Resolution-PC 95-118/~ ~ ~F~a~ ~TION N0. F~95-'118 A RESOI.UTION OF 7HE ANAhIE~M CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION THAT PETI710N FOR RFCLA~SIFICATlUN NO. 96-96•a1 BE GRAiNTED, UNCONDITIONALLY W~~~~F•'A~, the Anah~im City Plarning Commissfon did recoive a voriEled petition for ~zecl~ssifiGati^n for real proporty s~tuated in the ~:-y of Anaheim, Cnunty of Or~nga, State of Caiifornia, d~acribed a3 i~llows: THOSE PORTIONS OF LUTS 1 AND 2 O~' ESTATF OF PUlARY S7ROBEL, IN THE AS SHObVN CIl'`( Or ANAWEIM, COU~Il'Y OF GRANCaE~ STA7E OF CApI~FG ~~ ~'6 AND 77, ON A MAP THER~OF F~ECqR~ED Ih BOOK 3, MI~CELLANEOUS F~ECORDS OF LOS ANGE:LES C~SJNTY, CALIFORNIA, p~sCF~l~3~L~ AS FO~LQWS: PARC~L 1 07 a a2-a.G2 99 OF OFFI~IA R~G~RDSRDED JUNE z9, 1~~32, AS INS7~~UMEN WMER~AS, the City Piannin~ Commission did hald a public hearin~ at th~ ~ivic Canter (n the City ~~f Anahc~im on Se~tember 18, 19~5 at ~:30 p.m., notice af said public hsaring havln~ bChapter 8i 03 as required by law and in accordance with the provisi~ns of tha Anahaim l~lunicipal Code, ~ ta hear and consider evidence tor and egtiont the~ewith;~a d reclassfficatinn and to investigate and make ffndings and recommondation~ in can 1~1WEREAS, said Commissi of aai t evtldence and i eports offeae~d a tsd d h a~r g~doesifind and in its behalf, and ~ftor due consideratio cietermine the follawing facts: 1, That 4he Anaheim Genorai Plt~n desic~natoa tiie subJact property for Medium Density Residentiai iand usos and, thorefore, the proposed reclassi~ffcatiori to the RM•1200 Zone i~ in conformance with the existing Genoral Plan designation; ~. 7hat the existing use of the pruperty is twa singie family homes, a permitted primary use in tha RM-1?_00 ~ana. 3, That thR petitior~er praposes roclassiffcation of subject praperty from tho CG "Genera! Cammorcial" tQ tho RM-1200 "Residential, Multiple Family° Zone. a, Yh~t tha pro~osed raclzssffication of subject ~roperry is nece~sary and/or desirabie for the orderiy and proper development of th~ communfty. 5, That the prQpo `~II ~~ inifclose praximfty tot ub]ect property ~~p~to the'zones and zones and their permitted uses locally es ab their permitted uses generaily established throughout the community. g, That indir,ated their presence at s~~id ~~uUlic heariny in ap~osition; and that no corrospondence was roceived (n opposftlon to s~tbJ~ct petEt~~r~. -1 » PC95-i 1 S ~ CR2485DR,4 Commerci~l" tn tl~e Ft~A-12ao r~es~a~~~~::~~, ~~~~~•~ '-• ' rpximatel 50 feet nortn or mr~ ~~pVe the Ne~atfvo 86 feet on the wo~t side of Lemori Street being located ~pP y ement of the lead agonay and th~t Ana Straat, and further clescribed as 423 ~10 4eflec~s the ndoponcle tt judg~~~es her~by app DeclAration upon findinc~ that the deciara ft htts considered the Negatfve De~lar~tion togothe~r W~stud yar d anyncomments eaeivAti that hler~ I~ a prar,ess arid furthor finding on the basis of tho In tia Y substantial evidence that the proJect will have a S~I~nifioant affect on ~4~~ environment. , ~~mmisslon NOW, 7HEREFORE, 8F IT R~SOLVEQ that the Anaheim City Piannir g os hereby approvv the subjoct Petftion far Recl~~sificr~tioib~ ~ op~~rty fro~ he CG ~Ge er~{ Comme c al~" do of the a d toi n o por~tel sa d clescribecl pr pertY ~ntd he RM-1200 Zane, ur,canditfonally: Zone roval of this app~icatiun r,pnstitutes appraval Af the propased request a~ly to the Bo It also resofvad that app y licable City, State and oxtent that it ~ompiles wiih tho Anarieim Municlpal Zoning Codo anci an other app roval of tho Feder~l regulac~ons. Approval c4oes ~ot r~~nan .onrogulaelon nr requi ~m~nt,compliance ur app roquest re~ardin~ any other app~icable ~ BE IT FURTWER RE50LVED thatthe Anaheim City Flannfn~ j G can is ~on p~ance with find and doterrnine that. adontion of this Res~!ution is expressiy predicated upo~ ~PP art tihereof, be each a~d ali uf tha conditions herein~bove set forth. Shauld any such conditions, ar any p than this docidred invalid or unenforceahle by the flnat ~ugh m ti~ tl~~ od null~and v d etent Jurisdiction, Resolution, ~an d any a p{ ~ r a v a l s h o r e i n c o n t a l n e d, B E I T F U R T H G R R E S O L U E D, t h a t thi an ~such rezonin~ s ha l l eE q u i r e a n o r d i n a n c~ e or a comm~t~~uncil~wh ch siha I ba a legislatfve act which ay be approved o~ deniod by the City Council at of the Gifiy Its sale dl~cretfon. 7HE FONEGOING R~S4LU~'ION was adonted at the Pl~nninc~ Commission meeting of Septen~~ber 18, 1995. " ~~" CM WOMAN, ANAHEIM CIY~f NNING COMMISSION ~,Tf EST: ~~C~~---~ G C4MMISSIaN S~~ ~(~Y, NAHE M CI7Y PLANNI STATE ~F CALIFORNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Margarlta Solorio, Secretary af the Anahei ACaY mleeting o~ ha (Anahe m~ City ~Plann~in~ that the foregoing resafution was passed and adopYad Commission heid an September 18, 1995, by 4i~o following vota of the mambers thorvof: ~y~~; ~OMMI~SIONERS: R~ISTWICK, BRISTOL, HENNINGER. MAY~R, MC~a~E~ PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NnNE ABSEN'f: COM~IIIIS~IONGRS: BOYDS~~11`1 .~.-.--' IN WI7NES5 WHEREQF, I have hereunto set my S~and thi~ _ f day of _ ~ i~35. ~ _ a~.__..__._._- SECR R` At3AH ~M C~N P~~~N~~`=~` yOMMI~SION ~'C95- ~ 1 t~ -2-