Resolution-PC 95-125~ ~QI~ 1'ION ~O P~ -~ 1 ~.J A RF.30LlJTIAN OF 'I'H~ ANANEIM GITY P4ANNINU COMMISSIAN AMEND{NG CER7AtN CONQITIOPJS UF APWROVAL OF RESOLUTION~NrO.I'('IONAL US~ PL-"RMiT p 2~Ep ~~ON WIThI C 1NFIERFJ~IS, on qugust 11, tfl~7 the City Qf 2~ ~~chlidren)4 fo owing rdonial by he Plan ~ng (ta pprmit a child day cara faciliry far a maximum C~mmission; WI-~~REAS, Condit(nn No. 3 df Resc~lutian 87R 524, specifies pheo 1Awing cti~n wtth subJact conditianal use ~ermit anr.l amended by Fi~solution No 3. That the maximum clay-care enroliment shali not ~xceod twenty four (24) children. WHEREAS, the Clty Plennin~ Com nfs.s o`~ e~ Q~ ~ici pub~Cf haaang having been duly given the Cfty of Anahoim on Augugt 7, i~95, at 1::i0 p as raquired by law and in accordnnce wfth the provisia o°~d amnendrnent and t~o~ nves ~9 ~e and maka to hear and con~ider evidence far ~nd agalnst s~~d G Po findings and recommend~tions ir~ cannectf~n therewfth; and th~t said publlc he~ring vvas continued to OctAber 2, 1995 Planning Commission moeting; an1 ~, mdde by itself VyHcREAS, sa(d Commission, aftor due inspeGtion, t~vASt(gation and at.ady and in itc ~~~hait, and after due con3idaration of ~II evidence and reports offered at said hoaring, does find arid determine the toilowing facts: WHEREAS, s~.~bJect praperty is currAnt{y ~n~le-sto dwellir.~ /n~d ~ detached a c,~+r ga~a98 ciay care for up to 24 children, a 54G ~y.ft. dotachocl s 9 ~Y ~vith a second ~tory dwe~~~~9 unit; ~and that subject property ia zor,ed RM-1~00 (Residential, Multiple ~ amily). ;NHERkAS, tFe proposed incraase in childft~nt ~he ~~ o~~ a~ devel pme+nt ot~ad acent land is a minor ex~~~sion of the use and will not advorsely n~" g ro osed ~x ~ nslan does n~t uses, nor be dFtrimental to the ~rea in whiGh it is located; and that tho p p 'Pa Snclude an increasQ in floo~ area. 1. 7hat one pei~son indicateci their p~ss~e~ og~ao ~~~ thlat no cror estponcience was~rc3coived indicated th~ir presence at said public h9aring pp in o;oposition to the sub)ect petitlon. i ~p~~~; That tho Anaheim CftY P~anning ~eLIFOFtNtA FNViR NMEM~~4~~5:lIY~~ t~e Deciaratfon prevlousiy Commissfon I~as review~d the proposaf and does hereby find that the Nega a roved in connectfon with Conditionr~l Use Permft N~• ~»n~ffnding hat the dec~arationt al~ectsitO pp environmentai ~ocumentation in connection wnh thia reques inde ndnnt Judgernant of the load agoncy and that K r~ e~s and fu~ er tirQding ~n tDe t~asislof the inihtlat ~ with any comrnants re~:eived during the public revisw p study and any comments received that there fs no substantial ~evkfenca ttu~t the projec,K wfll have a sfgnNicant ei'sct on the ern~ironment. PCg5-125 -1- cazassoM.wQ '~~~ ~ NQW TI-1EREFcJFiE E3C IT R~SOLVEL~ that the Plannfn~ Camrnisalon does horeby amonci Resalutlon Nos. 87R~349 and 87R-524, adopted in aonr•~ectiun with Conditional Use Permit No. 2J10, a~ foilowA: (a) 7hat Cond~tfon Na. 3 sh~ll bd mocJi(led ta road: 3. That the maximurn day-care nnrollm~nt shall not exc~ecl thir~y (30) children. (b) 7hat a new Condftfan Na. 11 Is addod to read; 1~I . That the potitionor shAll obtr~in an olectrical inspection within a perlar~ of thirty (30} days from the date o~ this rasolution and th~t any recammend~tions rc~sulting fr~m said inspection shall be complied wfth within e perfod c~f sixty (60) days ther4aftor. 7HE FOREGOINC RESOLUTION Ociober 2, 1995. wr~s adc~pt~d t~t the Planning ~ommission meeting of ~~~ ~~,,.~w-~.----'~ CHAIRP SC7N, PR '~EMPURE ANAHEIM CITY PLA RIING C4MMISSIC)N AT7EST, .U~ • , '~ A13Y ~AHCI ~ITY F'LANN~I+ G COMMISSION SECFiE! , ~:!" STATE OF CALIFORN1fA ) CAUNTY OF 4C~ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAi-i~IM ) !, Mar~rita Saloria, Secretary ot the An~h~im City Planning Ccmmission, do hereby certffy tliat the foregoinc~ res~lut3on was pa~sed ai~d adApt~d at a meeting oF the Anaheim City Planning Commis~~~r~ neid ~n Octubor 2, 1995, by the foilc~wrinc~ vaie of the mEmbors ihereof; AY~~: COMMIS510NERS: BOSTW~CK, BDYOSTUN, BRIST~~., h~ENNINGER, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIOI~I~Fi~. NONE ABSEN'i': COhSMIS510NERS: NSAYER, P~NAZA 1N WITNCSS WH~FiEO~, I have hereunto set my h~nd this ~~day af ~~; 1995. , ~f~~ SECRET ~iY, AHEI~ PLANNING Ct~MMISSION -~- P~:95-125