Resolution-PC 95-110RE U~.ITIQN NO. P •11 ti RESOLUTI4N QF THE ANAWEIM CiTY PLANNING CAMMISSI4N TWAT PETITION FOR CONDI7fONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3779 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission did receivo a ver~fied Petition for Conditional Use Permit for cerkain real property situatQd (n ti~A City of Anaheim, Gounty of Oranqe, State of Californfa, described as: .,,, LOT 12 O~ 7RACT N~. 325~, iN THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE rJF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP R~CORDEa IN BO01< 99, PA(aE519 AND 20 OF A~ISCELlANEOUv MAPS, IN TH~ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY F1E~QRDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold ~ public hearing ar the Civfc Center in tlie City af Anaheim on August 7, 1995 at 1:30 F~.m., notfce of said pubiia hearing I~aving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with tha provi~lons of the Anaheim Municipal Cade, Chapter 18.Ou, to hear and cansidor ~vidence for and against said praposxl canditfonal use permit and to investigato and make ipu ~ ugt 21 ~ d Septe ber~ 8, j1995nPlann~ng Comm s~sion meeti~gs ~a bl~ic hearing was continued to the g WhIEREAS, safd Commissfon, after due insnectiun, investigation and study made by itself and in its be~half, and after due consideration of all ovidenco and reports nffered at said hQaring, does find and deterrniris the fullawEnc~ facts: 1. That th~ prapased use is propor{y on9 for which a canditional use permit is authnrizQd by Anaheim Municipal Cc~de 5ection 18.4~1.050.303 to permit a self-storaye facllity in two existing office buildings and an outdoor storage araa and waivers of the following: (a) ections 18.Q4.043.102 ,~ ~ ~ aa._____~sa.~~ Mauimum f n~.,icpL, he.ic~F~t• (~fg~ permitted in si~ie yard; $ foet proposed ~long east property line) (q) ~g ti n 1 ,06 Q5~.010.p121 ~,~,Q~C',Q30•Q31 1~~~.Q80and 18.44.~66.0~0 (c) Secti n 1.44. 6. 4 Minimum num~ier of p~rklnr~ spaces. (9~ raquired; _i.~, pr~posed) Reuuired sstback ~diacent t___ o_~ resi enti~! zg,~~,(~l-f twi ~lands~ap $et~,krequired 5 f9et with trees~n 2Q-fpat c~nters proposed alonr~ north proparty Iin~ [RM-12Q0 zor~ingJ and 2~ feot with Italian CV~~°nS trees on 6-faot c;ent~r proposeGi along east pro~erty line [RS-7200 zonfngJ) 2. 1'hat waivers (a) and (c) are hereby approvc3cl on tha basis that thare are special c(rcum~tances applicable to the pro~erty cflnsisting ot iocation and surroundings, which do not apply ta other fdenticaliy zuned properties in the viclni~y; 3. 7hat strict applicatfon af the Zoning Cocie cieprives the praperty of privileges enjoyed by ather praperties i~ (dentical zonin~ classffica2lon in the vfclniry; -j - PC95-110 CR2479DM.WP ,~ ~ ~4, 1'hat a parking dem~nd study, ~~ated Soptember 1995, w~as prepared for this s~eafflc {ar~posal ~nd was approved by t.he City Trafflc and Transpartation Mana~or 5, 7hat thn p~arking wa(ver (b), und~r the conditir~ns Imposed, will not cause fewor off- strAet p o~~ ~ a I vehicl~s a.tt ibutableft~o such us~ under th~ normeal ~fnd re sonably fareseeabie accom conditinns of operation of such use; ~and 6. 7hat waiver (b), under tho conditions Irr~posQrl, wiil nat in~reasA tho deinancl and compotition for parking spaaes upon tha puk~lic streots in the immodlat~ vic(nity af the nropo~ed use; ~nd 7, That walver (b), undAr the conditl~ns im~wsad, will not Increaso the dernand ~nd competition for parkln~t spaces upon adjacent privato proparh~ in the Immediate vicinfty af tho nroposecl use (which prop~rty is not exprossly provided as parking for such usa under an a~reement in compliance with Section ~ of thi~ Code); and S. That waiver (b), und4r the conditions imposod, will not increase traffic corigAStion, ~.~ise, air pailution, ~r traffic circulatlon conflicts, within the off-street parking areas or lats provlded for such use; g. 7hat waiver (b), under the conditians imposed, wi41 not increase traffic congestfon, nvise, air pollut(on, or impede vehicular ingress t~ or egres~ from adjacant properNes, upon the pubiic streets in the immediate vfcinfty of tho praposecl use; 10. 