Resolution-PC 95-12... ~ .~QLUj~oN_ No. 4~ 5.1?_ 1 ?r ~ A RESOLUTlON OF TH~ ANAHEIM CIl"~ PI.ANNING CGIMMISSION T~RMiNATiNG ALL PROC~EnIN~5 Ihl ~ONN~CTlON WITM VARIANCE Nd. 1053 AND ~CONOiTIONAL USE F'ERMI'T NC15. 2240 ANC131f~1 WH~Fi~AS, on Novembe-17,1 A58 the AnahAlm Cfiy }~lanning Comirdsslan ~rantod Varlanco No. 105~ under Resoluti~.~n Na 99 permitting the a~le af Chriatmas trees for th~t se~sor~ only on property loc~tod at tho n~orthwest comer of Llncoln Avenue and Qeach 6oulevard and Further describerJ a~ 1?.1 IVo~th Boach Bou~sv~rd; ~nd WFIEREAS, on PNay 16, ~983 the Anarieim Cfty I°lanning Gommlasion ~7rantsd Condftianal Use P~rmli ~V~o. 2440 under Rosolutlon Nu. PC83-96 permltt(ng a c~?r wash iri an existing servlc:o stat(on on property I~cated at tho narthwost ~omor of l.incc~ln Avenue and Be~c:h Bouinvard and further described ~s 121 North Beach 8ouiovard (known then ~s 1Q1 North Boach ~aulpvard); and WMlER~1S, on M~y 22, 1989 th~ Anahefm City Pl~tnninp CammOssion grartited Candit(onai Use Permit No. 3161 under Resolut(on No. PC8,9-'146 ~errnitting a 6-i~nit, 10,000 aqu~r~ fo~t addftlon to an existing retail center with waiver of mini-num number of pa~!<ing apaces on propeny located at the nnrthw~st cornar af LincWn Av4nuo and Beach Buulevard arui further des!:rlbet~ as 121 Norlh Bef1Ch ~oulevard; anci WHEREAS, Cl~ristine Felix, represent(ng proporry owne~, has submitied n letter requestfn~ termir~atipn of Va~lance ~Jo. 105~, and Corxlition~l Use Permft Nns. 22aA :~nd 3161 tq com~ly wfih the cond(tions oi approval of Conditlonni Use Permit No. 3~17. NOW, THERE~QRE, BE IT RESOLVE~ that t~ie Anaheim City F'Ianning ~ammisslon tl~es lioroh~y terminate all nrocee3clings in connection with Vtariance No. 1A53, anci Conditl~nal Use Pormit Nos. 2240 and 3161 on the basis of the furogoing findinfls. TkE FOREGOING ACSOLUI'ION was~ opted at tho Planning Commission meeting of Fpbruary 6, 19J5. ~' ~ % ~ tii' /'~ ~ ~--- ~ ~~-: C!L~_.:., % ~:.~.~.y r ~ ~~.. <.,~~ C AIRWdMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNINC CAMMISSION AITEST: __JJ1~.~ ~ ` ~ . SECRETARY NAHElM ClTY PLANNING COMPVrlSSIpPV STATE OF CA~lFORNIA ) GOUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CIZY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marparita 3oiorio, Secretary c,f thQ Anaheim Ciry Pianning Commiss(on, do hereby cortify that the forogo(ng resalution was passed and ~dopted a.t a meet(ng of the Anaheim City Plann(ng Corrimiss(on hWd on February 6, 1995, by the fallowing ~~ote of the mernbers thereof: AYES: C~~iMiSSIONERS: 80YDSTUN, CALDWEIl, HElVNINrER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA ~iOCS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSE{VT: COMMI$SIONERS: NON~ VACANCY: ONE SEAT !N WI7NE~S WNEREO~, I have heraunto set my t~nd thia ~~~day o~ ,1995. . ~~~~~ c SECNEY'AR ANAHEiM CITY PLAN~ING COMMIS510N CR2298MS.WP -~- p~~