Resolution-PC 95-128~~ ,~,.,ESQ.J~TION NO PC9~-1 ~8 ~ A RESOLUTlCiV OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~MMISSIQf~ TWAT PCi'ITION FOR CQNDI710NAL ~JSC PERMIT NC9. 3793 t3E GRANTED WH mREA,r ~ce tain reaeproporty s'i~tuatod i~ ~ti e City of Anahoimt CA tyrlof nreng •o,~5ta~e Conditfon~l Use Pe of Caltfornia, described ~as: TWAT POF~TII~N OF LO"f 6 OF TWE KELLQGG WOME3TEAD TRACT, AS SHOWN ON A Nif~P RECORDED fN BOOK 8, PAGE 51 OF MISCELI.AN~OUS MAPS, RECQRD~~ OF ORAPJGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. BCGINNII~G AT A POINI' lN TH~ CENT'ER L1NE OF TFiE 60 ~OOT ROAD ALONG ThIE N~R'THERI.Y BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 6, OISl'ANT 7HGREF~iOM W~BTEFiLY 1~ FEE"f FROM !75 INTERSEC7IQN WIThI TI-I~ WEST~RLY UNE OF 7hIC 40 FOOT ROA~ ALONG 1'HE EASTERLY BOUNDAFIY OF SAlD LOT 6, AND RUNNING TWENCE SOIJTHCFtI.Y, PARALLEL WIThI TH~ EAaTERLY LIfVE OF SAID I.OT 6, ~95 FEE?~ THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL W!1'H TS~E NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LGT 6, '123.10 FEE7 'f0 A POINT IN SAIf~ PARALLEL~ LINE, piSl'AM' THEREON IEr~w'I'EpLY 125 FEET FRG~M ~'I-IE WF_STERLY LINE OF ~AID L.OT 6, THENCE NOR'iHE.RLY PARAL.LEL WITM 7HE WEwT~RLY LINE OF SAIa LOT 6, 395 FEET TO SAID CENT~R LINE OF 5AID 60 FOOT RC3AD; THE'NCE V~/CS7FRLY ALO~lG SAID C~NTER LINE 124.~5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINiVINC. ~I~IHEFtEAS, the City Planning Commission ~id hold a publi~c hearing at the Civic Conter in the City of Anaheim on Octr~bar Z, 1995 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ r~f ~sid publfo hearing having b Ch Pter given as requ(rod by law an~ in accardance with tho provislons of tFie Anaheim Municipal Coda, 18.03, to hear an ko find n~s and~rACOmmendattogsi intcunnectiontheewith~fandal use permit ~nd to investi~ate and ma g WHEfiEAS, said ~~mmissian, att~r due inspectfon, invastic~atfan and study made by itself and in fts behalf, and after du~ cansideratian oF all evidence and ra~orts offered at sa(d hearing, doos find and dvtermine the follow{ng facts: 1. That the propostxi use Is praperly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized b.y Anaheim Munfcipal Code Section to establish a church within an existing 5,7F3 sq.ft. wedding chapel. 2, That the praposed use is properly one for which a conditionai use nermit is authorized by fh~ Zonin~ Code; 3. That the propasad use will n~t adversely affect the adjaining I~nd uses and the grow4h and devolopmont of the area in whlch it is pro~osed to be locatotl because subject prop~arty has been d~veloped with a wadding chap~l (AStabl~shed under Conditinnal Use Permit Na. ~184) since 1966 and the propc~sed church is compatible wlth uses in the ~x~sting neighborhoad; 4. That the s(ze and shape of the site for the proposed uss is adequate to aN~w thR full development af the proposed use in ~ manner not cietrfmontal to tho particuler area nor t~a the poace, health, safety, and generai weifare; -1- P~95-128 CR2~9~OM.WP ~r~~l `i~ ,, That the traifilc gonerated by the propose~d use wili not i aneae ~n undGie bUrtlen ~i{aon the streets a~~d hic~hways dosi~ned and improved to c~rry tho traffic in the ; g, That the granting of the conditlonal usa permlt,undn~ tha conditions imposed, wlll n~t be ' dotrim~ntal to the {~anco, health, safaty and goneral wolfare af the citize~s of the Ciry of Anaheim; and 7, That no ~ne (ndicated i~ip~n o~ehA subjectapet tioni~C hearing in opposition; a~nd that na correspondence was recoived in oppos ~ALI~Q NIA ENVIR d~I~.L4!4.