Resolution-PC 95-127 ~.~~-~~ PG~'~ 2 i A RESOLUTION OF TWE ANAWEIM CITY PI.ANNING CAMNiISSION THA7 PETITION FOR ~ONCJITIONAI. U5E PERMI7 N0. 3795 B~ aRAN7ED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ciky Pianning Commission did roceive ~ vorNied P~t(tian far Conditional Use F'ermit for c~rtain real prc~perty situater! in the Ciry ~f Anaheim, County of Orange, atate o~ C~Iifnrnia, des~ribod as; COMMENCING AT THG 50UTMWEST COFlIV~R AF SAI~ Sk~T{ON 8, SAID CORNE(~ BEING THE INl'ERSECI'IpN OF THE CEN7E~iLINE AF BNOOKHURuT STREFT AND 'THE G~NTCRLIN~ OF TFIE FA~I'EFiLY CdNTiNUATION OF CRFSCENT AVENU~, AS SHOWN ON A MAl~ FILED iN SnOK 7~, PAGG 47, RECORD UF SURVEYS, IN TF~E OFFICE OF Tf-I~ CUUNI'Y RECO(~DER L~F SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 4~' 3Q" EA~T, AI.~PdG THE CENTERLINE pF SAfD CRESC~NT AVENUE, 822.q0 FEET TO A POlNT IN 'thl~ CEN7ERLlNE OF VALLEY S7REET, SAID POIN7 BEISVG THE THUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0 DFG. 16' 5~" WEST ALONG THE SAIp C~NTERLINE OF VAL.LEY STREET, 267.45 FEET TO 7H~ POiNT Or IN'fERSECtiION WI7H THE SOUYH~RL.Y RIGI-IT OF WAY LINE OF THE ORAN~E COUN7Y FLOOD C~NTROL CHANNEL; 7HENCE NOATN 71 DEG. 20' Q5" ~.,AST ALONU TH~ 9AID SOUTHENLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 33.72 FE~T'; THENCE 50UTH 0 DEG. 16' a0" EAST, 208,64 FEET OF THE BEGINNIN~ OF A 7ANGNET CURVE CONCAVE NOFiTHEAS'fERL.Y AND HAVING + R~,DIUS 4F 25 F~ET; TFiENCE SOUTMEFiLY AN~ SOU7H~.45TERLY A~ANG SAID CURVE THROUGN A CCNTRAL ANCLE OF SJ ~EG. 26' 40" AN ARC DISTANCE UF 39.U3 FE~"i'; 1'HENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. A3' 30" E:AST PARAI.LEL WI7H THE CCNTEFlUNE OF SAID CWESC~N'f AVENUE, 462,~8 FEET, MOR~ OR LESS, TO THC E,4S7ERL.Y tJNE OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT 12589, FINAL DECF~E~ OF DIST'RIF3UTlON ~ECORDED AUGUS'f 31, 1971 IN BOOK 9761, PAGE ~21,4FFICIAL RECORDS qF SA1D ORANG~ COUNTY; 7HENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINF ~.5 FEET T~ A POINY' OF INTERSECTION WITH 7HE CENTERLIIVE OF SAID LINE ~F SNIA CFi~SCENY AVENUE, 518.90 FEEf, MOR~ OR L,ESS, T0 TNE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNG. WHER~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at She ~ivic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 2, 1995 at 1:3p p.m., notice af sald ~ublic hearing havi;~g been duly given as requirecl by ~aw and in accordance with the provisions af the Anahelm Munic({~af Cad~, Chapter t 8.03, to heAr a~nd consider evider~ce for and against said propose~ conditional use permit and to investigate and m.~ake findings and recommendatlo~s in co~mectfon therewith; ai ~;; WH~E~EAS, said Commission, af4er due inspection, Investi~atian 2~rx1 ~t~dy made by itself and in its behaEf, and after due corskieration of all evldonae and report~ oifered at sa!d hearing, does find and d~terrnine the foiinwing facts: 1. That tho praposed use is pro~erly one for which a condltiona! use p~rmit is autt-orized by Anah~lm Municipa{ ~crde Se~ctions 18.61.05~3.140 antl 18•61 A5~.340 to permft an apprqxienatoly 3,825 sq.ft, cultural center in con(unctiar+ with a rel!gious organiznt(on. GR24g8QM.11VP -1- PC95-127 ~ , 2, That the prt~posed use Is ~roperly ona for which a oondn~onel u~e permit is autharized by trie Zoning Code~ 3, That tl~e praposed ~g~~ ~~~~r ment ofthe areumn whichWtllis praposad to uo loc~ted adJoiniri~ land usos and the grovuth ~nd develop because the proposed facllity is lacated at the e W`II be compilab eCW h I no mal bus ness~ h urs a d~ nour~ (l im it o d to t h o a ft e r n o o n a n d w e o k c~ n d s) tharefare, the propasad uso will be corr~patlble witl~ the surrounding In dus tr la l I~n d u s e s; q~, That th~ size and shape of the s{te de~rimontal~to t~ particular area no~ ~ol4he peace, developm~nt of th~ propossd uso in a mannor nQt healtPi, safety, and goneral welfare; ~, That th~ tr~ffic generated by the prapo ~„ ~t ~ffiGilj~noha apeae an undue burdAn upon the streets and hig1~ways doslgnec1 and impraved to ca ry g, That the gr~nting of the r,onditional IuWe`P~e~ ~f ho citi ens af~the City o~Q ahellmnand~ detrimental to the poace, hoalth, safety ar~i geno a ~. That one person indicatQd theth~rsub ect petitian. pu~~~~ hearfng in iavor; and that no correspondence was roceived