Resolution-PC 95-112,~n4~ ~~ ~~ni_t ~~rioN N4. PG 5~-11 ~ A RESt)LU i ION ~JF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMN11S51~N THAT FEYITION FOR CONDI710NAL USE PERIJIIT N0. 3788 BE D~NIED WH~R~AS, the Anathesmu te pin~tho~Citynof'Anaheim, rCounty of Ora~nae,tiState~oCCal~ifo nial Usa I~ermit f~r c~rtain real prnpe y describod as; A pARG7 ~SAN E3ERNARp NOI BASE ANI7I M~RIDI~ANNiV1QRE PQRT CUI.ARLY s w~s , DESCfiIB~D AS FOI.L~WS: BEGINNIIVG AT A POIN7 biv TI-IE, WCST LINE OF SAin FRACTIONAI. SECTION 4, 7E39.50 F~ET NORTM OF THE NORTHWE57 CORNER OF L07 4 QF SAID S~CTION AND RUNNING THENCF_ NORTH, AL.ONG THE W~ST LINE OF aAID SECTIO[d, tE32 FEE7; THENCE ~~1ST, F'I~RALLEL TO TI-i~ NORT{~i LINE OF SAID LOT 4, 400 FEEl' TO AN ANGL~ POINT D~SCRI3EQ IN '('HE DEED FRUM JOHN WALTER WA~L.S ANQ WIFE YQ ANTHnIVY ~. MC LEAN AN~ WIFE, RECORDE~ SEPTEMBER 11, t J35 IN BOlJK 760, PnGE 380 OF QFFICIAI. FiECORDS; THENCE S O UTH, PARALLEi..'T~ THE W~5T LINk OF SAIn fiECTION ~1, 182 FEE7 1'O A POINT T~~EN~ W STSPAFIALL~I. TONT IE MORTH L NE OF SAID LOT 4~~5 0 DEED, F~~T TO 'fHE POfNT OF BEG1N(JiNG. W;-IEREAS, tP~e City °lanning Commission did h~ld a publfc hearing at the Civic Center in the C(ty of Anaheim on 5ep-ember 6, 1995 at 1:30 p,m., notice of safd pubi(c hearinq having Cen~ de~y $i aa as requlred by law an~l I~ accardance with the pruvisions of tho Anahefm Municipal Cotie, p ~ to hear and consider evidence faj~pns n~connect on the ewth;~ anid saicl ~aubl~icrhaar~ing was corit~~fn~ ed to make fi~idings and recammend Soptember 18, 19~5; anci WHEREAS, sa(d Commission, ~fter due inspection, Investigation and study mad9 by itsaff and fn its bst~aif, ~nd aftor duo consideration of all ev(dence and report~ offered at said hearing, doES find and determine the failowing ~iacts: 1. That the er.lstfng~ rQStaurant and cacktai! lounge on s~~bject proPerty aperate under Conditional Use Permit No. 2685 (permitting ~xp~nsion of a restaurant and cocktail luunge with waiver af minimum rnimber of parking spaces) which was ap~roved by the Planning Commission an May 15, 19a~; and that said business was ooC~~ail Ipun e)iwhich w~s approved by ~the P~nn n'g Co-nrnissinn on Auyust restaurant with an accessory c 9 5, 1974. 2. 'That tho petitioner proposes to c~stablish a public danca hall in conJunction with the r~~~viously-approv~d restaurant with accessory cocktail laun~e; and that the petition~r has subrnitted a revised floor pian which illustrates the praposed layout of the tac(lity and indicatea that subject business wa~jld maintaln 2,077 sq.ft. of dinin~ area (339'0 of the lotal flaor area), 2,523 sq.tt. uf cocktail lounge araa (40~~b) and 1,5~3 sq.ft. of kitchen area (2596), thereby showirig that the cocldafl laungs/entertafnment area is ~pproximately 2t9'~ larger than th~ dining arda. 3. Tti~t the granting of this conditianal use pormit would bo detrimenta{ ta the peace, health, saiety and general weltaro of the cit{zens of the City ~f Anahalm because, bnsgd on the petitioner's desr,riptfon of the prop~sal and testirnony given during the publfc hearing, thEs propos~i is not a restaurant w°:h accessory cocktaVl Ir~unqe ar~d ~ccess~ry antertainment but, inst~ad, is much mnro like ~ bar anc! night club becaus~, upon ente~ing the prea tl~hatathe efor~st he nroposat S n(ot aCb4 af da~ estaurantent facility bef~re getting to tho dining area, -1 ~ PC95-11 ~ CN2d81 DM.wp ,, ,,~,. , ~, ~ l~v 4. 