci at all times e:ccept on trash pick- up clays. ~, That no cars shall be starod or parlced In the easeme~~t locaced at the back af the parking lot w~st tn Zeyn Str~ot. 7. '~hat the alarm ~nd auto bAdy shop daors shall ramaln clased during business hour~. 8. That the psalnt anc~ body ahop hours af oporotion shall be Iimited 1o not oxc~ed A a.m. to 5 p.m., Mqnday th~ou~h Friday. 9. That pri~r to commencement of the ~ctivity authorized by this ~o~o~ut~Qn ar within a perlod of ane (1) ye~r from the d~te ~f thiengo s~Eor fu hehtirne~o~ccimplete said condf ions~may bangraMed In shall be complled w~th. F~ct acGOrd~nce with Sectfon 16.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Cpde. 10. Th~t p~for to commQncementr occurs firstt Coriditlon No. 4tr~boue-mvintionecirshal~l ft~ aam1pl~iivd witl~ zoning inspections, whiGt~avo 19, T'hat spprov~l of this ~applicatfon conscitutes approval of the prpposecl ret~uest only to the oxtent that ft complies wfth the Anahaim Munic(pal Zoning Codo and any other ap~iicable Ciry, State and Feder~! regulations. Approval doe (~ IfcablQ o dina cienregula ic+n oaroquireme~itnco or approval ~f tha req~iest regarding +~ny othe pp BE I7 FUFiTHER RFS~LV~D that the ~-nahe(m Gtry Plannin~ Commisslon does heroby find and dAtermine that adoptton of 4his Ftasol~uti~n is exprossly predicated upon applicam's complisnce wfth e~ch And elt o~ the conditinns hereinabovo set forth. Should eny such conditian, or any part thEreof, be d~clared invalid o~ unenforceablerbi tco ~I~~ s~Q be d omedu ull and v~d~~ ~~risdiction, than t~is Rosolutlon, snd Rny approvais ~e e ~. PC95-10~ ~; j `'' ~~.`. k~ TH~ FQW~G~OIN~ RESOLUTIOIJ w~s adapt ~et thA Plannir~{~ Commission maoting oi September 6, 1995. ,. ~ A -- ~ /`U r~.~~ a ! ' ....~~+~~ CHAIRMAN, F'RO TCMt'OR~ ANAHE1hA CITY PLANNING C MRqISSION ATi'EST: SECFi A, H~IM CITY PI.ANNINC COMMISSION 5TA7E OF CAI.IFt)RNlA ) COIINTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY O~ ANAH~IM y I, Margarit~ Solario, Secretary of 4he Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, da hereby certt[y ~tliat the for~going resolutiorr~n~w ~~5~ ~h~ f tlQwing vote oi the m mbers ho~eofm City Planning Corr~mission held on Septe , ~ AYES: GOMAAISuIQNERS: F305TWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, P~AESSE, PERA.7J~ NAES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSCNT: COMMISSIONEEI~: IVIAYER ~ !N WITNESS WHE~i~UF, I have hereunto sQt my h~nd this ~/day af • ~ 1995. . _ (~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R~1'AR , NAHL'~M CiTY PLANNING CQMMISS`ION S~C ~_ PC95-104