in apposition to 1 ~~.I~QRNiA ENVIRONMENTAL ~1~~~~ ~~~~ uare` oot cultura{~centar~,a ilCiatedl with a Comrnission h~s raviowod the pro~~sa~ to pormit , q ro~,imatel 3.4 reliyious arganizatian on two (2) irregul~rly-shaped parcQls of land (Parcei 1 aonsists of app Y acres lacated at the northeust camer of Crescent Avern~c~ anci UallAy Street, having approximato trontages uf 490 feet on the north sid~ ~~ Crescent Avonue an P2~4C ~ 2t~~nShsts oftappraximately 9t2 ac es locat d describvd a~ 21~1 - 212~ ~ast Grescent P-venue. north af the Orange C~unty Floo~~1 Cantrol Chan f a~roug Rtely 890 feet~, be ~9 oGetedapp~aX~-na e Y 360 slcfe aF Va l l~y S tre e t, h a v i n g a m~ x i m u m d e p t h o p p fQet narth of tt~e ~enterlin~ of Crescent AvQnue, ar~dla~~rth~en uean f ndi g hat ho decla~ration t oflects th and '1~; and does hereby approve the Negativ~ Dec p inclapendent judgemont of tho IeacJ agency and th~W N ocoss and further fi d~ington tlDieCbasis of tho initial wftf~ any comments rece~ved during the publlc rev p study and any cammenta receivcxi that ther~ is no substantiai evkienc~ thati tha proJect wf1E have a siflnificant effact Un the environment. NOW, TH~R~FORE, BE IT RESOLVEG~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subj~ct Patitfon 4or Conditional Use S~ use of~he subJecWproperry in o der tQ ~ e erve the faund to bo a nece s s a ry p r~ r Q q u i s i t e t o t h e p r a p ~ safety and gAneral wel~ara nf the Citizens of tho City af Anaheim: •I . That the owner of subJect ~;roperty shall sut~mitda 1e~r~rfa il ty) o tho Zonin~ D isfonaitiunal Llse Permit No. 3713 (permlttfr~9 a~,~ti2 aq.ft. child y 2. That the hours of onaration (except tur affice staf~ shall be Ilmit~d to: Mondray throuc~h Thursday: Friday: Saturday anc! Sunday: 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p•m• 12:Q0 noon to 10:30 p.m. 12:00 noon tn 6:00 p•m• 3, 7hat subJect pr~perta- shali be deveinped subsi~~Q~a~~~y a whlchdpi~r+s a ehon file wi h hocP an~npng submittad to tha City of Anaheim by the pe Depart-nent marked Exhiblt Nos. 1 and 2 pC95-127 -2- ~ . ~° . ,~ ~ ;,, ,. q.. That the congregation shal! be Iimfted to ~ maximum of forty (40) members on-site at ar~y ~inglo time. 5. That prlor to final bullding and zoning inspectfons or wlthln a perlod uf ono (1) year fram the date of this resolutlon, whichevor oacurs first,mon~di~t~~aid ccmditians ~may be g anted ~In ac~ortla ce~with with. Extensions for furthor time ta co p 5ection 13.03•090 of tho Hnahafm Municipal Code. 6. Th~t approval of this appllcakfon constitutos approval of thg propased requsst only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning CodA and any otP~er applir,abla City, 5tate and FedarRl reguf~tions. Approval does not inalude any actforf or findings ms to c~mpilance or approval of the request rogarding any other applicable ordinance, regulatfon ar requirement. E~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does heroby find and cietermino that adoption of thi~ Resolutian Is expressly predicated upon applicant's aompliance with oach and all of the conditions hereinabovfinait'ud mpnt af lanyncourt of com~petont j a is ct onh thenf this declared invalid or ~.;nenforcoable by tl~e 1 g Resnlutic~n, and any approvals herein contained, shali be deemod riull and void. THE FCJR~G~ING RESALUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of Octobar 2, 1995. ~~~ """ .,..~~~''~=-'e•..,y....~"-a CHAIRMAN, PHO MI~ARE ~1PJAti~lM C1TY P1.~4 NING C4MMISSION ATI'EST: . , ~ gECHET RY, NAf-I M CIl Y Li1NNING COMMISSIC~N SYATE OF CALIFORNI~ ) COUNTY OF c~RANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita ~oforio, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfty Planninfl Commissian, do hRreby certify that the f~regoinc~ res~lutfon was pass~ ~he follov nge o et of the members th~ Qof heim City Planning Commiss(on held an October 2, i 995, bY AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, [iOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNIVGER, MESSE ~IpES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE qgSENT: C~MMISSlONERS: MAYkR, PERAZA ~7~day of • IN WITNE55 WMEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1995. ' ^~~~~ ~' Q,/1 ~~~1~.--- AHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SECRET~ Y, _~~ F'C95-1 ?.7