Resolution-PC 95-107~ F~,E,s01.uTIC)N NO PC~5-107 A RESOLUTlOPV OF ThIE AN~IHEIM CITY PL.ANNING COMMISSiON TH~AT PETITION FOR CONDITIDNAI. USE f~ERMIT N0. 37a7 BE DENIED Wh{EREAS, the Anahelm Cfty Planninp Commissfan did recelve a verffiad Patition for Conditional Use Permit for G~rtmin reai praperty situated in tha Ciry of Anaheim, Gouni~~ af Orange, St~ts of Calffornla, deaar{bsd as: LOTS 5 AND 6 OF TRA~1' N0. 3203, IN 7h1~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ST,~T'E OF CALIFORNIA, A^a SHOWN ON A MAf~ TW~REOF R~COFiDEU IN SOQK 96 PAGE 23 OF MlSC~I.I_RNEOUS MAPS, REC~RDS OF ORANGE C4UN'1Y, CALIFORlVIA Wt~IEREAS, the Cfty ~'Iannfng Commi$sion dici hold a public h~aring at the Civic Center in the City aP Anaheim on Septemher 6, 1955 at 1:30 p.m., riot(ce nf said pu~11c hearing having b~en duly gtven as requlr~~c1 by law and in ~ccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim PAunicipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and aonslde~ evider~oo for and against said propASOd condftfonal use permft and to investigate and me~ko findings and recommendatians in connectfon therewith; and WI-IEREAS, said Cvmmission, after dua inspectian, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after duo consideratfon of all evidence and r~ports offoreci at said hearing, does find and determine the follawing facts: 1. 7h~t the ~proposecl use fs properly ~ne for which a condltionai use perrrrft is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Cod~ Section 18.44.05U.t70 to permit a 46-bad board and care faciliry with waiver of tho following: ~,gctions i8 06 ~026.02G5 - Minlm~~m number of ~arkin~ s_~____._r~ace.._~ ~~~ ~ requfred; G e~:~st'~sq, and anci 1~ 44.0~6.O~iQ r~commended by the City 7raffic and Yran3p~Mation Manager~ 2. That tho Wroposed uso Is h~reby dented. 3. That th~ parking wafver is hereby denied on the basis that it fs substantial (only 16°,6 of the required number r~f parking gpaces are propASed) and approval would cause f~wer oif-street parkinc~ spaces to be provided ~or the conditioi~al use th~n the number of such spaces necessary to accommodate all voP~icles attributable to such us~ under tl~e normal anci raasanak~ly foreseaable c~nditions of operation of such use; d.. That the waiver will increase the demand an~J competition for parkint~ s~ces upon the puF~lc s4reets in the immedlate vicinity of the proposed use; ,. That the waF~er wfli increase the dema~nd and compatitian for parking spaces updn adjacent priv~t~ property in th~ (mmedEato viciniry of the proposr~i use (which property is not expressly prov(ded as parkfng for such use under an agreement (n compli~nce with Soction i~.OG•010.02A of this Cc~de); 6. That the waiver will increa~e traffic ~con~ostion, noise, air poliutlon, or traffic cfrculatlon car~licts, within th~ of~-street park(ng areas or lots provlded for the conditianal usa; CFi~47dDM -1- F'C95-y 07 ;~ '~ 7. That the w,alver wili fncre~se trAffl Qno ~9~~tublicnstraorts'Inp hou immedia g~vlcinityhaf th~ ingrass to or egraas fram adjac~nt properties, up p propoaed use; g, That tli~ prcposocl use (expc~nalon of an ~xOstin4 36•bed baard nncl care tacility to 46 bec~s} Is pr~porly ona for which a conclitional uae permit Is aut~iarizec! by the Zoning CaIQ; g, That th4 proposed usn will adversely affect the adjaining land .