Resolution-PC 95-126~~, ,~,~;~OLU710N NO,_ PC95-~ -,~: -,i1 ~1 F?~$C3~.U1'ION OF 7H~ ANAMEIAA CI1'Y I'I.ANNINU ~OMMISSION THAT ~'~YITI~~N FOR COND1710NAL t~3~ P~RMIT N0. 379~4 i3E GiFiANTED WHl:REAS, 4h~ Anaheim Clty Pla~r~~ing Commi~~lon dld reoa~ve a verifted Petftion far Conditionsal l.lsa Perm{t for cr~rrai~~ real ~roperty situ~ted In the Cit~r of Anaheim, Ca,mty af Orange, 3t~attt of Calffornia, describe~:1 as: PARCEL 1, IIV T~~E. C{'TY OF ANAI-IE{M, COUN7Y ~F ORANGE, STATE OF Cl~;..IFORNIA, AS ~~h~AWN ON A MAF FIL~D iN BOOK 27, PAGE 2 01= PARCEI. MAF'S, IN THl3 O~F~:C~ 01= TH~ GOUN'1Y RECORDER OF t7RANGE COUNTY, CALI-"ORNIA. Wh;~REAS, tho City F'lanning Commisslon dfd hold a pubUc haarlnb at the Civ{c Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on Octobor 2, 1995 at 9:30 p.m., natice of said public hoaring having been duly 9iven as requfred by law and in ~caordance with the pravigions of the Anaheim Muniaipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cansider ovldena~ ~ar and lgalnst s~~id prapasvd c~nclltional use pormft and to irvestigate and make flnciings ~nd ro~ommondations in con~~aotian tharow(th; and WHEREAS, ~alc! C~~mmi~siun, after due insp~ction, fnvostigat(ora and study mado by Itseif and in its tehalf, ar~d aiter due c~onsidoratian of all evidance and rAports offerdd at ~Id hearing, doos find and d~termine the follawln~ facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly nne for which a conditional use permft is authc~rized by Anahoim Municipal Caie SACtlon 1~3.q3.a30.010 to permft an automobi{e sales f~cility wfth walver of the falluwing: ~.~_~.~,.~i~4 - ,~'armittes~ ercrc~,,,r1~~,n~r,L i~~gSl ~~ ~~~ (automobilo display,~ r i tg~, ta encroach in4o tha requfred frflnt setback along La Palm~ Stree~t; display area f~r ~ i~ Proposed) 2. That the proposed dlsplay ar~a in the front setbar.k along l.a Palma Avenue will bs us~c! to display only f(v9 automobilos; 3. That there are special clrcumstr.~nct~s applicab~e to the property consisting ot fts $ize, s'~ape and loc7tion whfch cio nat apply to other id~nticaily zoned propertie~ in the vicin{ty because ~ritical Inters~ctian vrldening hag reduced the available front ~etbac6c by a~+proximataly 10 feat and the existin~ bulldir.q already encroaches Into the mfnimum 50-foot fro~t setback; 4. 7hat st~lat ~p{~IfcatiAn ~f the Zoning rod~ deprfv~s ~he property of privilogos ~naoyed by other propertles under identicsl ioning classifi~atfon in the v(cinity; 5, That sub.(~ct us~ wlil be a Conditional Use urxier authority of p~ndln~J Code Section 18.110.1(:0.050.0~26 p~rtafning W Specif}c Pl~n Na. 34-1 (the Narcheast Area SpecffiG Pian) whtch was adopted b~y the Ctry CouncW on September 12, 19J5; end since subject area is desi{~nated f~r commorclal uses by th9 Specitlc Plan, ti~o propasa~ Is compt~tf~lA with the obJvatives of the Speciffc Pl~n and sunounding land u~es; _~. PC:~i~126 CR2~97DM.WP ,~ ~ 6. 7hat the proposed u~a is not currently Iisted ~n the 7oning Code as ~~ uormlttec! uso; 7, That the p~~QpQS~'a c Is Wro~osed to be lacfated he aclJain(ng land uses ~nti the growth ~nd clovet~pment of tho Area In which f p p 8. Tl~at tha size and shape~~n ee not detrimen a~tn t e particu a~r area~ nor~ toitha p~acel development of tho pra~ns~! use in ~ health, aa4~ty, and ~en~rai weifare; g. That iho trafflc generat~p Q~ ~PC~ ryat~ ~~ cl,in ~he apea~ ~~ undue burden upon th~ streets and hi~hways de~~gned and Imp 10. 7hat the grnnting of the ~n~nditi~nn~a1~' WeIPa e af he cit zens a'ftlih~ City o~R ahallmnancf~ detrimental ta the peace, health, sataty 9 11. That no nne indf p ted ~i~~n ~r ~he ubjectspatit~lonlic h~~ring in opposition; and that no carrespondonce w~s rec~ived in pp CAL.IFO IA ENVIR0~IM~NT~~~ALITy~.~T ~!!~5?~.l~lS.