7hat tha sir.a ar-r.i shapo of the site fc~r the proposod use is not adequato to mllc~w the full deval~pmont o~ tho propasoci use in a manner not cietrimental to tha pai~tic~~l~r area nar to the peace, healtti, safety, and gonoral welf~ra becauso tho parking waiver ~ppraved in connection wfth Conc~i4lanaf Use F'ermit No. 2685 was spocifically :3ppravod for a bQna fido restaurant as shawn on tlie previously approvod plaris, ~ts described in the applic~~tic~n submitted by the petltioner in connoction wlkh s~id conditional use perm{t, and as analyzecl by the .4:~arking dems4nd study submitted at that timA to justif,y the parking w~iver, 5. That one p~.+rson indlr,atc~d hi3 pr~senca at sald publ(c hearin~ in favor of tha pro~os~l; and tt~at no one indl~ated tholr prosence tn appc~sition and no correspondenr,e wa~s roceivod In oppasltinn to the proposal, ~,LIPORNIA ~NVIF',~N~i'~NTAL dIJALITY AGT FING~IN~: That the ~lnaheim City Planning ~ommission has r~viewed the proposal to p~rmft a publlc dance half wikliin an o~~ ii g~ r~ tf ontayen of re~tan~ul~rly-shapod parcel of land cansioting af approxim~tely 1.67 ncres, apprnximately 180 feet on the east side Af Tuatin Avenue, having a maximum depth ~f appruximately 340 feRt, being located approximately 350 feet south of the ~ente~one ~he eg m~~ Declaraton upan flndingithat as t 074 North 7ustfn Avenue (Mr. ~J's); and does hereby app ` the declaration reflacts the independsnt Jud~~ment of thc~ lead agency and that it has consf~aered the Negativo Declaration togeth~r with sany cornm9nts recefvod durir.g the public review process ancl furthor findinr~ an the basis of the fnitial study and any comrnonts rc~ceived that there Is no subst~ntial evidQnce that the project wlli havE a significant ~ffect on the snvironmen~t. hlGW, THEREFORE, SE IT RES~OLVEQ that the AnahQim City Planniny Commissfon does horeby deny subjact Petition far Conditlonal Use F'errnit, an tfie basis of tho afar~mentioned findings. THE FdRtGQING RESOLUTIUN was adc~ptod a[ the F'Isnnirig Cornrnission meetinc~ of September 18, 1995. ~~ ~~ ~ ~'`---~ G RWt~MAN, ANAHEIWI CITY NlNG COMMISSION A7TEST: l~~ , _~a,rz s~~~~~.~..-._._._ ----- SECREfAR NAM IM GIT PIANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOFlNIA ) COUNI'Y OF ORANGF ~ ss• CITY CF ANAHEIM ) I, Marg~rita ~~~orio, Secretary of tha Anah~im City Planning Commissicn, do h~reby certify that the forogaing resolution was passed and adoptad at a mee4ing o~ the Anaheim City Planninq Commission held on S~piembpi ~ 6, 1995~ bY the follawin~ vote of the memb8rs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BI~SE ICK, BF11S7f~L, HENNINGER, MAY~R, MESSE, PERAZA, N~7ES; COMMISSIONERS: NON ABSENT': COMMIaSI0NER5: BOYf~S71JN ITNESS WMEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thfs '~~(..J d~y of ,_ ~:~/ ~ 1N W 199a. ~,~~ ' ~~~~~~ ~- ~ ~- ~--- SE~R~1'ARY, ~HEI CiTY PIANNING COMMISSION , ~ ~ ~(;~~{5-I i~