'That the proposetl use is prop~r{y one fo~ which a conditinnal use permit ls autharizeti by the Zoning Code; 11. 1'hat the proposed uso wili not adversely affoct thp adjoining land uses and the growth and developm~nnofthat he outd orestorA~erpartion, s conditloned hereine wifl not~ ad prse yi(mpact indoor siorage a d nearby residenti~l uses; 12. That the size and shape o~ the site far the pr~posed use is adequ~te to allow thQ ful! developmont of the proposeti ~ase (n a manner not detrimental to the particular ~araa nor to the peace, health, safoty, and g~n~ral welfare; 13. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will nat irripose an undue burd~n on the streets and highways dssfgned and improveci to c;arry tha tra~lc in the area becauss said use is comp~tibfe with existing cammorcfal uses along Katelia Avenue and will not gRnermte a higher traffic flaw th~n traditional connmercial uses; 14. That the grarrting of the condition~l use perrnit urxier the conditions irtiposed, wlll not ~ detrimental to the peac~, health, satety and generai welf~re ot the citizens af the City of Anaheim; ancl 1~. That no ano fndk~terJ thefr presenct3 ~t safd public h~ring in oppos{tion; and thAt no carrvspondenco was reco~ved ~n ~pposition to the subJect patition. ,2_ PC95-110 ~~ ~ ,~,~„~~RNIq,~.yJ$ONMFN~L,OU~4 ~~I A~T ~~N.~~.NSa~ Tha4 th~ Anahelm City Planning Commisstan has rovlowcad the praposal ta permit a Aelf-stora~v iacll(ty in two oxieting offlce buildings and an outdoor atoru~e area with walvora of maximum fonce helght, minimum numb~r af aarking spaces and required setbaak adjac:snt ta a rasidantlal zon~ on a rQCtanguiarly-shapod parcel of land consisting of approximatoly 1,75 acres locat~tl At the northeast cornar of Katelia Avanuo and F~lumor ~rlva, h~ving appraximvt~ frontagea of ?.7? feet on the north slde of KRtella Avonue ~nd 2aZ feet nn the east side of Flumur D~ivo ~nd further doscribed as 1761 West Katella Avenuo; and does hareby approva the Negat(ue Declar~tlon upor~ findin~ that th~ decl~retion reflec2s the Indopondent Jud~oment of the lo~d a~ancy and that it has consider~d the Negativ~ Declaratlon to~ether with any camments rncelvvd during tha public revfew proo~ss and ~turther finding on the basis of tho Initial study ~nd any cnmmentg recolved that there Is no subst~ntlai evidence th~t the proJect wlll have a si~~ificant offect on the enviranment, NAW, ThIER~FARE, BE IT RE~OLVED that the Anahelm City Plc~nninr~ Commissfon doo~ hereby grant suh~Ject Petitian for Condftlonal Use Permit, upon the f~{lowiny conditions which aro hereby faun~ to be a nocessary prerequisito ta thn proposc~d use of tha subject property in or~er to prese-ve the ~fety and general welfare of the Citiz~ns of th~ Cfcy of Anaheim: 1. That tho outdoor storage area ahall be utilized only for tho outr.ioor stor~ge of vehfcles and shall not bo used for the storage of any other mat~rials in~cludinfl ship~fng containers. 2. (a) That the existing farty five (45) foot hlgh transmission mano•pole I~cated at tho rear of the we~t (mAin) bufldfng shall be permitted to bo usaci as a pole sipn in connectian with previpusly a~provoci Varianc~ No. 2181 (waiver of maximum freestanding sign height to permit a 45-foot high pole s(gn) subje~t to final pola s(gn reviow and appraval by tFie Piannirifl Commisslon as a"Report~ and Hecomrr~endations" item. (b) That the proposed sifln sh~ll not ~e Iighted b~tween the hnurs of 1U:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 3. That a pl~n sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for ~acycling shall be submitteci to the Dopartment of Maintenarice for revfew and ~pprovAi. 4. That an on•she irash truck tum-around area shall b9 provlded ~nd main~ained to the satisf~ction of tho Department of MRintenance. 8afd tum-around area sh~il be specifically shown on plans submitted far building permits. 