~ That th~ Anahoim City Planning Commission has reviowc~d the proposail to permit an autamobila salea facflity wi4h waiver °f roxim te{~ ~ncroachments into required yard +~roas on an irrec~ularly-shapoti paraol Uf land consisting ~PP havirig a p.43 aGra, having a froMage of approximately 110 feet on the south sld~ of La Paima Avonus, rnaximum dapth of approximat~ly 187 feet, F~Afng loc~e-sd appr~xima~ely 420 feet east of the centsrline of l.akeview Avenu~ ~nd further described as 4530 East La Palma Avenue; and daes horeby ap~rove the Nggative Declaration upon finding thaNeh a we D cleratian togothar withpany cotmmen~s eceivRd du~ng ~gency and that it has aonsfderecl the g the public review prucess and further f1ndii„ o~o eCbWill have afsignificant ~ffe on the d viranment~ that there is no substantlal evidenaa ti a p 1 NpW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RE~OLVE~ tnat the Ar-ahefm City Plannin~ Commisslon does heroby grant subjoct Petitian ior Cond~ tha I oS osod us~~ o~hofisubjelct property in~ order,ta p ersenretha found to be a necessary ~rerequfsite P p safoty and ~eneral welfAre of tho Citfzens of the Cfty of Anahoim: t. 7hat final lanciscapp plans ~hawing (a) mfnimum ten (10) fc~ot larulgcaped i e f~ e atlfnee~~et° een ea~t properry line (in front of the parking spacas) and adjacent to tha we1~ e1 a~~s for alm trees p the 5-car d(splay are~ and the prcperty Ilne) and (b) minimum of two (2) p fn front nf the automobile d(splay area shall be submitted to the Zon(ny L~ivision ~f tha Planning Department for reviow and approval by the Plannin~ Commisslon as a"Reports and Recommendations" itAm. ~ 2. That there sha~l be na more thcles shaU,be di played ansidg tehdaibuihding o~1ly) hp~t setback area at ~ny given time. All other veh 3. That there shall be n~ outdoor storage in any requfred parking area. ~. Tt~t only Iight vehlcie proparatton shall be pormitted and that commercial repalr or maintenanco w~,rk shs~ll ,Q,~ b~ pe-mitted. 5. That subJect property shA11 be d~ve~l~p~d ~ub~forneta and whichdplans a ehonlafile ~ t~ciplantn~inq s u p m i tt s c i - o t h e C i ry o f A n a h~ y P Q D~partment markeci ExhibEt Noa. 1 and 2. .2_ PC95-125 `~,. _: ~r '~ 6, That prior ta final bullding and xonfi sti Condit on Nos.1t aind ~pabove-mentloned, shalf be c~mplaod of this resoluti~n, whichover occura , with. ~xtonslona far further time to coC platC s~a~ conclltiona may be granted !n acaord~nco with S~ctian 18.03.A90 of tho Anaheim Mu p~- 7. '1'h~t approval af this appllcatla~nici a! ~on n, ~C~~de ~nd any othor applecable Cityy 5tate ancl FecierA~ it cnmplies wlth tho Anaheim Mu p g rogulatlona. Apprnval dQes not licabtle o dfnanoenregul t an~ oa equirem~nt nce or ~pprovai of the requost rogar~ing any othor app BE IY FUR7h~ER RESOLVCD that ~he An~helm Ciry F'lanning Commiaslon rioes her~by find and detarmine that ada~tlon of this Resalutio~i is expressly pratlic:ated upan ap~l(cant's ~~~ thA eofwbe each antf all of the conditions herelnabave set f~rth, Should any suc:h condition, ar a~y p declared invafid ar unenforceable bY thantained~shalelnb~ doemetJu ull and void9nt Jurisdiction, then this Resolutlon, and ~ny approvalg herain co THE FORECOING RESOLUTION was adapteci at tho Rlanning Commisslon rn$atin~ of October 2, 1 ~15. ~i ~G ti~„~''_ CMAIRMAN, PR4 EMPOR~ ~,~Iq~-IE~M C~T1( • NNING CQMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ' ~~ -~ ~~~ ITY I.ANNlN 0 MISSION SECREl'~{~Y~ NAHE M C STATE OF CALIFQF~NIA ) GOUN7Y 0~ ORANGE ) ss• CITY ~JF ANAHEIM ) i, Margarita Solorio, Sacr~t~ary of the Anaheirn City Plannfng C~mmission, do horeby certify that the foregning resolution was passed and adoptc~ at a meetinq of ihe Anaheim Cfty Planning Cornmission held on October 2, 1995, by the fotlowing vota of the mombers thoreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: O~~ ICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MIESSC NOES: COMMIS5101VEHS• ABSENT: COMMISSIUNFRS: MAYER, PERA7A ~~'~ day af ~~~._~ IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, i h~va ~ereunto set my hand th(s ,~ ._ 1 ~.~3~.'~. . , SECRETA ~Y, NAHE CI'f'( PI.ANNING COMMiSSI~N ~,~- PC95-126