Resolution-PC 95-108~ R~St74.UT'i41~ ~1~ PC95-1 U8, ~1 RFSOLUTION OF TWE ANAhI~IM CITY PI.EINNING COMMISSIAN TI-IAT PETI710N FOR CONDITIUNAL U5E PERMIT N0. 3780 B~ GRANT~D WHFF~F..AS, the Anahaim City i'lanning Cammisslon did receive a vorifiod Petitlon fa~ ~ondltianal l9se Permft for c~rt~ain r~ai praparty situated fn tP~a City of Anahaim, County of Orange, ~tate of ~~lifarnla, descrlbed ao: THE W~STERLY 110.00 FEEI' OF THE SOU71-IERLY 266.Q0 F~ET OF TNE F_AST HAL.F OF T{-IG S~UTH~VEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST 4UART~R OF $ECTION 7, TUWNSHIP h SOUTW, I~NG~ 10 WEST, IN 1'HE RANLHO L~S COY07~S, IN TNE CITI qF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ARANGE, STA7E OF CALIFORNIA, AS i'ER MAP RECARDED IN 800K 51 PAC~ 1q OF MISCELI.ANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE t~F TME COUNTY RECQRDE~i OF SAld COIJNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM 'a'HE SUlJ7FiERl.Y d0.04 FEET. WHEREAS, the ~ity Plannin~ Cummission did I~old a public hearing at the Civic C~nter in the City of Anaheim an Septombsr G, 1995 s~t 1:30 p.m., naticg of said public hoaring havinfl been duly ~Jiven ~s required b~,~ iaw and in acc~tdance with the provisfons of the Anaheim Mun(cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hea° anrJ r,onslder evldence for and ~g~inst said proposed cnnditiAnal use permit and to inuestigate and make findings antl racammendations in cnnnection therewith; ~and WNEREAS~ 8~~ S~~ration of alei evidence ~nd~ eparts$afferiecl atnsaid hear ng, does ind and In its behalf, and atte and dotermine tho following facts: 1, That the~p~opoo~'18.44.050.~13U to oR abli h aCChurch~lntjan existing a t~ryalt~ 231 q.tty Anahelm Municipal Cad office building wfth ttie following watvors: (a) Sec~ion 18 Q4L ~42. 20 - RArn~i~ lar~ i~°8d satl~°^'~s for instit~.+~iona{ use~. (minimum 15 ft~et required adjacent ta residantiai zones; npne ~a 4 fe~ existing adJacent to RM-1200 zonirig) iired trees ~~+i~r.anc to a st~oe frantaa~. (b~ ~~C~~.~$~4 ~~~4 - .E~.4~ (~) ~~ •tion ~, .0~. 4.06Q,Q~.4 - Fleauired rkin ,lot Iandscaai~t• 18.06.O~S?~ and 18.4~.06E3•~ Minim~cn nu~mbe~of..,~U~a sc~r~s~• (d) Sectians 1 A'S0.0218~ ' ~ y~ce~ ~eGuired; ~~~ ~ sP~ces existing mnd racommended by the City Tretfic and TranspartaNon Manage~) -1 ~ PC~5-108 CR247aDM ~° ~ 2, Th~t w~iver (a) pArtaining to tho minlmum setback between inEtltwtir~nal uses and resldentinl xor~tng to tho w~ost Is hereby approvAd on tha basfs th~t tho condition~l use will be establishad in an exis4in~ bufidfii~ and that o~n ~xisting ~-foot high bloci< wall will ac4 es an ~fficfent acraoning d~evice between the proposed chu~CU r n d betweent~thA~~church build ngI an~dt he restklei ti~l tp ~perty to~the w9st;~ there will be no activik,y a 9 3, That thore aro sp~ai~l clrcumst~nces ~pplicable~ to th~ praperty such as location an~ surroundings, which do not ~ppl,y to other identicaily zoned prapertie$ in the viciniry; 4, That ~trict a~plic.aYlon a1 the Zoning Code doprives the properry of privlleges enjoyed t~y othar propgKies uncJer identi~al xoning classification in the vicinity; ~, '1'hat waivers (bj and ~a) are hereby dAnied an the basis that said walvers wdre deletad ~ollowing publfc not~icatlan; ~. Tha~ th~ ~arking waivar (d) is hereby apprc~v~d on ~he basl3 thoc th~ submittori parking study was reviowed by the City TrAffic and Transpartatlan M~nagnr wi-o datermined that 4he exlsxing 5~ parking spaces ~ro adequate for the proposhx! c.hurch; and that sal~ studY anticipates a total of 89 parishione~ for the propoRed church; 7. That the parking wai~er, undAr the canditions imposed, wili not cause fower off-~treet parking apaces tA be pr~vi~ b~~'Q tp guCh fus~e unde~~ e normal and~raa ofnably faresQ able condiqions accommodate ~II vohicles a of operation of such use; g. That the parking ~an the nubl~a st eets in 4hei mmodi~te ilvi inity oft he propo~ed Ugp nd competition for parking spaces upa p g, That the parking wabor, urxler the ~ondfti~ons i-n~os~cl, will not inr,rease the demand and ~ompetitian for p~rking spa~ces upon adJac~orit private properry In the imm~di~te vicfnity of the proposed use (whfch property is not exptessly providgd as parkin~ far such u~e unde~ an agre~menk in com~liancs with Sectiu~ 18.06.01p.0~0 oi this Code) 1p. Th~t the p~rk{ng u ation conHicts~ w rh~inti 1 e off-str e~ PArkl g f~ oaa ~rt ot~sCp ov~iedi for noise, air poliutlon, or tra~fic c c such usa; 11. That tho parking walver, under the condfNon~ imposed,1 ill r~ot~tncrease trafficn h8 ~~ic nolse, afr ~ollutfan, or lmpede vehicular tngross ta or egress from ad ac~nt roperi(es, upu stre~ts in the Immediate vicinlty of the proposed use; 12. Tha4 the propossd use Is propo~ly onQ fior whlah ~ conditfonal uso permit is authariz~d by the Zoning CcxJe; 13. 7hat the proposod ~~se wi11 nc-t sdvar3ely affect the adJoining I~nd uses and the growth and f developrnent of thR area tn whir,h !t is propc>sed to be located bece-use saki use is compatible with the exiating uses in the neighbarh~d~ t 4. 'Ph~-t the size and ~n~a manne~ niot detrimental to the partlcular area n~~ to'the tpeace' developm~nt of the p~posed use heaith, satety, and generai w~a~Fare; 15, That the trafflc generated by tha proposnd use will not impc~e an ur~duo burclsn unon the streots end h~BhwaYR des~9ned and lmpto~+ed ta carry the trafflc in the area; -2~ PC95-1 OF3 1~ 7hat the granting nf tha canditionRl use permit under the c4nditlons impos~cl will nnt be detrimantal to the po~c~, health, safAty ~nd generai welfara of the cltizens af tho Ciry uf AnahPC95 nd CR2475DM "1" 17. 'That oyie persan indi~cated their prasonce at said ~iablic haaring (n opposit(on; and tl~a~t no c~orraspandenco wa~s r~ceived !n oppositlon to 4he subjoct pat(tion. ~A IL ~nRNIA NVIRONM~NS~AI~.~ A~ FINDlMC: That thQ Anah~(m City Plarn7lnq Commisalan has reviow~3c1 tha proposal to ostabifsh a church ln an existin~ 3-story, ~3,231 sq,~. oifice building an a roctangula~ly-shaped pa~col of land canslating af approximately 0.57 acres, kiaving a frar~a~p~ of appraximately 110 feet oro tha ~orth sida of Lincoln Avornae, heving a maximum depth of approximately 228 foat being lacated approxlmatsly 160 feet ~ast of the centerline of Belinda Circie, and descr(bed as 2341 Wost ~lncoln Avenue; ~r~d does hergby ap~rave the Negative Doclai~atl~n upon flnd(n~ that tho declaration reflects the independani ~udgement of 4he lead ~fl~ncy and that it hag cansid~rs~d the Negatba Declar~tion togettior with any comments recnivod during the put~lic r0view pracess and furkh~r finding on the basis of the initla{ atudy and any comments recefved that the~e ls no substar+tial evidonco that the praJoat will havo a significant etfect on t{~e ~nvironme~t. NOW, THEREFORE, C3E IT R~SOLV~L~ that the Anaheim Cfty Pianni~g Cammi~sian does hQreby gr~nt aubJect Pstition for Condftianal Use Parmit, upan the fo~lowing conditlana which are horeby fotand to b~ a necessary preraquisite to the prc~pos~d uso of tha stabject praperty in order to preserv~ ihe safety ared ga~eral welfare of the ~Itizeng af the City of Anaheim: 1. That all existing mature lantisr.aping shall be maintained and imrnediately replaced in the everrt that it bocames diseased or dies. 2. (a} That ihe number of ann~regatas at a~y one time shail be limited to ano hundred (1(?0) pers~ns, shcteen (16) years of age and over. If the congroflation exceeds ono hundrtx9 membors at any une tlm~, th~ applicant shall submit a parki-~g man~-gem~nt plan to the Tr~ific and Tran~portation Manager for revlew and appr~vnl. (b) That church activfti~a shall and bofnre 10 p.m. daily except an specfal church holkfays (not ta ~xcoed ten [~~D] days ~er year). 