5. That minimum fifteen (15j gallon sfzed braad-headed trees, planted (n minimum four (4) foot by four (4) fQOt tree welfs on maxinnum twoniy (20) foot cente~s with appropriate ir~igatior. facilities, shall be installerJ and malntafned along the north and Aast praperty iines. 6. (a) That no venicles hlgher than elght (8) feet shalf be ~torecf in the outdoor storage ar~a cfoser th~n twen.ry two (22) feet to the east proparty lina. (b) That thore shAll t~e no wash r~ck or dump statio~~ p9rmitted at subJect facility. 7. That the wood atriurn tencing on the west (malnD bullding olevatlon shall be repairad or removed. 8. Tt~at subject property shall t~e devolapod, except as conditioned horein, substanii~lly in accordancn with plans and 3p~cffications submttted to the Clty of Anaf~eim by the petitloner and which pians ara nn tile with the Planning DepaKment marked Revisfon No. t of Exhibft Np. t~nd Exhlblt No. 2. 9. That the granting of the ~arking waNt~r i~ conting~nt u{~on operation of thQ use in conformance with the assumptions ralating to t-!a oparatlon and Irttensity ot use as contain~d in tho parking dernAnd study that formed i!~' i~asis for ap~roval of said waiver. Exceeding, violating, .;3_ PC95•~ 10 ~~ ~ intonsifying or atherwise devlatin~ frorn any af sald assumptinns, as cont~inod In the ~arking demanc! stucly, shall be deam~ a violatfon of tho e~cpressecl aanditians imqos~d upon sald walvar which sh~ll subJoct that waiver !a t~rmin~tlon or mcxJificatio~ pursu~nt t~ the provislons af Sactions 18.Oa,OJ~t and 1~.Q3,092 ~f tho Anah~nim Municipal Cade. 10, That prior ta comm~ncement of the ~ctivity authorized by this resal~tinn, ar nrior to Issuance of a buildin~ permit, or within a period of ono (1) ye~+r fr~m the date of 2his rasAlution, whichever occurs fir~t, Conditian Nas. 3~nd 4 shmll be complled witli. Extnnglans tor furthnr t(mo t~ complete sald ~ondffilons may be grante+~ (n accardanca with Section 18,03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Codo. 11. That ~rior ta tho cammancement of the ~ot(vfty autho~izeci by this resolutlon or prior to final buildinp and zoning inapoctlons, whloh~svor accurs first, Condition N~s. ~, 7 and 8, above-mantianed, shall be complied with. 12. That approval of this application constitutes approval of •the pro~o~~1 roquest only ta the extent that it comp118s with tho Anaheim Munlc!pal ;Lonin~ Cade and any othar applicabl~ City, State and Fodoral regulations. Approval cioes not l~rlude any action or findin~s as to compli~nce or approval of the roquest regarding ~ny Ath~r ~pplicable ordfr,ance, regul~tian or requlrement. BE IT FURTHEF~ RE~OLVEq th~t tha Anaheim City Pl;~nning Commfssf~n doos hereby find and determine that adop~fon of this Re3olution is ox~ressly prQdir.ated upon applicant's campilence with each and ali of the condition~ hereinr~bove ~et forth. Should any such condttion, or ~ny part theraof, be deGl~red Invalid ~r unonforceable by the flnal judgment of any oourt of competant jurisdfct(c~n, thqn this Resolutian, and any approvals heroin cantainecl, shall be deemed null and vafd. THE Ft~REGOING RESULUTION was adopted at the Planning Camrr~ission me~ting of 5eptemt~er 1 S, 1995. { i '. ~. .~. ~'' • AIRWOMAN ANAHEIM Cf PIANNIRIG COMMISSION ATfEST: ~ S~CR - ARY, A HE~ CITY ?LANNING COMMISSION STAT~ OF CAI.IFORNIA ) CGUNTY OF ORANGE ~ ss. ClTY QF ANAHEIM ) I, Margartt~ Sdorio, Secrotary of the Anaheim Ctty Rl~nni~~ Commfssion, do hereby certify that the faregu(n~ resolution was passa~l a~d adnpted at ~ moeting ~f the Anahe(m City Planning Commission hQld on September 18, 1995, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: rpMMISSIONERS: DpISTC~L, M~NNINGER, MAY~R, MESSE, P~RAZ4 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSION~RS: SOSTWICK, BOYDS7UN IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo t~ereunto set my hand this ~ day of ~. , 1995. ~ ~~~~- SECRETAR , A HEI CfTY PU>NNING COMMIS510N -4- PC95••110