~A ~ T F NDINS~: rhat the Anaheim City Plannfng Con~mission has rovlswod tha proposal to esta~~li c~nsf ting of ~ppraxfmat ly 0 98 ac e F avin~l a frotage cliapel on a r4ctangularly-shaped parcel of fa af appraximately 125 feet an thQ south sidwQSt c f~th~ cent alinegof [Jutwood St eeth anc! furtho degcribed fe~t, being {ocated approxlmately 2A0 feet as 1916 V1l~3st Ba~l Fio~d; and doss hereby approve the Neg~t~~e Declaration upo!i finding that tho ~: ~aclaration reflects the indopendent judgem e~~~tdurfead h~g p pl~c ~~~~~~ ~~A~~ss and furt er findig9 `on ~eciaration togethor w(th any c~mm~nts rec ~ the basis of the initial study and any com enviranmont~ that ther~ is no substantlai evidence that the project will have a slgnificant effect on the NpW, THEREFORE, BE ~T F~ESQLV~D vhat the Anaheim ~fty Planning Commission does hereby grant subjoct Petitian for Conditional Us 0$~ useuof~ hehsubJe'ot property n( ~ der~tio p es rvoetho found to be a necessary prerequisite to the prop safety and generai ~,velfare of the Citizeris nf the City of Anaheim: 1. That all activ(ties at 4his !ocatic~n shall csas~ by 10:OU p.m. 2. That subJect church shall ry~,1' ~nclude commercial day care or F-arochial scl~r~ol actfvitfes. 3. That any propos~cf frees~andin~ s~9n ~ ubue~0 tot ho eevlewaa d pp ovainof the~ Cityt'fraffi~a dand efght (S) feet in height and shall be . j TranspottaTion Mlanager to dotermfne aciequatta lines-of•sf~ht. 4, That subj~ct prnp~rty shall be develo~.- he S stitionea'nnd whi h plan<j are onafile wi h tiie P~a tnpn9 submittecE to the Ctty ~f Anah~im by t p pgpartment marked Ext~ibit No. 1. 5. That the ~pplicant shall post a"right•~turn oniy` :;ign on tt~e driveway exitin!~ to 43a11 Rv~d. ~. That prfor to finai building and zoning ~ C~~ition N~ 4~ind 5~abovo•m~ntionlad, sha Irbe ompiied of this resolution, whichever occurs first, with, Extenslons for (urther cime to camplet~~ed corxlitions may bo gr.~nted in accordance with S~cttan 18.03•0~(1 of th~ Anaheim Municipa 7. That Approval of this appiication constitutes app~oval of the prQposed r~~q~u~el~t`ii ~Y Sta Q g~ F~QYaI it compilos wfth tho A~~hoim Munic(pal Zoninq Code and any other app Y ~ regulations. A~proval doas not includo any actian or findings as t~ con~pltance or appravai of the requu5t rggarding any othor appficable ordinance, regula3ion or requiremont. BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cfty Planning ~c8mmi^s~sno s campl ance with and dotermine that adopii ons heh~i apbove sat forthp S ouid any such condilion, or any part thereaf, be eac~ and ali oi thA cond declared invalid ar unonforceable by the final~ $h ~~~~ deamedu ul ar~d voide~t jur~sdiction, then th s Resolutlon, anc1 any approvals her~in cn~a ~ PC95•128 -2- THC FOREGOfNG Fi~50LUT14N was adoptad at the Plannin~ Commission meeting af 4ctAber 2, '1995. ~ . ,,.~-" ---""'~""~7 CHAIRMAN, PRO T PORE ANAhIEIM CIlY P NING CC7IVIMISSION ATTEST: ..~~~~ L.G ~~~1~ Sdd~;P SECRETARY. AHEI ITY PII~NNING COMMIS510N S7ATE OF CALIFOFiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIN O~ ANAH~It~A ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary af the Anah~im City Planning Commission, do hersby certihj that the foreg~ing res~lution was passed ancl adopted at a meeting af the Anahefm t'ity Plannin~~ Commission held ~n Gctober 2, 1995, by the foliowing vote af the mernbers thereaf: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICI<, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, H~P! ~iINGER, MESSE, NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NQNE ABSENI. GOMMISSI~JNE~S: MAYER, PERAZA IiV WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~day af ~~ ~ 1 ~J5. ?. . ~ ~ E RE7ARY, AHEI ~ CI7Y P NNING COMMISSION SC -3- PC95-128