3. Th~t appraval af thi~ use daes .~ ~nclude approval uf a chfid c~~y ca~e EaaiHty. 4. 7hat a plan aheet f~r salid waste starage and calleation an~ a plan for rec,ycling shAll be submftteci to the Department of Maintenance for review ~nd approval. 5. 7h~t r ar~a s~ll bo submftted tu the C~ty 7raffic ~nd 1'rensportatioi~ Mana~er for Mg review an~ approu•.~I sliowing coMorrnence wfth the Intost revfsfons af Engineering SC~nBa~d Pl~n Nos. 436 and 602 pertnining to parking stand~rds and driveway I~catlona. Sut~)act property ~hall the~eupon be developed and mairrt~ined in conformance with said plans. 6. Tfnat the ~rlvew~y on Lincoln Avenua shaA be reco~structed to accommodato ten (10) fi~ot radlus cufi rstum~ in ~:onforrr~nce wRh ~ngin~ering DepartmeM St~nd~rds. 7. 7hat subject pr~perty shaU ba developed substam`.aily in accordance wtth ~la~s $nti s{zeclfication3 submEttAti to the Cfty of Anahelm by the p~et(tioner and which plans ~r~ on ~le v~rith the Planning Department marked Exhib'rt Noa. 1 and 2• 8. That prior to commencemenx af the activiry ~uthorfzed by this res~'.utfon or wfthin n pe~iod Gaf onA (t) year irom the date of this r~solutlan, whichever ocxurs ~irst, Condniur~ Nos. 4 and 5~ above-mentioned, shall be cort~plied with. Fxtenstons for fuKher tlme to compiete saki cundltions may b~ graMFxf in acca~dance with Section 1n.03.OJ0 of the Anaheim Municipal Code• -3- PCgS-1 Q8 :~~i;!,~', ~ , ~~III,~~ ~ 8. That prior ta flnaf building and xoning inspeatlons, Condition Nos. 6 ancJ 7, above-mentfoned, shall ba co~npNed wRh. 10. That ap~~roval of thls applic:atlun constitutos ~pprov~l of the proposed request only io the extenx th~t ft campli~;~s with the Anahelm Murilcipal Zaning Cod~ and any~OthHr applicapie City, St~te a` ~F~o~e re~ulatlans. Approval does n~t in~luda any action or findfn s as to cam IiRnce or epp r~queat re~arding eny otlie~ applicr~ble orclinance, regulation or requlrement. BE IT FURTHEF~ RESQLVED thati the Anaheim City Planning Gommission c~oes hareby f(nd and detemnino that adoptlore of this Resolution is expressly ~redicated upon appilcant's cc~mpliance with each and all of tho candi4lons hereir~bovQ set forth. Should any s~~ch condiNon, or gny p~art theroaf, be declt~~ed invaiid or unenforaeable by the final Judgmant of ar~y ~ou~t afi comp~tont jurisdiction, tham this Resolu4ln~, ~md any a~prnvais horoin contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOR~GOINC RESOLl1TIQN was adaptad at the Planning Commission me~ting of Ssptembnr 6, 1 ~5. ~ ,,. ~ j~,~ ~ .~~---~--""_ ._.__...__....--- ---- CHJ~IIRMF~N P{~0 7~MP0 E ANbMFIM CITY PI..ANNIN CAN9iV11SSI0tJ AT'1'EST: ~ ~ ~ ~ I 'SIAN ~ Pl.ANNING C~NIM S SECRE'T'aRY, ANA IM C S~`ATE OF CALiFU~NIA ) COUNTY OF OFtANGE ) ss. CITY pF ANAHE{Ni ) I, Margarfta Soiorio, Searetary oi the Anaheim City Planning Cammission, do hereby certtfy that tha foregoing reaolt,ttion was pa~sed anrf adoptaci ~t a mesting aF the Anahohn City Nlannin~ Commission held on September 6, 1995, b~ the foliowing uote of the members thereof: AY~~S: COhIiMfSSI'ONERS: BOSTW'ICK, 80YDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, tv1ESSE, PERAZA NOE~S: C4t~IMISSIQNERS: NONE ABSI?NT: COMMIS~lONER3: MAYER IN WI7lVESS WH~REOF, I hav~ hsreunta sei my hand th(s ~~day of l~-~~, _.~ ~ n ~ , ~~+ ~ ~ y~w 19~J5. ' ~ ~ u., PC9.ri-1 Q8 S~CRETA~IY, AN IM CITY FLANNING LOMMISSIQN -d-