~ses and the growth and devotopment of tho aroa in whlch it Is ~ropose~d ta be Ioc,ated; 10. That tha slze ansi ehapA of the a t~~~rirne ital o~ the part culartarea nortophe'peaco developm~nt of the pro~osod ~iso in a m~nner no ho~lth, ~fery, and gonor~l welfare; 11, That t~ie traffic generat~ri by the proposed use will impose an undua burdsn ~epan the atreets ancl hlghways desfqned and improv~,~d to carry the traffic in the area; 1?.. That Qranting of the condftio~~ uf ~~h mW~~~~d be datrimental ta the peace, health, safaty and genAral w~lfaro of the cttixens of the City o 13. That the proposed use v~+~~~ advers be a~ e~,e adJoinin~ land uses ancl the growth and d~e~npmerrt pf the araa In which ft(s proposod tu 1 A. That the slze and shape of the ~~pi ~~tai to~he pArtgc lar a ea n~~r to thQ ~eace, heaith` develoomer~t of the prop~sed use fn ~ manner no safety and generaf welfare af tho ~Itfzens of the Clty of Anaheim; 15. Th~t the granting af the Conditional of Anahelm; W~~I bo detr{mental to th~ pe~ce, h~alth, safety and general welfaro of the Citizens o~ the C y 1g, Thnt ttie traffic generated by the proposed usa will Impo...: an undue bu~don upon the streots and highways dasign~d and improyed to cany the t~affic in the ~rea; and e ~nd~cat~i thoir presence at saic3 pubiic hearing i~ oppositlon; and that no 17. That 3 peopl cor~esptmdence vras re~eNed fn bpPoSnlon to the subjact potitlon. yp~: That ~he Anahaim City Planning ~At~IFORNI/~ (~'~~IR4hM NTAL QI~~CT Fi, rt~fn waiver Commissfcm haa teviewed the qroposal to p~-mit ~'~8 bosl boa~d a~ ~re faciliry wi!h a pa ~ on a rectangufarly st~ped pnrcel vf ~a~d Co~~g~st(ng of approximatety 0.47 acre, having a fraritafle of approximat~ly 128 feet on tho west ~ide of Ansh~+f ~B ~ hB~~M ~~ ~ of 8~ Ro~ad and fuRi ep desc tbed 16Q teet, boin~ locgtied appr~ximately 760 feet sa as 1315 and 132t Sotxth Anahelm Boulev~rd, ~~d does~ hNob 3787 tls~ade ua~teato9 ervea asfthe requlred approved in connaction with Conclltionn~ lJa~ PQ nnvir~nmenGal docume~tion in co~nection wit~ ti 1` ~~ consklered thl Negative Dec airation toq~therswnh Independent f~~f9oment of the lead aqency and t ~a any comments recalvod ducing tho public revf ~~~1 ~~~ co that t~ pro~ecttwUl havie e~ign~flc~nt eff c ~r~ any cc~rr-ments r+~celved that there ia no s an the environmeM. NOW, THCREFCRE, 8E IT' RESOLYED thet the Anahoim Ctty Planning Commleslon does hereby deny sub~oct Pe4ltion fa~ Co-~dh~o~~ ~'~ Permft No. 3787, on the basis of tt~a aforemeM!oned ~ndings. .2_ pC9~•107 ~ ~ THE FAREGOIMG RESOLUTiAN was ada ed ~t tho Planning Ca;nmission meeting of ~eptombor ~, 1995, ~~ ~. ...~.~:2'--~^'~' (;H IA RMAN PRO TEMP R~ ANAHEIM ~~ITY PLANNI G COMMI~510N ATT~~T: , ,.,,~ r . Y ; ~~ ~ SkCRET~1RY, A ahi CI ~I.ANNINU C~OMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUN7Y OF OFIANGE ) ss. CIIY OF ANAF~GIPA ) I, Margarita ~alorio, Secrett~ry of the An~h~im City P~~nning Commis~sian, do hereby certify that the fo~egaing resoluti~ be ~~ ~~5, by tho fol owfng vote ofmhetmembers thereafe1m CfYy Pfanning Commissfon held on Sep e , AYFS: COMMiSSION~t~S: BOYDSTUN, CALDW~LL, FIEiVNINGER, MAYEC~, MESSE, P~RAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMfSSIC1NEHS: NON~ ABSEN'T: COMMIS510NEHS: N~N~ IN WI7NES5 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~ d~Y of „~, ' ~ 15195. , • ., n, 'r ~~ l l~.U SECRk"TA Y, HEi CIl'Y Pl,4NN{NG COMMISSIOt`s ~~ PC95-10-